MAHD House Bar Talk

Tales from the Taproom Truths, Laughs, Quirky Business Owners and Community Conundrums

May 19, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 25
Tales from the Taproom Truths, Laughs, Quirky Business Owners and Community Conundrums
MAHD House Bar Talk
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MAHD House Bar Talk
Tales from the Taproom Truths, Laughs, Quirky Business Owners and Community Conundrums
May 19, 2024 Season 2 Episode 25
James Tucker & Santiago Lopez

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Ever found yourself shaking your head at the madness of a political brawl or a truck that seems to unlock itself like a ghost is at the wheel? Well, strap in, because at Madhouse Bar Talks, we're taking you on a rollicking ride through the wild, the weird, and the downright worrisome. We're putting everything on the table: Jimmy's wallet-draining habits, the seismic shift in political etiquette, and even the nerve-wracking tales of domestic discord between Mr. Combs and Ms. Ventura.

Things get real when we unpack the legal quagmires and the ethics—or lack thereof—surrounding surveillance footage and domestic violence cases. We're not just talking news headlines here; we're bringing our own run-ins with the law into the mix, challenging societal stereotypes and sharing our unembellished encounters with officers who've left their mark—both good and bad. Then, we lighten the mood with stories of local lore, from Frank Root's scandal to Mary's charming eccentricities, and debate whether we're more likely to side with the community gossiper or the misunderstood neighbor.

As we wrap up with a laugh and a thrown dart (or several), we reflect on the curious ways our past can shape us—like Brandon, who defied all odds, or the quirks that dictate whether we end up driving cement trucks or chasing down rogue delivery vehicles. We're putting it all out there, no holds barred: the good, the bad, and the hilarity of everyday life. So come for the banter, stay for the stories, and maybe—just maybe—you'll walk away ready to take on your own community drama with a little more heart and a lot more humor. Join us live every Sunday morning for Madhouse Bar Talks, where the conversation is always as honest as our laughter is loud.

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Ever found yourself shaking your head at the madness of a political brawl or a truck that seems to unlock itself like a ghost is at the wheel? Well, strap in, because at Madhouse Bar Talks, we're taking you on a rollicking ride through the wild, the weird, and the downright worrisome. We're putting everything on the table: Jimmy's wallet-draining habits, the seismic shift in political etiquette, and even the nerve-wracking tales of domestic discord between Mr. Combs and Ms. Ventura.

Things get real when we unpack the legal quagmires and the ethics—or lack thereof—surrounding surveillance footage and domestic violence cases. We're not just talking news headlines here; we're bringing our own run-ins with the law into the mix, challenging societal stereotypes and sharing our unembellished encounters with officers who've left their mark—both good and bad. Then, we lighten the mood with stories of local lore, from Frank Root's scandal to Mary's charming eccentricities, and debate whether we're more likely to side with the community gossiper or the misunderstood neighbor.

As we wrap up with a laugh and a thrown dart (or several), we reflect on the curious ways our past can shape us—like Brandon, who defied all odds, or the quirks that dictate whether we end up driving cement trucks or chasing down rogue delivery vehicles. We're putting it all out there, no holds barred: the good, the bad, and the hilarity of everyday life. So come for the banter, stay for the stories, and maybe—just maybe—you'll walk away ready to take on your own community drama with a little more heart and a lot more humor. Join us live every Sunday morning for Madhouse Bar Talks, where the conversation is always as honest as our laughter is loud.

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Speaker 1:

we're number one. Jimmy isn't being a cheap ass. You know I'm like damn. You heard it here first right right, right, we're the best you know. They say people that cuss are more honest. So I'm honest, motherfucker, put the fish away ready. It don't even hurt to give birth to him, not for me. There's nothing to it, okay.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it. Come on, I'm ready. I'm ready, I want to do it.

Speaker 1:

I wear a thong.

Speaker 2:

I got one on right now. You want to see Jimmy and Guy Mad House Bar Talks. Baby, that is a bunch of shit. If you ask me, that doesn't make no sense.

Speaker 5:

We'll do it live. Fuck it, do it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live.

Speaker 6:

Fucking thing sucks, yeah Fine.

Speaker 2:

Good morning Madhouse Bar Talks. We're live Sunday morning, like always. How you doing over there, Geek?

Speaker 1:

Tired always tired.

Speaker 2:

Tired, tired, tired. I'm sick, and tired, tired. He's tired Like an old man.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be like an old man. I am an old man.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. So how'd your week go this week?

Speaker 1:

Oh busy, that's, all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, just with concrete, nothing else.

Speaker 1:

Well, you still got your everyday life. Shit you got to take care of, yeah, but you're single.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's more you got to take care of. Yeah, but you're single.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's more. You got to fucking do your own laundry. You got to cut your own grass, all right.

Speaker 2:

What are you saying? That's her job.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wash the truck, change the oil.

Speaker 2:

Wow, and there you have it.

Speaker 1:

You can't even get no guys to change oil nowadays.

Speaker 2:

No, you're true, that's true. You can't. Oh my God, in all fairness, some of those oil change places will do it for as cheap as the oil anyways.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if you're being honest, sometimes it don't make sense to pull out a jack.

Speaker 2:

Right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it just don't make sense, but you still, as a man, you want to do it yourself, just to make sure it's done right. I you know how many times them oil places, forgot to tighten a plug and just stupid shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that was years ago. Christian Quillis, remember that Monte? He had that Monte Carlo. Was it his Monte Carlo? I can't remember what car it was. I want to say it was the Monte Carlo, but I could be wrong. He went to one of those quick change places and he ended up with the oil change. That was fucked up. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not hearing myself. Good, but it's coming through. Good, I hope we're coming off on the podcast. Good, I don't know. Brian Olosa, yeah, I mean, I don't hear myself. Well, do you? I hear you? You hear me pretty good, yeah, huh, trying to figure out why. I don't understand. I don't know what's going on. I'm just not hearing myself. Good, I guess I'll turn it up a little bit.

Speaker 1:

We know how you like to hear yourself talk. Yes, that is true, that is true.

Speaker 2:

I just turned up my volume, though it's a lot better for me anyway. Is that better for you? Yeah, it's fine, all right. Anyways, speaking of things changing, things are different than they used to be. You know what I mean what are you referring to that cat fight that happened in the House of Representatives?

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Dude. What the hell is that about?

Speaker 1:

That thing needs totally restructured man.

Speaker 2:

I mean I've never seen such a thing in my life. Yeah, I mean, I couldn't even imagine that happening.

Speaker 1:

When I was a kid like could you imagine that happening?

Speaker 2:

Professional, they used to go in there and just you know it's a joke, for Bill says that's called getting old. I don't know, man. I remember like thinking, like my parents saying things aren't how they used to be, and now I feel like things aren't how they used to be. It's ridiculous. That's how I feel. I really do. It sucks, but for anybody who doesn't know what we're talking about, if you haven't seen it yet, you've got to see this. This is our House of Representatives.

Speaker 6:

You know what we're here for.

Speaker 3:

You know we're here, I don't think you know what you're here for. Well, you're the one talking about, I think, your fake eyelashes are messing up.

Speaker 6:

Well, you're the one talking about I think your fake eyelashes are messing up. No, ain't nothing.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 4:

Order, Mr Chairman.

Speaker 6:

That's beneath.

Speaker 4:

even you, would you please forget the order of your committee.

Speaker 3:

That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you?

Speaker 5:

attack the physical appearance of another person Move her words down. Oh, girl, baby girl, oh really, Don't even play baby girl, we are going to move and we're going to take your words. I second that motion.

Speaker 6:

You agree to strike your words?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Okay, ms Green agrees to strike her words.

Speaker 5:

I believe she's apologizing.

Speaker 6:

No, no, no, hold on Then after Mr Perry's going to be recognized, then Ms Green.

Speaker 1:

I'm not apologizing, I'm not apologizing.

