MAHD House Bar Talk

Election Integrity on the Line: Inside Lorain County's Ballot Bag Mystery, Urgent Whistleblowing, and the Fight for Democracy

March 18, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 12
Election Integrity on the Line: Inside Lorain County's Ballot Bag Mystery, Urgent Whistleblowing, and the Fight for Democracy
MAHD House Bar Talk
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MAHD House Bar Talk
Election Integrity on the Line: Inside Lorain County's Ballot Bag Mystery, Urgent Whistleblowing, and the Fight for Democracy
Mar 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 12
James Tucker & Santiago Lopez

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What happens when the sanctity of our democratic process gets questioned right before our eyes? I found myself in the thick of such a scenario, with the eerie sight of ballots being smuggled into black garbage bags, and the whole episode reeking of malfeasance. Join me as I convey the gripping story of potential election mishandling in Lorraine County, where the line between a casual beer and meatloaf and the integrity of our votes was disturbingly blurred.

This isn't just a recount of unsettling events; it's a clarion call for upholding electoral transparency. Our conversation pivots around the hefty weight of suspicion when ballots with an unclear fate enter the scene, and the immediate action that's sparked—a fusion of contacting election watchdogs and the FBI to peel back the layers of this mystery. We delve into my real-time reactions, the importance of every vote being counted correctly, and why witnessing such irregularities shouldn't just trouble us, but propel us into guardians of democracy.

Wrapping up, I articulate an urgent plea to amplify the truth through a crucial video evidence that must reach as many eyes as possible—for the sake of justice and my own safety. I reveal my plans to retreat into anonymity, but not before ensuring that the community is armed with the knowledge to demand accountability. It's a powerful episode that will leave you questioning, reflecting, and hopefully, acting on the frontline of protecting our collective democratic rights.

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What happens when the sanctity of our democratic process gets questioned right before our eyes? I found myself in the thick of such a scenario, with the eerie sight of ballots being smuggled into black garbage bags, and the whole episode reeking of malfeasance. Join me as I convey the gripping story of potential election mishandling in Lorraine County, where the line between a casual beer and meatloaf and the integrity of our votes was disturbingly blurred.

This isn't just a recount of unsettling events; it's a clarion call for upholding electoral transparency. Our conversation pivots around the hefty weight of suspicion when ballots with an unclear fate enter the scene, and the immediate action that's sparked—a fusion of contacting election watchdogs and the FBI to peel back the layers of this mystery. We delve into my real-time reactions, the importance of every vote being counted correctly, and why witnessing such irregularities shouldn't just trouble us, but propel us into guardians of democracy.

Wrapping up, I articulate an urgent plea to amplify the truth through a crucial video evidence that must reach as many eyes as possible—for the sake of justice and my own safety. I reveal my plans to retreat into anonymity, but not before ensuring that the community is armed with the knowledge to demand accountability. It's a powerful episode that will leave you questioning, reflecting, and hopefully, acting on the frontline of protecting our collective democratic rights.

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Speaker 1:

Yeah, fucking FBI agents walking in the door tomorrow and she is. I know this is gonna be fun. Yeah, you're gonna get a central. I hope so. All right, that's the go.

Speaker 2:

All right, go right, right right right so the reason we're on here today, we're doing a special podcast this is for my own safety is the reason I'm doing it. I'm a little nervous, I don't, I don't want, you know, I don't know who's, you know, I don't know what just happened, but I'm a little nervous and I, just for my own safety, I want to document it. So it's all documented, you know. I mean, that's the way I'm feeling about it, you know. So we were in.

Speaker 1:

I have nothing to do with this. You had nothing to do with it. I didn't have nothing to do with it either, but I've seen it and just be you know get caught by them, straight bullets, man, I don't want nothing to do with that shit.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying you have a mysterious heart attack.

Speaker 1:

The world you see, even.