Speaker 3:

I am not apologizing Now let's go.

Speaker 6:

Come on, guys, I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling.

Speaker 3:

If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleached, blonde, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging personalities, correct.

Speaker 6:

A what now, Chairman? I make a motion to strike those words.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's a part of it. I'm trying to find clarification on what you just said we're not going to do this.

Speaker 5:

Look you guys earlier, literally just said that you just voted to do it. God did it first, so you don't have to vote to do it.

Speaker 6:

Do you know what we're here for? You know we're here about AG. I don't think you know what we're here for.

Speaker 3:

You know we're here about AG. I don't think you know what you're here for. Well, you're the one talking about. I think your fake eyelashes are messed up.

Speaker 2:

That is a bit too much, don't you think? Yeah, that's ridiculous. It's a true catfight. I mean it's a true catfight. I mean there's no other way to describe it. It's just what it is. It's a cat fight and that's I can't believe it, but blows my mind Like it's just like you gotta be kidding me right now that that's what's going on in here and that's in your house. Like you know what I mean. They're like, make it. They're making laws and and making decisions.

Speaker 1:

And they're talking about people's hell, are you it?

Speaker 2:

it's it. T is up there saying that shit was funny, that t would probably love it. She would be one of those house representatives in there, like, like just straight on talking shit with all of them, I just I just think it's bad. I mean, it's just I, I don't know, I just don't like it whatsoever. I just don't, I don't care for it. I don't care for the. You know what I mean. I just don't care for any of it. I just don't it. It's supposed to be professional.

Speaker 2:

They're supposed to have some sort of uh, something couth, couth is the word like you know, that's the word you remember, like when you go to church, like when you go into church.

Speaker 1:

You ain't gonna go in there and talk that crazy shit. You know what I'm saying. It's just where you're at and you know the kind of situation it is. You ain't gonna talk like that. You know what I'm saying in all fairness, like that.

Speaker 2:

That's the kind of argument that goes on between women that have been drinking here at the bar right, that's exactly. That's what it is I mean it's, you know what I mean. Yeah, that's, that's way too much, that's way way, way too much, way too much.

Speaker 1:

And for us to say it's too much.

Speaker 2:

Shit, I couldn't believe it. Alexa sent it to me and she's just like can you believe this shit? Like you know and that's I don't know. And I mean you're talking that. That's like it's a sign of the times or whatever you want to call it, like that's kind of what goes on nowadays. You know what I mean? It's just they just do whatever Stupid ass shit anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but, like I said, that's where you're at. You know what I mean? You don't?

Speaker 2:

talk like that. Yeah, this is that's not what I meant to do there. What happened there? Okay, okay, there, it is all right, that's uh. I mean, people do weird.

Speaker 1:

Look at oscar de la hoya, you sent us to send me that link last week I'm like this guy's done, lost his mind he did didn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was, that was. Uh, that was something I never seen before. Let me see if I could find that that was. That was something I never seen before. Let me see if I can find that that was. That was something that just. I mean it blew my mind when you sent it to me. I mean just talking like like Mr Package over there, like just trying to get his like golden package.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I mean with, with, uh, it was uh, I'll go ahead and put it up right now. We'll put, we'll play it, here we go. Some people know what we're talking about, but how, where's the volume at? Do I not have volume on that?

Speaker 1:

there's volume on it, you can hear it no, I can't hear it now, but oh, there it is up top, I see it. I see it, the.

Speaker 6:

The moment you said something in the ring to break.

Speaker 2:

That he's supposed to be. What?

Speaker 1:

What was it? Golden boy.

Speaker 2:

The golden boy. Yeah, idiot. Yeah, I mean it's, I don't know, man, see you later. Tia, you can't hear what the video will talk. Yeah, that's probably true. That makes sense. That stands that shit. That's the way it's supposed to be. Honestly, that's the desktop audio overpowering the other audio.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but whatever, that dude's a nut. Yeah, he's a nut, but I don't understand, like that the house of representatives is really what it all came down to. I mean, it was literally like uh, it's like drunk girls in the bar fighting. That's well, that's what it looks like. I think they should be kicked out of there completely. But do you think that it's because they are like fucked up, not like drunk, but they're like because everybody's on pills now for shit, like at like medicated, everybody's like super medicated, and they're just in there?

Speaker 1:

like and I'm wondering like you know, as most professions, you got to get drug tested. Do they get drug tested?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but Trump wants Biden drug tested. You see that I know Before the debate. Yeah, he doesn't want him to have any enhancement drugs.

Speaker 1:

But what I'm saying is like they should be drug tested, like yeah, I mean I.

Speaker 2:

That wasn't normal, but I feel like they're probably going to be prescription drugs that are like you know, whatever it is, like xanax or something that was, like prescribed to them. But I mean, that's what it looked like. Like drunk bitches at the bar. That's what it looked like Like drunk bitches at the bar. That's what it looks like to me, like that's the way they act in the bar, like when, if you see girls drunk arguing with each other, that's the ignorant and weird shit that they do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that's, that's very foreign for you, like we don't see that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying you do. I'm not saying you do it, but I. That's what that's compared to Like. Even in a bar it would be unacceptable. In a bar you'd be like, oh bitch, get out of here, we don't want this mess in here. But that's in the house. They're making laws like this. Yeah, no.

Speaker 1:

That's why shit can't be. You know like it's so dysfunctional.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying. It's completely dysfunctional and I think it might have to do with drugs, I don't know. I mean, I remember you remember in the 90s it was like everybody went on prozac. That was the big thing you kept hearing about prozac, prozac. I feel like it's. That's. The societies like that drugged out fucking prozac society has become this now you know what I'm saying I really do gotta change, because that ain't, that ain't right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's horrible. I don't know, that was freaking insane. But yeah, anyways on to the next story, I guess. But yeah, that's your house. They're making your rules, your laws. So when a law don't make sense, just know that's how it was made, just saying that's all I'm saying Arguing about eyelashes. Right right, right right and boxy dyke bodies or whatever.

Speaker 3:

However she put it, butchy whatever Butchy yeah, butchy, that's what she said.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, it's just, it's crazy. So the other one that I wanted to bring up that's in the big news is that Diddy story.

Speaker 1:

See, I ain't been paying attention. That shit, that's. It's too much, I got lost interest. You lost interest in the diddy story yeah, because it's gonna end up being like that. One epstein island shit, everything just disappeared. You don't hear nothing else about it. What happened out of the list?

Speaker 2:

well, you know, that's the thing. Let's let's get into it. First, let's watch the video. We're going to watch this video. This is from CNN. This was the video that they released. They had the sole footage of this Okay. Cnn did. All right, so we'll start with that one here. Right, here we go. So here it is.

Speaker 3:

New surveillance footage obtained exclusively by CNN appears to corroborate some of the allegations of abuse against music mogul Sean Diddy Combs.

Speaker 3:

The video, captured on multiple cameras, shows Combs assaulting his then-girlfriend, cassie Ventura, in a hallway at a Los Angeles hotel in March 2016. Hallway at a Los Angeles hotel in March 2016. A lawsuit filed by Ventura in November last year and settled the next day referenced actions that seemed to match those seen in this video. There is no audio. According to the complaint, combs became extremely intoxicated and punched Ms Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye, which, according to the lawsuit, prompted Ventura to try and leave the hotel room. The surveillance video obtained by CNN begins as she enters the hallway. The complaint says as she exited, mr Combs awoke and began screaming at Ms Ventura. He followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. The complaint goes on to say he grabbed her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her.

Speaker 3:

In the surveillance video, combs can be seen grabbing Ventura and throwing her to the ground. As Ventura lies on the ground, combs then kicks her twice and attempts to drag her on the floor back to the hotel room. Ventura is seen picking up a hotel phone, combs seems to walk back to the hotel room. Ventura is seen picking up a hotel phone. Combs seems to walk back to the hotel room, then returns and appears to shove her in a corner. Moments later he can be seen throwing an object in her direction. According to Ventura's now settled lawsuit, the pair began dating several years after they met in 2005. They parted ways in 2019. Combs' attorney said the decision to settle was in no way an admission of wrongdoing. Ventura declined to comment on the video, but her attorney told CNN the gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of Mr Combs.

Speaker 2:

So this is a disturbing video, there's no question. I mean, he's just like beating the shit out of her and it's from 2018, right? Is that what they said? Something like that? I think that's what they said. So it's 2018 is when the video was taken. Makes you wonder why is it just now coming out right?

Speaker 1:

All that shit, Like there's people coming out of the woodwork with videos of him.

Speaker 2:

Ah, but there's more to it. The reason it's just coming out is because the hotel sold the tape to P Diddy for 50 grand after it happened and then, when they just raided his house, that's when they got the video Wow, and somebody released it to CNN. So to me, that hotel should be. I 100% agree, 100% agree. How is that hotel not held liable for that? Right, I mean, that is absolutely crazy. $50,000. $50,000. Well, $50,000. No, I'm just kidding For this. Absolutely crazy. 50 grand, 50 grand, well, 50 grand For this video here.

Speaker 1:

Just a little clip, but yeah there's shit coming out the woodwork now, but it's like it's almost like you know, you guys had all this shit for years and then all of a sudden you're going to let it go. So everybody that releases them videos now should be held liable.

Speaker 2:

But nobody did. They sold it to him and it was stored locked in his locker at home. I'd have destroyed it. Yeah, I don't understand that either. Why did he keep it?

Speaker 1:

Probably to show his friends. Look at how I kicked that bitch's ass, you know, like just stupid.

Speaker 2:

You think that he does that? Like, look at me, how bad I am. I'm a badass. I beat this bitch's ass. She was fine too. Oh yeah, she's fine. She was real fine, Real, real fine, Extra fine.

Speaker 2:

But geez man, I don't know All this shit coming out the woodwork and people are like oh, I got videos of him screwing so-and-so, it was like 10 years ago. You should be held reliable for holding evidence like that. Yeah, you know now what happens. If, okay, now this is my question. If that's the case, like, okay, we, we watched it. Now he clearly beat the shit out of her, you know, I mean, hit her, I mean. And when a man hits a woman, no matter what the world wants you to like, like how it's, like, oh, women and men are equal, they're not. Oh well, they're not. I don't care if the woman goes to the gym, I don't care if she's Ronda Rousey, I'm out of shape, I'll still kick her ass Because men are just stronger than women. That's just the way it is.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. You ain't kicking Ronda Rousey's ass. I bet I would time.

Speaker 2:

They're just not that strong, they're just not. I mean that they're not going to get nowhere near the caliber of a man. That's just not going to happen, it's just not. And then you. But what my point is is he's hitting her, I mean like a grown man, like I mean, and it's just not, that's not, you know, it's not gonna. So if she shoots his ass or defends herself, stabs him or whatever, then she should go to jail, right. That's what I feel.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's laws like that Self-defense.

Speaker 2:

I would imagine. But how does that work Like when is it self-defense and when is it you should have left?

Speaker 1:

Well, let's make it clear I won't put their hands on me. They're going to smack me.

Speaker 2:

Wow, really. It's like that, absolutely it's like that absolutely well, that's my whole point. When is it self-defense and when should you just leave? That's my, that's. I guess that's what I'm trying to figure out I don't know you keep your hands to yourself, like if you get in a fight like that and she leaves and gets gets late, she's gone and then sees them out and about, walks up and stabs them yeah, that's different, right, I mean that yeah, I mean that, but I mean that's, that's mean, that's when is it self-defense?

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying, that's all I'm saying At the moment it's not like it's got to be in the moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's got to be in the moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you ain't going to go. Two years later see somebody like hit you and you're just going to go shoot them, or something I don't know what's your opinion.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It made me wonder about it because of the thing in Elyria that happened a couple days ago. That girl yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the details of that, so I really don't know the details either. But I know that one of the guys that comes in here, kevin, that we call him Deaf Kevin, he works down at Marco's and his brother got run down by his girlfriend on on broad street like truly run down, and then there was all kinds of people saying it's self-defense, it's this, it's that which I mean. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I don't really know. I don't know where it came from. I have no idea, but it's a crazy video that's out there too. That's another one that's crazy, but supposedly she said at one point that he was whooping her ass. You know what I'm saying. That's, that's supposedly what was said from her. I mean which I mean? I don't know. Maybe what else would she say? You know what I mean. I don't, I don't know. Maybe what else would she say? You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Yeah, that's what I would say.

Speaker 2:

But the video is like this was just two days ago, I think two or three days ago, in downtown Elyria. And this video the guy's like walking across the street, and this is right downtown Elyria. He's walking across the street and as he starts walking he's going. And he starts walking, he's going and when he starts walking, the uh, he takes off running like somebody's after him. You can see it. And she floors it and gets them. I mean floors them. You could see last minute she just like punches. If you watch that last minute if I'll play it one more time if you watch it like he's walking calmly, then all of a sudden he takes off running like oh shit, she found me. You know what I mean? He just jets and then, as he takes off, she floors, she kind of sees her chance and floors it and he's in the hospital.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure what's going on with him, like where he stands right now, because the pictures they showed were pretty bad, like they actually showed a picture of him and I'll guess I can put that up there too. I guess real quick with the right screen, right? Yeah, that, um, that's, that's him, after the fact, you know, in the hospital. That was posted on facebook. Somebody posted it. Damn, yeah, he looks pretty bad, bad off, but I don't know how bad off he is really, honestly, but I I guess the girl killed herself. Now, like she just said, fuck it, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to court, I'm not doing anything, you know, even though she was running around telling everybody oh, you know this and that, blah, blah, blah I just seen the video one time.

Speaker 1:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know any details yeah, I don't know much about the details, but I do know that it was definitely like they were dating, you know what I mean, or exes or something to that effect. You know what I mean? Yeah, but that's downtown illyria and there was another one in downtown illyria. What's going on, illyria, I don't know. And it's right around the corner from there. It was an ambulance. Oh yeah, they were in their apartments.

Speaker 2:

It was a 74 year old. I think her name was carol, I think I wrote it down carol pitzer is her name, 74 years. She's on one of those scooters, you know like you ride the scooter, you know what I mean. And she must have fell over or something or somehow she ended up on the ground and the ambulance drove off and drove out of there and they interviewed. They interviewed. Somebody said they were talking to the woman that at the at the desk and the woman was watching the camera. She freaks out, jumps up, goes. They ran her over and like runs out there, like crushed her head, 74 year old woman, killed her and and then amanda was telling me that, from what she's seeing, the ambulance didn't stop, they just kept going but I probably didn't know.

Speaker 1:

How could you not know, though? Well, I'm sure if they knew they just stopped.

Speaker 2:

You would think right yeah I mean, you're an ambulance, that's what your whole job is. Somebody's injured, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying that's why they're called accidents oh man, that's horrible.

Speaker 2:

You're right, it is an accident. I'm not saying it's on purpose, right, right, I mean but I'm sure they did not.

Speaker 1:

If they knew they ran somebody over, yeah that's, they just stopped. That's just common sense. They didn't know, they just took off ronda razio.

Speaker 2:

Quit her ass, whip scotty. I'm just telling you, she's a woman, that's just the way it is. You quit her ass, whip Scotty.

Speaker 5:

I'm just telling you she's a woman. That's just the way it is. You're crazy.

Speaker 2:

She'll get her ass handed to her. No, I'm telling you she will. Women can work out and work out, and work out. They're not going to get as strong as men. Women can work out and work out, and they're lucky if they can get as strong as the average man is all. I'm not wrong, you are, I'm not wrong. They're weak, they're the weaker species.

Speaker 1:

You're right, that is not the point. You're not to that level, you're nowhere near that level.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm an old man now. Maybe, Maybe you might be right.