Speaker 2:

Steven says it, I'm gonna go missing. Steven even said I see it. Yeah, that's, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm. I'm like I don't want to go missing. So we're gonna document all this and make sure everybody's aware of what's going on here.

Speaker 2:

This is, this is nuts we had, uh, today, I was downstairs. I walked downstairs and two gentlemen come in the door and they've got four big bags of ballots, like literal ballots. It says right on the side of it that it's ballots and I'm like that's fucking weird. I mean we're right across the street from the Lorraine County Board of Elections. You know what I mean. I've been here seven years. They never seen nobody bring no ballot bags. You know what I mean. And it never happened.

Speaker 2:

So I seen it. I got nervous real quick. I'm like what the hell is that? And one guy's sitting there text, I think it was. He goes. Who was that? Or maybe it was Dan, I don't remember and I go. I go, evidently some Democrats. But no, I mean I freaking. I'm telling you when I seen it, I went, I went that this was not look right. I had I did. It just does not look right. To make it worse, the guy goes and gets a beer, he gets a Columbus IPA, orders a meat loaf and goes back and starts stuffing these big bags in the black garbage bags. And the other guy left. He's just left, he's gone. So this guy's there by himself with these bags, he's stuffing them in garbage bags and he eats his food, drinks his beer, and then another guy uh is text him or whatever. He runs outside, jumps in the back seat of the guy's car and they drive off with what looks like four bags of ballots. I mean that's crazy now.

Speaker 1:

Is it possible to have a reasonable explanation for that?

Speaker 2:

no, as far as I'm under the impression that that a ballot should never be with one individual period. They just shouldn't be. They should be always manned. Usually they should be manned by one Democrat representative and one Republican representative, typically. Yeah, I don't know how that should work. I mean they should never be by themselves. They certainly shouldn't be sitting at a booth in the bar. I agree with that. I mean, what the fuck dude?

Speaker 1:

that's crazy and I thought the way, because I watched the video. I thought the way they walked away was kind of weird too. Yeah, because it's not a direct line to here.

Speaker 2:

They went around and then came back up as if they came out at the back of Gargis Hall. For people that don't know, gargis Hall is an old hall that used to be there, that we used to have parties at and stuff when we were young and that that is off to the I guess it would be the what west end of the election board and that's where they count all the ballots in Lorraine County. So they walk out what looks like the back door of Gargis Hall and come around the old window tinting place, walk across the street and come, and do that, shady dude.

Speaker 2:

There's no reason those ever. You would never do that. Not to mention dude, it's cold as fuck out there.

Speaker 1:

It's blustery yeah, and then he. Then somebody drives up right after yeah, why wouldn't you just yeah, why?

Speaker 2:

wouldn't you? I mean, it's as cold as it is. You could get warm by just jumping in your car if you're doing something you're supposed to be. And, by the way, you could leave them locked up in your car while you go have your beer and your meatloaf dinner, which he seemed to enjoy. I'm just gonna put that out there. So then I send it to Scotty because I'm like who do I know? Because I'm like who do I send it to? I mean, I know JD and stuff, but at this point now I'm like I don't know who to trust. So I go to my full faithful, like I get ahold of Scotty, you know, and I send it to him. He goes dude, oh my God, you see what you just saw. And I'm like, yeah, I do, I see it. And he's like he starts sending it out. He gets it out to Paul Adams, I guess who's the head of the direct, the board of elections. I should have shut that down. He gets it out to him. He gets it out to JD, gets it out to Rich Rizendez. They're trying to check the license plate now. I guess Paul Adams has the FBI looking into it. Dude, it's up.

Speaker 2:

This is turning out to be a big, big, big deal. I mean this is something else. I mean this is. I mean there was no reason for that to have ever happened. It should have never. I mean that just shouldn't ever happen. Clearly, it's never happened in seven years of being across the street from the election board.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've never seen that like that. No, never nothing of the sort, and even so, just a video, just the way they handled themselves looked sketchy as far, clearly, clearly.