Speaker 1:

Even in your prime, you're not going to fuck around around me.

Speaker 2:

I still think I'm a fucker up. You're crazy as fuck.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying. But listen okay that's like, what's that girl's name? The real good tennis player.

Speaker 2:

Serena Williams, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Serena Williams. Now you get a guy that plays on the weekends, he ain't beating her. But you get another professional male that's not high-ranked, he'll beat her. I get what you're saying, but we're not in that sport yeah, I get that, I understand she will lock your ass up.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I think she'll still get her ass up. I'm just saying I think she will, honestly I think she will. But I mean, I'm just you know what the point is, that you know people want to sit there and go, oh men, and women are equal. They're not fucking equal.

Speaker 2:

It's just not the case. It's just not happening. Quite frankly, if she could whip my ass today, maybe I could go six months to the gym and beat her ass. Then you know what I'm saying. It wouldn't take much to get to that level. It just wouldn't, Because they just don't have the strength that men do.

Speaker 1:

It's just the way it is, but the level that she's at, maybe a man that's in that field.

Speaker 2:

That's not right. Well, I don't even know if she's even in that level anymore. She used to be.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she is, she is. Yeah, I think she's got a fight coming up.

Speaker 2:

I think I seen her. She didn't.

Speaker 1:

But I think she's coming back for a couple fights.

Speaker 2:

Is she? Yeah, didn't she lose pretty bad her last one or something?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, holly Holmes kicked her in her face. Yeah, I think she lost the one after that too, but anyways, I'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

She's a loser. She is a loser, loser.

Speaker 1:

That girl done so much for MMA women's mma.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy. Well, I mean it, it's. It's just like it's. It's, it's like that trans thing that we always talk about how they let them fight. It's bullshit. No, that's just. It's just bullshit. It's just, it's the whole point. And and then the world today? We just go, oh no, that's okay, that's what it is men and women, it's bullshit, just not okay. It's just. The whole thing is messed up. But that's what scotty was. Scotty thinks she'll get me too. I think he's wrong I think you're wrong okay my truck, my new truck's fucked up.

Speaker 2:

I just I seen my note right here. My new truck's fucked up. I just I seen my note right here. My new truck. I just got, um, um, I went to bed. I'm I go to bed and Amanda said she looked. She said all of a sudden there was lights on, like do you know? Like, cause our driveway is right in front of, like the one window in our family room dining room area. She said that she saw lights on. She looks out, my lights are on on the truck. She's like that's weird, you know what I mean. So she's like looking out there, and then they kind of went out. You know what I mean. She goes. I I don't understand like she goes. I did.

Speaker 2:

I, I was sleeping, I didn't even have my keys on me. My keys were in my. I think that keys were like in the garage at the time when I was sleeping and the lights came on. So I'm like okay, so then I go out to the garage and she tells me this in the morning, you know, and I go out and my truck's unlocked. So it just unlocked itself, because I lock it when I get out of it and then then Amanda, when she goes to bed she locks it and she even, because I go my truck's unlocked and she went to the ring camera and showed me where she locked the fucking truck. So it was definitely locked. You hear the alarm go off and everything on the ring camera. She actually sent me the footage because she thought I wouldn't believe her Kind of didn't, if I'm being honest. But yeah, the truck just unlocked itself.

Speaker 1:

Did you look at the data on the video?

Speaker 2:

I better check it. That's a good idea. You're right, it just unlocked it. How does your truck just unlock itself?

Speaker 1:

That new electronic.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't make sense dude.

Speaker 6:

How did that happen?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. My uncle had a short in the car one time. It was starting in the garage oh my god yeah and that was an old one that was that like like fernando's uh corvette, just like that just started starting how the hell does that happen? Had a short end to the starter just started cranking in the middle of the night wow, that's wild.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't. I mean that's freaked me out and I'm. I'm freaked out about it because you know your car unlocks and your garage door opener's on it. The next thing you know they're in your house, although when I go to bed at night I always lock my man door my man door always do because just in case and we've had times that garage doors popped open on us before just randomly popped open- so it makes me nervous.

Speaker 1:

Broadway mary topic. What is he talking about?

Speaker 2:

broadway mary topic. Yeah well, I tried to get scotty, I tried to get broadway mary to come on here I what happened was I was out with keith um. We went up to scorchers and we were sitting there talking and broadway mary walked in and she started. She started telling me that you know she was like talking about just the Lorraine politics. You know she gets pissed about the Lorraine politics because she kind of took a hose on that one. Like they were handing out money from all the COVID money to everybody but her and then they all sit around and go, oh, she's a horrible business person, it's her fault. And meanwhile they're oh, she's a horrible business person, it's her fault. And meanwhile they're just handing everybody else money like it's like oh, okay, so they're great business people and she's not okay this makes sense, because somebody handed them a chunk of money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right they're so good. Yeah, they're the greatest yeah, they're the greatest ever they're, they're, they're, they're so good, smart.

Speaker 2:

And then I heard, like one of my I, if I'm, I'm gonna say it, I'm pretty sure I'm 100, I'm 95, sure I remember that's. What I heard was that bradley's daughter started a business in 2020 and got money for it. Like, like she wasn't even open prior to covid, like she started the company probably just to get the money. I mean that's just crazy. I mean, but she anyways, she was kind of bitching about them and this and that, and then they get the topic got brought up about speak of the devil. She goes oh, they're freaking weirdos over I've never been in there speak of the devil?

Speaker 2:

never been in there at all. No, he just. She just said they're weirdos over there. And then everybody in the bar is like they're talking, they're like, oh yeah, it's like they're starting to tell me like I guess, like his wife does, like porn videos and shit like to each his own like, like, I mean like sharing type shit and like supposedly like does I mean really weird dude like and?

Speaker 2:

and then I and then I was thinking about that, like that whole thing with that, because when she said it, when when she first said it, I said I heard I heard you were on howard stern too, like, and she goes. It's true, I was like she just so flat out. He goes. It's true, I was on there, I'm the one who came up with Queef Queen, wow yeah. And then she goes. She says she couldn't go back to do it though, because her whole family was like embarrassed of it, like she felt bad. You know what I mean for embarrassing them or whatever. But she was 22 years old, hot, I mean why not? You know what I mean? When you're 22-year-old hot girls, you're going to do stupid shit. You get to be on Howard.

Speaker 1:

Stern, but they like to try to forget about it, and then you bring it right back up.

Speaker 2:

No, you don't forget about that.

Speaker 1:

You can't go on Howard Stern doing that back then, yeah, but it kind of fades away and then you bring it right back up on a podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's how I am, that's what I do. Okay, that's what I do, but yeah, there's like that. So then they were showing me the people there at the bar. They were pulled up the videos and showed them like so everybody in the bar got videos oh, they all know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they all know it. Because it's like uh, uh, because his name's kurt and her name's page, so their porn name is courage, like she I mean. So I mean, dude, it's, it's pretty wild, like I I would put it on on here but they would shut us down, like I mean I'm talking like banging toilet paper rolls and shit like that on there, like his wife is. It's crazy shit, dude, I mean it is crazy.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's move on from this.

Speaker 2:

I mean, but it got me thinking anyways. It got me thinking about last week's subject when we were saying about is that the persona of bar owners is that they're all, like you know, drug addict, and but they are some weirdos out there. I mean there are some weird ones there really are. I mean when you think about frank, that frank root story.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, that's the craziest shit I ever heard that was.

Speaker 2:

I mean it was a news article like it was actual fucking news and it was like I was reading that. I reread the news article about it again because I'm like it's. It's just so hard to believe at first.