Speaker 2:

So then Scotty tells me to look into it. He goes, he goes. Well, who is it? Try and see if you can get the credit card receipt. So I go and get the credit card receipt and it is Mark Provenza, which I don't think that guy should be touching anything with the election board. Wasn't he doing all kinds of shady shit when they got rid of him? I don't know, he was the law director for the city of Lorraine and I'm pretty sure he had to resign because he was shady. Honestly, I swear to God, I mean that's like that's pretty scary shit. Like that's the guy that's handling the ballots. That don't seem right. I mean that scares me. That doesn't scare you.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not that political. I don't know what's going on with that.

Speaker 2:

You're not political, but you know enough to know that I know that looks shady as hell, for sure. Right, and you know that you want your elections to be fair and equal. And there should be done correctly, right? I mean, what the hell, Dude? This is crazy. This is scary to me. I don't know what we're seeing here, and it's you know what I mean? It's it makes me nervous.

Speaker 1:

I really makes me nervous, you think now, like I said before, is there any possible like overreacting or I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's any way that's overreacting, because I don't see there's any way that that should have ever been there, period. I mean, it just should have never been there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just saying I don't know how that works, but I don't see it likely walking down the street with a ballot. Look like a pizza box.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say they are doing it legitimately. Let's just say, for instance, say okay, they're allowed to walk out of the door with four big, huge bags of ballot you know provisional ballots, maybe they're. Maybe they're allowed to do that. Okay, it's 30 degrees outside, cold as hell. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know I've seen them, and you choose to walk across the street and do that Like. That's just doesn't make sense to me. I wouldn't do that. I'm, I'm, I mean and Mark prevents us older than I am. I mean, I certainly I don't know why he'd want to walk across the street. I don't want to walk across the street with the burger.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and what I'm saying is they didn't like Gargess Hall is a diagonal. Yes, and they went clear around everything and then came up the street.

Speaker 2:

Like they went out the back door.

Speaker 1:

Out the way, out the way.

Speaker 2:

And then come, because Gargess is actually directly behind that window tinting place Right. You know the well it's. I don't know if it's a window tinting place now, but it used to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but there's a little bit of grass there. I had to cut through the grass and straight came straight across if there was nothing.

Speaker 2:

Sure, you wouldn't even walk it.

Speaker 1:

Right, right.

Speaker 2:

It's 30 degrees, you're an older gentleman, you got four huge heavy bags. I mean, you know what I'm saying Like, it just doesn't make sense to me. Why would you do that? It just doesn't look right to me. I don't think so. No, it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't look, right, but.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's I don't know, man, I'm not liking it and I don't, and I'm going to say something about it because I don't like it, and that you know. Whatever that is, if I'm overreacting, so be it. Yeah, I mean, but I don't see how I could be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't see them walking out with them bags either really that's never happened, I've never seen that once ever, and why you would do that like drive across, like walk across the street have a beer, Then get in some of the big you know, have a beer yeah and then have somebody pick you up, which I'm suspecting might be the other guy that carried him over might have went back and got his car.

Speaker 2:

That's what I think happened. That's my opinion of what might be, but I don't know who's in that car. I can't tell who's in that car, so I can't make up that.

Speaker 1:

So what is that? What does that ballot? What does it mean?

Speaker 2:

That's our, this is our, this is our primaries right now.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying? What was the? What did that box say? What did that bag say?

Speaker 2:

Oh, provisional ballots.

Speaker 1:

What's provisional?

Speaker 2:

Provisional is like the it's not your, it's not like, it's not your in-person ballots from the day, so like tomorrow is actually when you go and vote in person. You see what I'm saying. So those are the other ones like mail-in, you know what I mean, things like that, things that that affect and, like I said, I bet your security's a little lighter over there today compared to tomorrow, although there's a lot of cars over there today. I'm seeing a ton of cars over there today, yeah that's, that's sketchy.