Speaker 2:

It's so shocking when you hear it yeah, you can't believe it's real yeah, for those that don't know what we're talking about, there was a bar down the road from here and the owner was accused of and he was convicted. Actually, there was like pictures and everything on it, but he was having his son have sex with his own mother and recording it, like literally. And you know how he got caught when I read the article? He got caught because he went to his son and told him he still had the picture and gave it to him and told him he had just masturbated to it. That's what it says in the fucking news article. Dude, in 2018, he did that and then his son's like it started like triggering his son's like didn't remember you know what I mean and it started triggering. He went to see a therapist, never talked to him again when filed a lawsuit.

Speaker 2:

Like dude, that's the most absurd, crazy shit I've ever heard. And they're saying, speaking of devils might be just as like they said, it's like some young girl stuff like I don't know, man, it's crazy. That's that's bizarre. Now, mary, on the other hand, what she did was when she was young and she's just silly. I mean, that's just being young silly. You know what I'm saying? Like I, I think that's, that's just normal 22 year old girl, shit, you know what I mean. But I mean she's a little quirky anyways, as I mean just as a person. She kind of reminds me like like alexa, my own daughter, is kind of quirky like that, you know what I mean. Like she's kind of like that, like kind of hippie-ish or whatever a little bit, you know. But yeah, that was crazy shit, what's that?

Speaker 1:

I've never been in that place and broadway marys.

Speaker 2:

No, you said that last week. Yeah, yeah, I I mean her like on three occasions I think. So far I've met her, but this last time I met her she seems like she's a little more calm and, like Keith said, he thinks he was just like every time I met her before, it was like all the stress of fighting with everybody down there. She was constantly and she fights with her neighbor, which is Scrofano's. Like you know, anthony Scrofano I think it's like his uncle or something like that has a place right next to her and they fight over the driveway coming in and out.

Speaker 2:

Like they're arguing over it, like he feels like she couldn't, she can't use it because it's it's like a split driveway and he's like fucking barricaded it halfway down the driveway so then by the time her dumpsters and oil and stuff are in there, you can't drive through there because the other side's his and he's got it blocked off. It's crazy shit. It's a lot of ridiculous fighting and goofy going on. Yeah, probably maybe similar, but except it's businesses not personal.

Speaker 2:

I was telling Scotty about that, how you put the flag out there to get the ring camera to keep going I don't want him to miss nothing.

Speaker 1:

He wants to stare at me and videotape me and all kinds of shit. I'm like I don't want you to miss nothing. Put a little flag out there that waves. I was trying to find a little. Remember them little windmill things. Yeah, I'm trying to find a whipper wheel. Yeah, get a couple a whipper wheel. Put him in my yard down the thing, because he moves it like if that flag's there.

Speaker 1:

He'll move it over a little bit so it won't catch it all the time, and then I'll just move the flag yeah, just put it on your borders or your property that way, you can just keep his cameras off, your property right no, he can keep watching. I want him to watch. My place is secure.

Speaker 2:

My neighbor got all video yeah, but he won't share it uh, yeah, he will.

Speaker 1:

If the cops come, he thinks he's a cop. Oh, he will share it for what I got here, yeah maybe you can go get it from him for 50 bucks I ain't talking to that idiot instead of 50 grand 50 bucks look, he's got a big old hole in his roof. Shingles missing. But he'll put up a ladder to put up a camera to point it at my house. Fix that damn leak.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know what I get aggravated about that. Like that's the kind of stuff, like with the police that aggravates me. You see, stuff like that they'll bother you, for you know what I mean. But then shit like that like your neighbor that's coming over and bothering you because parking in the street or whatever, or or that uh, like that girl that that uh ran that kid down. It's like he, she never had even gotten arrested. She ended up committing suicide. Like how did she not get arrested? I mean, everybody knew who had done it. How did she not? How come she wasn't arrested, you know? I mean, or like when I had the problems at my house with the golf balls and the bullets and stuff. They don't, they, they're just like oh, there's nothing we could do right that shit.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I ain't even parked in a bad spot, but you guys are knocking on my door, ain't that crazy? I'm like. They did it like six, seven times and then finally I just went off on them. I was like listen, if I'm parked in a bad spot, give me a ticket, don't knock on my door, no more.

Speaker 2:

What about the cop that told me he would buy my fucking Raptor if I got a dent in it from the golf balls?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what an asshole. Right yeah that was an asshole move there.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of assholes, let me go see this one. I'm going to watch this live with everybody on the podcast because I haven't seen it. Guido sent it to me, so I'm going to watch this one. I kind of want to see this one here now. This is Lorraine Cops. You said yeah, all right, and now what do you set us up here?

Speaker 1:

Something about a kid was jaywalking and they went to his house and it was like a back road. It's not a main street okay they just had, like they have, to police force. Let's see what it is no, I'm just kidding, I don't know how many they had and welcome back to the civil rights lawyer channel.

Speaker 4:

one of the things I get asked about the most is what are your rights when the cops come to your front door? Well, you're in luck because I've done a bunch of videos on that, but here's some new footage that you're not going to want to miss, and you're going to have to watch the end because it's really one of the craziest ring doorbell type sets of footage I've ever seen. It's showing cops showing up without a warrant, refusing to leave, in the face of a homeowner asserting her rights. So apparently this is February 15th of this year and this is taking place in Lorain Ohio involving Lorain Ohio Police Department and this was sent in via submission by the homeowners.

Speaker 5:

So by talking to her she says it to the cop's shoes Right there.

Speaker 1:

I see them. They're gym shoes. I'm not paying attention to the Case or whatever they got going on here, but look at the cop's shoes. Hey, are those Nike Monarchs.

Speaker 2:

He's in jeans too, by the way, he's in jeans. Is that the ATF? Is that what it says?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but is that like proper, you know?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what the ATF wears.

Speaker 1:

If I'd have, seen somebody like that come to my door. I'd think he was fake and slammed the door in his face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he kind of looks fake.

Speaker 1:

Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

That looks like Kyle Rittenhouse.

Speaker 5:

I need to talk to him, so please send him out here. Man, this isn't up for debate. They need to come outside. You are, you have not see me. I'm walking on my window and they literally just walked over me. Yeah, they walked over and not a crosswalk, so please send them outside. For me. There is no crosswalk. 97. Send them?

Speaker 2:

Did he just say he walked over and not in a crosswalk?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it was stupid.

Speaker 2:

So it's really jaywalking, yeah, oh my God. All right, let's keep going. Is this really a?

Speaker 4:

jaywalking congregation. I'm saying to you so they're clearly standing within the curtilage of this property.

Speaker 5:

He's a police officer. He's got no money.

Speaker 3:

He's asking for help.

Speaker 5:

It doesn't happen. What is that?

Speaker 3:

You're not going to send them out, you're not going to send them out.

Speaker 5:

You're not going to send them out. You're not going to send them out.

Speaker 3:

Are you going to send them?

Speaker 5:

out or not, because this can go an entirely different way. You want to get a rest for obstructing.

Speaker 3:

We can go that route, send them out.

Speaker 5:

I have rights and what. Yeah, and they're right now. We're going to come outside so I can speak with them Come outside, so they're in their house. All the traffic stops on this free mail.

Speaker 4:

They clearly have no warrants. The homeowner clearly has not consented to their presence as an invited man.

Speaker 5:

And now you're saying it's a traffic violation.

Speaker 4:

You're right.

Speaker 5:

Because they're walking as an invited demand the last time he's asked.

Speaker 4:

Jay walking, the homeowner is asserting her rights. They have no right to be on the property without anyone. They're within the curlage of the home. That's protected under the Fourth Amendment. They have no rights to be on the property other than what any regular person would have under the state trust-breaking laws. Do you feel?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Hello, he's not screaming and yelling. You're coming out, guns hot. You see people like that. They're fucking minors.

Speaker 6:

They keep pulling up like Hello, hello.

Speaker 5:

He's not screaming and yelling. You're coming out once hot and he needs to rise to the level I'm standing out my window and I see my son come across the street with my nephew, Mr Frank, and y'all pull up All crazy, okay, and we ask them to stop for a minute and they scurry inside. I'm telling you what happened.