Speaker 2:

It's sketchy, dude. I ain't never seen nothing like it and I don't think it's right. And then whenever you find out it's Mark Provenza, it makes it even look worse. I mean, seriously, dude, that guy doesn't like. First of all, he's still drinking like. Stop drinking, dude, it's. I mean, that's. The first thing that got you in trouble was a damn drinking, you know so.

Speaker 1:

I don't. What's his, what's his deal, what's his history?

Speaker 2:

He was the city law director but he got, like I think he got a DUI and then I think he was tampering with evidence to try and like. I think he ended up getting more time. I know afterwards I know I can't remember Like I remember he had a DUI, was in jail and then he ended up with like had to stay longer than he was supposed to because I think he was in like tampering with some or something to that effect, and then they basically made him resign so that he didn't get disbarred. So I believe he's still has his license. I believe I could be wrong, though I mean, that's the last I knew, but it could. He could have been disbarred since then because that's old Dude, that's like. That's like 15 years old, 16 years old. That's a long time ago. That should happen. Like. That's like when I was living on Albrecht. That happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been a long long. I don't know his history.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, it's. I don't really know a hundred percent, but I do know the little bit I know. But I'm pretty sure that he was doing shady shit and he had to withdraw at that point. Well, if I remember right. I mean, I'm not going through all the details, I probably should before I go on air, but Like said it's breaking it's breaking news.

Speaker 1:

So I.

Speaker 2:

Just don't get it, dude. I'm so freaking like right now, I'm so freaked out about the whole thing and I literally I told, I told a man. I said I need to make sure everybody sees this, everybody. They got to see, I got to send it to everybody, I know. So I have some protection. I need protection. I Don't want nobody coming after me for nothing. Man, I didn't do shit, but I'm gonna call it like I see it. You know how I am. I Mean, that's just the way I am. I've been that way my whole life, dude.

Speaker 2:

I don't get it dude. I'm so freaking like right now.

Speaker 1:

Why is this thing?

Speaker 2:

going, yeah, and they say Johnny Newsom says there's nothing wrong with the election Going to be on an 11 news. There you go, johnny. Tell him there's Scottie. I see him now. There's Scottie. Am I right? We were in the right on this one, right? Tell him, there's something going on here that don't add up. I had to go to them. Honest guy, I know, you know what I mean. That's the one I know that is honest, who me yeah, scottie.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, scottie knows people and he's honest like you're. You're pretty honest, but who the fuck do you know?

Speaker 1:

I know everybody I.

Speaker 2:

Like I got it. I don't know what to do, but I couldn't let it sit, but I didn't want to give it to the wrong person. And then I'm shot dead in a field somewhere. They're like oh, jimmy flipped his raptor off-road in it. He goes off-roading all the time. Yeah, he never had my truck off-road. The most off-road it's ever been, as three inches of snow. That's about it.

Speaker 1:

I Know there's gonna be a big ass thing going on tomorrow about this.

Speaker 2:

Then there's this. I don't know, this is craziness. I don't, I don't understand. I don't understand how that could even I don't even understand how they got out the door with them. Those bags were huge. I mean, you've seen that video?

Speaker 1:

Oh, they look like a pizza box, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're, yeah, they look like a big, huge, like a. Yeah, how cute you like, almost like a how many was her? For it looked like to me. I think I seen him put three in garbage bags because he, when he got him he was at the bar. He went back to the booth where he had him stored in the booth and he's stuffing them in these big black, I see, I see in the video, and then he's looking around like and he's got the garbage bags on him.

Speaker 2:

He's got the garbage bags on him. Yeah, dude, he's why. Why do you have? Do you got garbage bags in your pocket, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean right, I mean I don't have garbage bags.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's kind of weird.

Speaker 2:

I mean he didn't ask us for garbage bags. They weren't our garbage bags.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what? Yeah, I'm starting to think more and more. It is doesn't add up, dude.

Speaker 2:

And if okay, if you want us.

Speaker 1:

I still ain't gonna do it. I.

Speaker 2:

Agree. Scottie said those bags should never be out of the realm of the board of elections. There's no, and I don't see any reason for and even if they I've, even if at some point I'm sure they have to I Mean there's times where they recount and I think they go into Columbus for final counting, so but I'm sure that those get transported you Correctly. They don't stop at the bar first, have a beer, throw them in the back of a Mazda and head out. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it's probably a little different than that the way they do it.

Speaker 1:

I hope anyway maybe if I was running it that's how it be, but since I run it, I don't think that's the right way.

Speaker 2:

I don't, man, it's crazy dude. I'm just like. I'm still like an awful like I, because we watch it every day, we, we watch it every day on the news. They're constantly talking about.

Speaker 2:

Fixed in fixed and they're they're rigging it and there's, they're showing people in Philadelphia throwing them went, in a way, and so I'm like, I'm like, yeah, they overreact, dude. I seen it my own eyes. That shit wasn't right, dude. Oh well, it's not. It's not right. And if you're running for an election or in County, you better ask them to revoke right now, because there ain't no way these votes should count. I mean, and what are you gonna vote? Pick what he took now and say, oh yeah, they, those he brought them back here. They are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what you're gonna accept no yeah, he brought them all back right now.

Speaker 2:

They were all Democratic ticket party. You know what I'm saying. I Mean I Ain't even putting it out on there if it's Democrat or Republican, I don't even know, I don't know what which is which is fucking around. At that point, I'm just joking, but at the, I mean in all reality, dude I mean I'm not sad, should want it redone.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you want that. I mean the election should be right. It should never be Any bullshit going on with. It should always be the right. You know, it should always be the right. It should always be right. It just always should be right. There should never be a time where you're questioning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what did they do with them? Or did he Switch them or drop some off, or whatever you? Just don't know there shouldn't be a question about it.

Speaker 2:

Were they throwing away only Tickets? That they didn't agree with that, had hanging chads or whatever or just they're who they want to push in.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm saying that's it shouldn't be. If that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

This is bad. I mean it's bad. The Rain County Board of Elections right now has a serious problem on their hand. They have a serious problem on their hands. I'm not sure who are you, chris, mice? Don't, don't, I don't know. Are you, are you a? Who is that? I never heard of him. Is he trying to take?

Speaker 1:

me out.

Speaker 2:

No, he didn't go to the board collection, no, no, no, he took that. He went straight down 254. He didn't go back with them. Nope, that didn't happen. I'm not sure who that guy is. I don't know if I want to tell him. I'm at that, chris Mice. I don't know who he is. We're in the basement at Madhouse, I'm not, I'm just saying man, I don't know that it's.

Speaker 2:

It isn't. It's the first time it happened here, chrissy, that's for sure. I ain't never seen it before. I'm not sure what Chris Mice is it? Who is he? Is that there? They're gonna come in on us, lock the door. Hurry up and lock the door Before they can't get in, and give us a second. At least you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know man, this is scary shit.

Speaker 1:

He does not drive the Dodge Ram.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I drive. I drive a gray Ford. Oh, ha ha ha, ha, ha ha, usually got boxes in the back. Yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. No man, it's crazy, it's crazy man. Oh my god, I don't know. I don't know who Chris Myse is.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure who that is.

Speaker 2:

He said laugh out loud like it's funny.

Speaker 1:

But man, I don't know, I'm a little nervous, I don't know man.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I should trust this guy. Yeah, I knew what Chris. What was it? Chris Myse? But I knew that, Didn't he? Like I'm trying to remember? I don't know of Myse, I knew of Myse. I think Chris Myse, I think that's who owned that building I used to run off of Whenever I had to shop over there off of Leary Avenue. I don't know, but we're in an undisclosed location, Chris Myse.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're Air Force II. Ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. But yeah, there's going to be more. There's going to be some serious shit going on here tomorrow. There should be, there should be, man Get some sleep, because you're going to be ready for it.