Speaker 6:

You either want to agree with me or you don't.

Speaker 5:

It doesn't make a difference, I'll just wait until. I show my camera right now. You said something so I can't. Because there are four cameras in your camera, so I have a phone.

Speaker 4:

This is where you ask them to leave until I don't come back.

Speaker 5:

No, because I'm watching this tour. Exactly, exactly, so I'm right, thank you. So I'm right, thank you. All right, listen, do you want to go whatever room? You can go whatever room you want.

Speaker 4:

Is he wearing an ATF badge? Really? Where are the girls? Is there a girl? Is that what the ATF is doing in their spare time Investigating jaywalking complaints regarding minors in Lorain Ohio? Probably a better use of their time.

Speaker 5:

Of course they need backup at this point.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was a thing that stuck out to me. Atf, I saw ATF, I go what the fuck ATF Like? Okay, all right.

Speaker 4:

Better check the back door before we continue.

Speaker 2:

And now you just gave me a commercial on this live video. Yeah, that that, yeah, that is crazy. Is there more to watch with this? Yeah, there is. So I got to fast forward to pass this commercial. Let's see what we got here. I'll play the commercial.

Speaker 4:

I want to give a shout out to Scentbird for sponsoring today's video. Everybody who smokes cigars knows that? Not everyone likes the smell of cigars. There's actually a great way to find great fragrances that people actually do. We've got to get past it.

Speaker 2:

It's coming through our microphones.

Speaker 4:

I shut it off on the desktop. It's coming through our microphones. Damn it. They're getting over on me, bastards.

Speaker 2:

I need paid. I need paid, I need paid. Can't we skip this ad or anything, nothing?

Speaker 1:

actual clone or perfume vial and the vials are filled, that's because we didn't have time to edit it and put it in there.

Speaker 2:

You know I mean yeah, I didn't watch it ahead of time, I just like I sent it to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

But it's relevant because it's Lorraine, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And it's jaywalking Off with their heads.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's Lorraine tackling the big issues. We have a department of alcohol, tobacco and firearms to take care of these jaywalkers. Let's get these jaywalkers out of our way. We can't have it. No more type of cologne and just the smell of it instantly brings back great memories.

Speaker 4:

Scentbird is a great company to get you introduced to different fragrances and to see what works for you, so see.

Speaker 2:

Oh wait, here we go, I can fast forward it. Hold on, hold on, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 4:

There we go. They're surrounding the house. They've probably got a sniper in position down the road. They're bringing the canines.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and when I shut up for one second, if I do a terrific stop, I have every legal right to follow.

Speaker 4:

So he does not have a warrant. He says he'll go get a warrant, okay.

Speaker 5:

Go get a warrant. What is their names? What is their names?

Speaker 4:

What is their names?

Speaker 5:

What is their names? What is their names? If you don't want to get it to me, I will arrest you for obstructing. I'm not playing around. What is their names?

Speaker 4:

It sounds like she's inside her house.

Speaker 5:

He's going to arrest her for obstructing without a warrant on her property.

Speaker 4:

The only thing they have a right to do here is a consensual encounter and it clearly is not a consensual encounter. You see the police cars, with the lights on one of which is blocking the driveway, not parked in an actual parking spot, wearing uniforms. There's no virtue of force.

Speaker 2:

That's using the word uniform very loosely Surrounding the house.

Speaker 4:

They're making threats to arrest Meanwhile.

Speaker 5:

they have no right to be on property at all. They've admitted they don't have a warrant.

Speaker 4:

State Chief again. Okay, what's your name? Atf, investigating Myers J. I wonder if the Department of Justice Inspector General's office is aware that this guy is wearing an ATF badge and berating mothers inside their front door without a warrant over their kids, allegedly jaywalking. If I had all your kids' information I would leave and get out of your hair. How about you just leave because you don't have a warrant nor any legal right to be on the property?

Speaker 5:

My fucking government law is an actual fucking police officer. My nephew is a fucking legal lawyer for dog people, for police officers. I got corrupt ass police to think that y'all have entitlement to civility. Corrupt ass police and think that y'all wear a bag, that y'all have entitlement to civility. They're trying to. I don't know because more than likely I'm trying to leave. What is your name? I'm on your phone right now. They can hear you. They're all going. Can you guys please get off my property? Can you please get off my property.

Speaker 4:

Alright. So she has expressly commanded that they leave the property and they expressly refused. And they claim that they have a legal right to be there. Oh really, what is that legal right? Because the Supreme Court of the United States says that the privilege of the residents is highly protected under the Fourth Amendment. They have the right to be there. They have something more. So what do you? The residence is highly protected under the Fourth Amendment.

Speaker 5:

I have the right to be there. I have to be there.

Speaker 3:

What is your last name.

Speaker 5:

And we will get everyone off your property. What is your last name? Mary Pilgrim.

Speaker 4:

What is your last name? And then we will get everyone off your property.

Speaker 5:

You should be able to find them. We're going to leave if you get out of the way.

Speaker 4:

No, you're not.

Speaker 5:

You're not going to leave, I'll leave right now. Then leave, then leave, give me your birthday. Thank you, sir. This is ridiculous as hell, and I've been watching all the time. Someone came up to me and literally came up out of the box.

Speaker 4:

There's really no argument at all that we're engaged in a potential encounter with the cops. This is really outrageous behavior at their engagement. A potential encounter with the cops calling Rock and Pop this is really outrageous behavior. This is just full of Fourth Amendment allegations here. Now he says a supervisor is coming out Wonderful, maybe he's heard of the Fourth Amendment. Is coming out Wonderful, maybe he's heard of the Fourth Amendment.

Speaker 3:

Everything is recording.

Speaker 5:

I'm entitled to know your name and your badge number 6347. What is your name 6347.

Speaker 2:

I got to fast forward this a little bit.

Speaker 5:

There you go. You got my badge number.

Speaker 4:

ATF special agent Standing on a lady's front porch in her yard without a warrant, refusing to leave. And here comes the supervisor oh, another one's pulling up comes from the supervisor. That's the supervisor's response. You're demanding stuff from the trespassing police officer, but you won't give him your information. Well, no wonder we have these problems if this is the supervisor.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even know Jeff Barnes was a cop.

Speaker 1:

Who the hell is Jeff Barnes?

Speaker 2:

The owner of Lads.

Speaker 4:

What's all these people trespassing? How many cops do they take for day walking? Minors take one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, but can they?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

You need to cooperate, no she doesn't need to cooperate. You need to leave the property.

Speaker 5:

Can you help me?

Speaker 3:

talk to her lady.

Speaker 2:

I'll be outside and listen to you that dude's got a hoodie that says police on it. Oh no, that's a. Oh, I see it's a vest right there. He just got like a hoodie, he's like just a hoodie. And then, if that guy showed up at my house, yeah, you wouldn't believe any of them. All right, hold on, hold on. Let's count them One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. We got nine police officers for jaywalking right now.

Speaker 4:

Fist bump and their fist bump. Job well done bro.

Speaker 2:

Look at that, just take a good look at that. Right there I said nine. Am I still right? One, two, three, yeah, it's nine, it's nine police officers. Actually it's seven police officers and two ATF agents for jaywalking.

Speaker 5:

I never realized.

Speaker 4:

So they charge her with a charge of a police. That's the thing she obstructed from her own property, her own curlage inside her house. The officer had no legal right to be there. They had no legal right to conduct an investigation there. Completely bogus charge, as she should be.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's back up the video to the beginning. All right, all right, let's back up the video to the beginning. The cops were saying that that they tried to initiate a traffic stop of some juveniles who were jaywalking and that it was sort of a pursuit into the house and that could be their only possible legal theory here of a hot pursuit, which is a joke. So here we see somebody walking up. A shadow don't appear to be around. Then we see the police car and clearly the shadow that's the dead. He's already on the front porch of his home. There's no pursuit. The police still have the right to just walk up on the property uninvited. That would not qualify as hot pursuit in my opinion, especially when they don't have any reason or suspicion for anything other than jaywalking. Well, what did you think about that? Let me know in the comments, but I've done some videos on this, so you ought to kind of know the answer to this.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's talk about it, let's. Let's go ahead and talk about it. That I I don't even know what you could say about that. That is freaking ridiculous dude. I mean jaywalking, really. I mean, is there another crime that we're not aware of, like? Is this an asshole kid that like?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How do you know it?

Speaker 1:

is so what? That ain't what it was about.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, I mean, you're right. You're right, I mean, if you, the laws are the laws, regardless of who you are and they ain't what?

Speaker 1:

Come on, you can't go chasing them to the house like that for a jaywalking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was absolutely absurd. I mean, there was nothing short of being absurd on that. That was absolutely absurd. And it's fucked up that Lorraineraine ends up on a freaking channel because the yeah national, because cops are doing dumb shit like that, like that doesn't make any sense, you know what the other cops.

Speaker 1:

It just brings bad luck on all of them. You know, and you got some good cops here, we got some really good, lorraine, where we got some good cops. No we got some real good cops here and that kind of shit Just Umbrellas them. You know what I'm saying? It's bad.

Speaker 2:

No, I yeah. That's bad, though I don't. So what that attorney Was basically saying is that the Fourth Amendment protects them in their house. Basically, they can't come in there, they can't mess With them and meanwhile the cops like Yelling at them that he's gonna. This is your last chance is that the Fourth Amendment protects them in their house. Basically, they can't come in there, they can't mess with them and meanwhile the cops like yelling at him that he's going to. This is your last chance and I'm going to arrest you for obstruction.

Speaker 1:

I'd be like tie your shoes, motherfucker, Get out of here, you see that shit.

Speaker 2:

He's ready to chase you, man, he got his gym shoes on, but he ain't have them laced up. Were shoes on, but he ain't have them laced up. Were those the monarchs?

Speaker 1:

it might have been.

Speaker 2:

They look like it didn't they?

Speaker 1:

but he needed to tie them up and them jeans had to go too. Like what the hell you doing, little khakis and shit yeah, that was bad, they didn't came to my door, I'd be like you ain't cops. I'd just slam the door in their face. Get the hell out of here yeah, you wouldn't believe they were.

Speaker 2:

They really didn't look like they were dressed apart. The atf is the part that's got me fucked up. Why is the atf? I don't know that's what makes me think like, was it? Like they were chasing some, like little dope boy or something, or what, what, what. Why is it the atf? That's what doesn't make sense to me, because why is it that the atf? They had nothing better to do the atf got a lot more to do in lorraine than that.

Speaker 2:

I promise you that figure something else out yeah, they got a lot more to do in lorraine.

Speaker 1:

There's no question, there's a lot more to do in lorraine shit like I said we got some good cops here and then you got shit like that that just you know tarnishes their names and shit yeah, right, right so that's why everybody keeps talking shit about the rain police, because of the dumb fucks the other ones that are doing their job.

Speaker 2:

They just get a bad rep for it how come you don't ever drive a box truck or anything. You only do the spent trucks usually box truck.

Speaker 1:

The hell would I drive a box truck I'm just asking how come because I don't work at amazon. I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

No, but I'm saying why don't you try those? Why don't? How come? How come concrete's your thing? I'm just curious. I'm curious, I don't know, because I don't like driving. Oh, you don't. Oh, okay, more to it.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're doing more than that there's way more to it. So you're running up ladders, you're putting chemicals in, you're backing up, you're linking up with a contractor. So it's not just driving. I don't like driving.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just was curious.

Speaker 1:

But where did that come up? We were talking about these police. Wow, did that sidetrack.

Speaker 2:

wow just, I was thinking about people not doing their jobs. Is what I was thinking about? Like, yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Well, that ain't my situation.

Speaker 2:

I do my job is that cop being a hector?

Speaker 1:

fucking hector hey, hector that cop was being a hector that might have been his name man, yeah, we probably should look it up no, I was just curious.

Speaker 2:

I mean that just got. I mean it's just that's your job, like as a cop. You should know you can't just like treat people like that, like right, but honestly like everybody that became a cop that we went to school with. If we're being honest, I don't go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I already know what you.

Speaker 2:

They were all assholes in high school, weren't they? No, I mean most of them. Be honest, don't bullshit.

Speaker 1:

You know what I think? I think all cops I ain't going to say all, but the majority of cops that start off are assholes at the beginning, and then they find their zone or whatever, and then they relax and just do their job, but at first I think it's like a chip on their shoulder ego when they're young, trying to prove themselves or something to that effect but once they get settled in and I've dealt with them all, you know I'm saying like when they first start they're just straight assholes, and then down the road they're they, just they're not so I don't.

Speaker 2:

I just because, like I always thought brandon was going to be a cop for sure, because he was such an asshole when he was a kid, I was like he's definitely should be a cop and there's something like I, just from the get-go.

Speaker 1:

I'm like why in the hell does he keep messing with me? And then all of a sudden they just calm down.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I don't know scotty said, driving a cement truck is just much safer than working on furnaces. That's fucked up.

Speaker 1:

Scotty, don't start cracking on me.

Speaker 2:

He loves that. He thinks that's hilarious, that picture. He loves that picture. Yeah, he loves it. That's a great picture for sure. We were.

Speaker 2:

We were, uh, me and I, I went to get a canopy. I wanted a canopy to put out front. You know, I got that little patio in the front there and I wanted to put like a patio to be able to just sit outside and, you know, while the kids are playing and stuff. So we go to rural king to get this canopy and I've I've seen it in there a bunch of times and thought about it and it's got like these two sides that come up there, the whole length of the canopy. They come up, they're nice. You know, it makes it real big once you open it up.

Speaker 2:

And, uh, I and I wanted to put it on that because you can put it on any side you want, but it, you know, it's only two of them. So I thought you put it in that corner, on that patio. I got two sides. I can close it up, cover stuff up. So I go up there and you can't get it there. They're like, basically they, I said. I said, uh, when are you gonna get one in? And they're like when we only get like five or ten in at a time and I go okay, but when's that they go? There's 70 people on the waiting list. I go. Oh, oh, my God, 70 people.

Speaker 1:

So you ordered it on Amazon.

Speaker 2:

No, I said does any of your other stores have it? And they go, they went through the computer or whatever, and Tiffin had it. I'm like, really I go, I'll drive to Tiffin. I mean, that's not that far, you know what I mean. That's not that far, you know what I mean. So me and Amanda drive out we did, you know, she takes Dylan to school, me and her drive out to go get this thing in Tiffin. And we're coming through downtown Tiffin and I see that T, a TPC truck, which that's who supplies our food. Tiffin paper company, that's who supplies our food here. So I, I see the truck, like coming through downtown. I'm like, oh, so I'm checking it out, dude, the back door is swinging wide open like it's just swaying, like this, and they're like just waving at everybody. That's like how does shit not fall out of there? Or like like freaking, he was being a hector. For sure 100, it must have been a hector damn, Damn Hector.

Speaker 2:

Hector driving the truck. Hector the truck driver, but that's what made me think about people not doing their job being a Hector.

Speaker 1:

Yes, no, hector does his job.

Speaker 2:

Just fucked up. No well, that guy is doing his job too.

Speaker 3:

He's driving the truck, but he's fucked up Right, right, right.

Speaker 2:

I mean the door's open, fucking H. I mean the door's open, fuck you, hector.

Speaker 1:

These cops are doing their job too, Just fucked up Like not following the rules.

Speaker 2:

Fucking Hectors.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, the shoes and shit is what got me. You're looking at this thing like, just like. You're going, I don't know, to cut your grass or something. You got some tennis shoes on Just fuck up.

Speaker 2:

Who cuts their grass and sneakers that clean and white?