Speaker 2:

There should be. It's going to be crazy. I'll be cooking tomorrow. That's all I got to do. I got to be cooking man. I don't know what to do. I have to cook. There'll probably be a bunch of media people to cook for, so it seems like that's all right and there'll be some FBI agents.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully they're hungry.

Speaker 2:

See, he's telling, I mean he's trying to tell everybody Look at this guy, I'm telling you, this guy is somebody you got to watch, man, I'm telling you oh man.

Speaker 1:

He always called me conspiracy theorist.

Speaker 2:

But I seen it with my own eyes.

Speaker 1:

This ain't a conspiracy dude.

Speaker 2:

I seen it. I know what I saw.

Speaker 1:

Well, anyways, we're going to post it, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we should be cooking, Post it. I'd like to post it right now, but I don't. It won't. Let me post it as a comment. I was going to and I wanted to post it, but I can't. It's as a comment, so I'm going to have to post it out. He's shaking the cheese. Yeah, somebody needs to man. This is bad. I don't know what they're going to do. How do they fix this man? How do you accept an election now? Election day is tomorrow. How do you accept the?

Speaker 1:

primary election. That ain't going to work.

Speaker 2:

You got to toss those right. Yes.

Speaker 1:

You have to set a new date. That's a wrap, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think so.

Speaker 1:

I think you have to set a new date and you have to read, even if they got a decent explanation, it's not going to work.

Speaker 2:

There's no decent explanation.

Speaker 1:

Right, that's what I'm saying, like.

Speaker 2:

Scotty says they should never be outside of that board of elections period, let alone to go get a meatloaf in a fucking tall Columbus.

Speaker 1:

And walk.

Speaker 2:

And your walk. Yeah, walking in a cold too, that's the weird thing, dude, and I'm telling you, I think that guy went back and got his car. I'm going to go look at the cameras and see if he walks back, and I bet you that's what happens. I bet you he walks back and then comes and gets him with the car. I don't know, but that's some shady shit. Yeah, we've got somebody looking into the license plate now trying to find out who it is. I swear to God, I'm not lying, I'm not making it up. We're really doing that right now. They were trying to fix it, chris. We're trying to get them, man. We're trying to get them, trying to make it right around here. We need things right around here.

Speaker 2:

You know they didn't care about Lorraine County the last election. They didn't give a shit. You know why. They know that's in their pockets. You know what I mean? Democrats, just Lorraine County. A lot of them have voted like sheep for years. They vote for Democrats. Even people that are Republican minded go on Democratic tickets, because that's all people are going to vote for in Lorraine County. But then, the last election, all of a sudden Lorraine County started seeing the difference and started voting Republican. Now, all of a sudden, they show up and they're trying to throw our ballots away.

Speaker 1:

It would be an easy explanation, because that's the way they've been going, you know what I mean. Yeah, I would bet money, but anyways, that's James.

Speaker 2:

You know what Guido told me to just tackle him and take him Whenever. I told him about him. I'm like, dude, this guy's in here, he goes tackle him and take him so we can see what they are. I wasn't even there. He said tackle him and take him. I should have. Huh, I was at the dentist.

Speaker 1:

Got documents.

Speaker 2:

I should have tackled him. I should have. I should have. You're right, I didn't say that. Yeah, you did. Don't let him bullshit you. He said it. I said it's a logical explanation. He said tackle him and get the bag, see what's in him. That's what he wanted to know. No, I didn't. I was going to do it too. I was thinking about it, I was debating, I didn't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

I was stressed, Jimny.

Speaker 2:

there's a logical explanation for that I was stressed. You can see me in the video. I'm sitting there. Dan and Tex are both right there in front of me. I'm sitting there, I'm staring at them, and then I'm looking, I'm like I see what I see and all of a sudden I'm staring, I'm staring, I'm staring and I'm like this ain't right. And I'm looking over there.