Speaker 1:

it doesn't look like he's a professional atf agent yeah, but you gotta have dirty sneakers yeah, whatever, they didn't look that shiny they were pretty fresh yeah they were pretty fresh.

Speaker 2:

I can't tell from the video they look like the monarchs, but anyway, like the old people, shoes I wanted, I want.

Speaker 1:

Like the old people, shoes, I really want to see what's the end result of this? You know what I'm saying, like what's going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Well, that happened in February. Yeah, so that was of last year. So I want to know you might be able to look that up now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you might be able to look that up now. Now that's what we should start doing for the show, like when we get involved in those just go down and get the records they have to give you public records.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. Just go down and get them For your request.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just go request them, Boy we'll get on their nerves.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, god, we'll get on their nerves. You're getting a little carried away buddy, I don't live in Lorain.

Speaker 2:

shit, I'll go harass them. I ain't fucking gonna hear you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did remember that other one with the girl. They came in her house and shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah, that was crazy too that was another one.

Speaker 3:

That was ridiculous yeah that was another one.

Speaker 2:

That was ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

It kind of just dropped off that story it probably didn't, we just didn't keep up on it.

Speaker 2:

No, I try, I look around, I keep going, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They won't deliver newspapers at your house anymore yeah, so yeah, that was pretty pretty wild, that one yeah, scott, he said starsky always wore tennis shoes.

Speaker 2:

Starsky and hutch starts, starsky and Hector. I love it. That's funny shit. But yeah, that was TPC freaking driving around with their freaking doors open. That's probably why I don't have the shit I want. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's like I said, that's, that's horrible that you give a bad look to the Lorraine Police Department.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's.

Speaker 1:

And then you know what the other ones that followed. They were just doing their job. You get what I'm saying. Like they were called there as backup, that you just go. You know what I'm saying. That ain't got nothing to do with your choice to go or not. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I guess I mean is it? I mean yeah, I guess I mean is it, is it, I mean they, they, yeah, I guess. Does anybody just say I mean if, if I know you and I know, if that's you, you get called there, you're the cop, and that's going on, you go, hey, dude, that's this is a thing you can't do this right

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's who you are as a person anyways but I mean, I just find it hard to believe that none of them did that Like why Nobody decided to do that and their fist bumping at the end.

Speaker 1:

that was kind of cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

Nine of them for a kid jaywalking yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Maybe they were just. Maybe he liked his new kicks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was like look at my new shoes.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the kid just stepped on his shoes.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

That might be it, shit.

Speaker 2:

He stepped on his new shoes. That's what it was.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

It is crazy. Yeah, that was nuts, that was absolutely nutty. Yeah, so P Diddy's paying people, that's how that video. And then it comes out. Yeah, no, he's paying people, that's how you, that's how, that's how that video. And then it comes out. Yeah, no, you see, but like that, like that's, that's embarrassing too, like to me as a. As a police force, you went in and took that video footage and it released to cnn. So that means an officer somewhere released the fucking video and then probably got paid for it.

Speaker 2:

That's disgusting. That's pretty bad.

Speaker 1:

Why do you keep fucking evidence against you?

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

You destroy it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, something.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say that you destroy that shit, you don't keep it around and you're safe, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know why you would do that? Why would you save that you don't keep it around in your safe or whatever?

Speaker 1:

yeah. I don't know why would you save that? That's crazy, and they found it in his house. That doesn't make any damn.

Speaker 2:

That's what they said in a raid. That's what I now, that's just what I seen on. Uh, there was like uh, I forget what it was, was it? It was like one of those. Uh, like, I think it was like a fox contributor type thing, I think is what I saw it on. Was that what it was like? Saying that he sold it to cnn? That's just ridiculous. I mean, just selling it to cnn is just ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, you know yeah that, whoever sold it. There should be an investigation on that, like that shit that should never happen.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it should never hit that should have immediately. Should have been evidence right and he should have been arrested. He shouldn't be walking around right now. I mean for that just for that. Never mind anything else, just for that, that's kidnapping and assault.

Speaker 1:

That's what that is. When he grabbed her and pulled her back into the room. That's kidnapping, right there, absolutely. So you're taking somebody against their will, so kidnapping's a big charge Then. So you're taking somebody against their will, so kidnapping's a big charge. Then you got where he whipped her ass. You see him kicking on her Twice. So right there, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as soon as he grabbed her and pulled her in that room. That's kidnapping. You think he was just mad that she wasn't a guy.

Speaker 1:

It's possible he said put your finger in my butt. She said no, do it no, it's possible. He said put your finger in my butt.

Speaker 2:

She said no, do it, no, bitch scotty said I sold a demacia tape to tmz for one dollar oh shit, yeah, yeah, we're getting off here.

Speaker 1:

You should have.

Speaker 2:

He should have just gave that tape to him, fuck him.

Speaker 1:

Was it on TMZ.

Speaker 2:

Probably. Who knows? I'm sure I don't know if they put it out there, but he said he sold it to him.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the Machia, he was drinking again. He was somebody seeing him drinking. He went to one of the playoffs games and he was drinking.

Speaker 1:

So what.

Speaker 2:

What if he had just fucking?

Speaker 1:

learn your lesson. I don't think he did have an uber, by the way. I don't think so. He probably went with some friends, said I can't drive this week.

Speaker 2:

They already just caught me okay, if that's what you want to say whatever scotty said I paid them a dollar to put the team on.

Speaker 1:

I love it, I love it alright, so the petty show is over with today the petty show is over.

Speaker 2:

We're done being petty.

Speaker 1:

Petty is over oh, next week I'm gonna I'm gonna put out a bunch of contractors, concrete contractors, that are good in this area. So I'm going to give the name, phone number and areas they work.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I like that. That's a good idea to put on the show. Yeah, how much are you getting paid for that?

Speaker 1:

A dollar. Scotty donated a dollar. But yeah, I got a list together and I got to get the phone numbers and the contacts for everybody and I'll put it out there.

Speaker 2:

Get it on screen so we can put it up. You know what I'm saying, so it goes out on there. We could do that. Yeah, that'd be cool.

Speaker 1:

And they're not getting their name on there if I don't get a shirt.

Speaker 2:

It's only ones with shirts Only ones with shirts.

Speaker 1:

So no, I got a few of them. Reinhardt Brooks, johnny Schaefer, he's gonna he does it on the side. He's gonna get all his credentials and everything together.

Speaker 2:

You're doing it now.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just throwing a quick one out there. You got Brooks Reinhardt Schaefer.

Speaker 2:

I think you're just doing it right now. It sounds like.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm gonna put the numbers and everything else out in the areas that they work One day this week, I say just for content, bar-related content.

Speaker 2:

one day this week I say me and you play a game of darts or something.

Speaker 1:

I'm just so tired of beating you and everything all right, so I don't play darts.

Speaker 2:

I'll just get me neither so it's I mean I'm not trying to get something that I'm good at and you're not, I just you know. I mean, oh geez, I think it's good content we just do it. We just do a game of darts one night man, I can't remember the last time.

Speaker 1:

last time I played was with dylan, that was years ago and he beat you Probably Shit.

Speaker 2:

In all fairness, he had a lot of practice with Howell.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, him and Howell were practicing and shit, he used to jump out of the chair to pull him out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and he had to touch the table. He had a weird thing Like before he would throw, he would touch the table.

Speaker 2:

And then if you touch, the table after he'd freak out and have to go touch it again. Yeah, it was crazy, all right. Well, there, it is all right. There it is. I'm ready to get out of here. You ready to get out of here? Yes, sir, all right, everybody, please help us out and go subscribe on youtube we're number and tiktok and on any of the other ones that we have out there that are there for us. Like what's the other one? Twitter, facebook, you know, subscribe, get the subscription. That way it'll notify you when it's coming through and we'll see you, guys, later.

Speaker 3:

Part of the reason I'm here is that I know how to take a joke.

Speaker 6:

They've done so much to ridicule me over the years. This show has been a disaster for me.

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