Speaker 1:

So you was down there when it happened or you was up here watching.

Speaker 2:

I was no. No, I was actually right standing in front of Tex and them and they walked in with him. I'm like what the fuck? Like I seen what they were. You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean, yeah, it said a big old, like a sticker on the side of it.

Speaker 2:

No, well, that I seen at the end. But when he first came across it because the guy had done, the guy that brought him, that was carrying him, he had on a badge, like a little ID badge or whatever he had on his neck, and it's like those guys come across from the election board all the time.

Speaker 1:

They come over and eat and stuff.

Speaker 2:

So I knew what that was right away. And then I seen them bags. I'm like what the hell is that? So then I'm watching, I'm watching and then I see him putting them in the garbage bags and all that. Well then, when he's getting ready to leave, he had put three of them in the garbage bags. He must have only put three garbage bags in his coat, you know what I mean. And then he's got the fourth one. He's got his coat over top of it, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

And he freaking goes and he lifts it out. And when he pulls it out he flips it like this and that sign's aimed right at me and his head's facing the other way, and I hurry up and snap a picture. I'm like I'm going to get a picture at least, because I could see it set right on it provisional ballots. I'm like you got to be kidding me. So you know what I mean. I freaking go, I get that picture and then I immediately go to work trying to get the videos. And then when I've seen them and I've seen them walking across the street the way they did I'm like this ain't right. So then I sent it to Scotty because I was nervous I was going to send it to JD. And then I'm like I mean I love JD.

Speaker 1:

You should have sent it to everybody.

Speaker 2:

I love JD but if I'm being honest, I trust Scotty more. I don't know man. This is my life we're talking about, you know. I'm not risking that, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'd have sent it to both.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll let Scotty decide if JD's that trustworthy he knows JD I don't know him like that. I mean, I know him. He's a good dude from what I see, but now everybody's a suspect man. I don't man. That's just scared me. I can't get him to be able to sleep tonight.

Speaker 2:

Somebody said you better sleep here, not here. This is probably going to get blown up. Everybody blow this place up and then I seen some. But then I tell you about it. What do you tell me? You've seen a guy in a garbage throwing shit in the garbage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a beer bottle.

Speaker 2:

Are you sure it was though?

Speaker 1:

you go climbing at my I climbed man.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't find nothing else. You sure it was a beer bottle. That looks suspect too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it looks suspect. It was a half hour before Somebody just yeah that was the same guy, because he walked straight over, sure looks like the same guy the same guy.

Speaker 2:

It looks like him. Amanda said the same thing. Looks like the same guy. But when I first watched a video of him putting that in a dumpster I thought, well, that's weird, you know why would he walk out back and throw something at dumpster to go across the street? That's just weird, you know. But then the one, the one that, uh he. I Watched a video. He's never in our bar, so he literally walks behind our bar.

Speaker 2:

Goes to the dumpster goes to the dumpster and throws whatever it is away and walks back across the street. Yeah, that was kind of weird too, and you think it's just a bottle. I mean, he is an alcoholic, though. This is a guy who has alcohol problems his whole life. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I seen it, I thought it was weird because I'm like who's this guy? Because I was getting in my truck at the time I mean my, my, my Civic and I seen him walk to the the dumpster, throw a bottle in there and then he just starts walking across the street. So I'm like that was weird. Like why would you go all the way back there to throw a bottle away and then walk across the street? You know, I mean, it doesn't make sense. So that was when I was going to my dentist. That's why I wasn't here at the time. And uh, that's when I I was gonna tell you about I was like man, I was weird. Some guy was went all the way back there to throw something away and then walk across the street was never in a bar.

Speaker 2:

No, the guy was never in a bar.

Speaker 1:

Me and Amanda were just up here looking where do you come from?

Speaker 2:

He walked it from the same area, walked around the bar, went and threw that away and went across the street. We got to find it.

Speaker 1:

We got to find something, I think it was a bottle, dude?

Speaker 2:

I doubt it. How could it have just been a bottle? Why would you walk or that far to throw a bottle away?

Speaker 1:

He could have threw the bottle away in the garbage in front of the dollar. But he's seen him drinking. He probably had in his pocket, came over here, cracked it open, drank it, slammed it, threw it in there and then walked across the street.

Speaker 2:

That's all you could be right. I mean, a guy is a guy that has alcohol problems. I mean, if it is the same guy, that guy has alcohol problems, if that's even a guy. I mean that's just a card that was used. We don't know if that's actually who he was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that was him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it looks like him. I went and looked, I checked it out. I'm like, yeah, I think it is.

Speaker 1:

But I was gonna call you and then I was going to just hurry up and get to my Dentalist appointment and then I stopped. I had to play a couple scratch off something away, so I didn't have time to call you I.

Speaker 2:

Don't know man, chris, who are you? He wants to come invest. So what would you know how to investigate? Yeah, get up in the dumpster. Yeah, what is he? That's a bad, I don't know man. That guy's scary. No, if we joke around, but this is serious. We're joking around, but this is very serious and this is something that Lorraine County cannot take lightly. I mean, that is absolutely Unheard of. To walk out of there with ballots, go to a bar, sit down, drink a beer, leave them in the corner, put them in garbage bags.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was, that was that are in your pocket, like you got the garbage bags on demand. This was planned out. This is what you came here to do, right? You know what I mean? It's, it's, it's jacked up, that's it.

Speaker 1:

We joke about it, but this is dead serious, serious thing you put on this pot, yeah, there is no question, is very serious and me, me being afraid of my life.

Speaker 2:

that that's like half and half. I'm joking a little bit, but I mean, at the same time I'm kind of like, oh shit, you know I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Glad I wasn't involved.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying it was some scary shit, dude. It was scary and I'm gonna post this. When I post this, when we do the recording on the YouTube video, we're definitely gonna have the video and intertwined in it into the video. When we posted on YouTube and when I post it on the podcast, you know obviously won't have it, you won't have video footage. But I will go back down to this comp, where on the madhouse bar talk page, and I'll post the videos on that page and share it, that's.

Speaker 1:

this is one we really need everybody to share.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it needs to be shared. You have to share this. I mean they can't get away with this. We can't let them get away with it. We can't, there's no way. Plus, my safety is involved. I Mean seriously, the more people that know about this right now, the better off we are, because I might, you know, I mean I might end up they might say I, you know, had a snowstorm going on. You know what I mean? I really don't, I really don't even know. Man, johnny Newsom, come go ahead man.

Speaker 2:

Look at dive away, man, I'll show you the video. You can look at the video in about two seconds. Yeah, I think it was about that's what Gido went in there. He says it looks like a bottle, but you know, the thing is what a dumpster like that shit can fall in there I can slide down.

Speaker 2:

It could be, you know, and in that, in that dumpster right now, I bought all those new bar stools, so I've got all the old bar stools are in there, so there's all kinds of room underneath for things to slide to.

Speaker 1:

So I mean there's a real possibility it could be something else well, so that that video up there too I will, I'm gonna post this video.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna post it all. I'm gonna get them all out there. I'm gonna get them all out there so you can all look at it yourself and see what you think. And I mean seriously. I mean share this. Get this out there, make sure the masses know about it. Don't let them get away with this. You can't let them get away with this.

Speaker 2:

This is definitely one to share there is no reason to let anybody get away with the interference with elections. There's no way. And, with that being said, I'm going into hiding, so I'll talk to you guys later. We will post them right now. Yes.

Speaker 1:

I'm leaving them. Get away from you.

Ballot Bags at Gargis Hall
Election Fraud Concerns and Suspicion
Election Ballot Controversy Investigation
Urgent Call to Action

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