MAHD House Bar Talk

Bar Banter and Backyard Blunders: Unfiltered Tales of Pride Parades, Patio Projects, and Pub Life Balancing Acts

June 16, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 30

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Ever wondered if owning a bar and grill is all fun and games, or mostly headaches? Join us at Madhouse Bar Talks for an uproarious and reflective journey through the highs and lows of life, starting with our uncensored opinions on a colleague named Jimmy and a good laugh at the Rolling Stones still rocking out in Cleveland. You'll get a taste of what it really takes to keep a bar and grill running, from the dedication required to the tricky task of managing staff, all sprinkled with tales of Uncle Dale's stubborn refusal to retire from the restaurant biz and the balancing act of work and family on occasions like Father's Day.

Picture this: you're on your lunch break, dressed in work gear, and suddenly find yourself in the middle of a gay pride parade. Our unexpected encounters don't stop there—we recount our escapades in New Orleans' gay section of Bourbon Street, leading to some unforgettable bar moments. Add in our bemusement at a local fashion show in Lorraine, and you've got a chapter filled with laughter and the kind of unpredictability that makes life so entertaining.

Home improvements might sound mundane, but when you throw in neighborhood tensions, wildlife encounters, and a backyard project that spirals out of control, things get downright comedic. From purchasing a "she shed" to dealing with concrete delivery mishaps, our tales of transforming our backyard are nothing short of hilarious. We also dive into the financial strain of housing and food costs, touching on the necessity of side gigs to make ends meet, and the frustrations of incentive programs in the concrete industry. So, grab a drink and get ready for a rollercoaster of humor and relatable struggles in this episode of Madhouse Bar Talks!

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Speaker 2:

we're number one jimmy has been a cheap ass. You know I'm like damn, you heard it here first right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

We're the best you know. They say people that cuss are more honest. So I'm an honest motherfucker. Put the fish away, reggie. It don't even hurt to get, not for me nothing to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's do it, come on I'm not ready.

Speaker 1:

I'm ready, I want's do it.

Speaker 2:

Come on, I'm ready, I'm ready, I want to do it. I wear a phone.

Speaker 1:

I got one on right now.

Speaker 2:

You want to see Jimmy and Geek? Madhouse Bar Talks. Baby, that is a bunch of shit. If you ask me, that doesn't make no sense. Good morning, sunday morning. Madhouse Bar Talks. Here we are, on top of Madhouse Bar and Grill.

Speaker 1:

Brian's on.

Speaker 2:

Brian's on. He's in early. He's in early today, nice and early. He's here for the whole show. He must not have been out watching the Rolling Stones last night Cutting the grass.

Speaker 1:

What did he say last night?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what he said. It was a lie, I think night. I don't know what he said, it was a lie, I think so. Uh, did you see? It's the rolling stones weekend in cleveland is it they're gonna be there they've been there all weekend. Yeah, yep, they sure have with their walkers in there yeah, right, that's what I was thinking. I, you know, I pulled up a youtube video like this, like because I'm trying to think.

Speaker 2:

I really don't think I'm a big fan of the rolling stones, like I mean it's been there forever yeah, it's been around forever, like it was like my dad type music maybe, but I was like listen to it. I'm trying to find it, and most of what you find is all like in mono you can't even like find a stereo, like it's like I couldn't even find one that I thought was like good enough to test on air. You know what I mean, because it was like a little tribute to them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and plus, not only that problem, I guarantee rolling stones are one of those ones like if you use it on air they're gonna like mute it on you or something. Anyways, that's probably why it's mono, so they can pick up on it real fast and easy. But yeah, yeah, rolling stones are in cleveland for a weekend. That's kind of cool, though. I mean, that would be cool to go to go see them. You know what I mean. Wonder what their like big ad sponsors are, like jarrett's all. They're all on stage with diaper butt. That would be hilarious. Oh my god, that's too funny. I, I like it. The Rolling Stones on stage with Diaper Butt.

Speaker 1:

Ah, man, when you done that, good man, just give it up. You know like go your life.

Speaker 2:

That's what they enjoy. I mean, the thing is is that most people that are like find super success in things like that. It's because it's like what they absolutely love. I mean, that's like that's their fun, they enjoy it. That's a shame those people make all that money on that but honestly, they don't really work. They've never worked a day in their life because they love what they're doing. You know what I mean. And it's just like Eileen down here at Dog Suds she loves it. She don't want to give it up. She don't want to admit that it's over. You know what I mean? Which she should. She should Same with my Uncle, dale.

Speaker 2:

He should relax. He's got a pension coming. No, he wants to open a new restaurant and bar. Like, what the hell's the matter with you? Like, it's Father's Day today. By the way, happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there and all the sugar daddies and whoever else. But, yeah, it's Father's Day. And because I own a bar and restaurant, guess what I got to do for Father's Day? I got to cook. I'm the cook. Yeah, yay, I have a business. Whoopee. And Dale wants to sign up for this shit. And the worst part is he hired most of my old employees that I freaking got rid of because they call off all the time and shit. So what's that going to end up being like for him? He's going to be covering a lot of shifts.

Speaker 1:

They might work out good for him.

Speaker 2:

Nah, they worked out good for me. That's why they worked for so long, most of them, but eventually. Eventually it all come. But it seems like it hits all at once, like that's the problem. Like they're doing great and all of a sudden this one calls off that one and dale's like he's too old to be doing all that again.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean, he's crazy I know he's having a lot of uh setbacks over there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think anytime you open up something like that, that happens I don't dale just makes it out like it's a bigger deal than it is. I mean, he's just like it's just as how it is. The cities you just got to go through all the things you got to do, and you know what I mean. You got to do all that shit, jump through all the hoops they want you to jump through and everything else. But yeah, he's crazy. I just take a man. If I could let me make enough money to freaking, relax, I'll be enjoying life. I mean, go on a vacation, maybe that would be nice.

Speaker 2:

My sister's in aruba right now. We were, so she wanted us to go. She was trying to get us to go to aruba with her, like she's been asking like for a year, basically, and we wanted to go. But I'm like, yeah, I don't know. I just that's, that's scary to me. We're not set up here to for me to leave to go to aruba, that's for sure. So, yeah, she's in aruba living her best life because she's got a job, her husband's got a job, and they can just say, nope, I'm on vacation this week would be nice. Should have just kept my job how you feel you think you should have kept your job. Nope, I'm glad you didn't. You're doing a lot of stuff done at my house.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's honestly, truthfully, that I make more money when I'm not working.

Speaker 2:

You do. Oh yeah, I wouldn't doubt that. But the thing is it's like you do make more cash in pocket, but it's like that, that extra, like the security that it's always there, the, the medical the medical insurance, the like.

Speaker 2:

You know what my medical insurance cost me? Like, because I pay for my own. It's eleven hundred dollars a month and it don't cover shit hardly. I mean it really don't. I mean it don't cover shit. I mean that that's, that's not. Uh, that's not a fun thing. I mean, think about eleven, about it. That's $13,000 a year. Right there, that's $6.50 an hour that you're giving up right there, $6.50 in a 40-hour work week, that's $6.50 an hour. Basically, that I got to pay of my own money just for that Kind of crazy. Well, you better use it. I don't. That's the worst part. I don't even use it.

Speaker 2:

I'm scared to go to the doctor because once they get you in that cycle, they just keep going and going. They're like, oh well, I don't know, maybe you should test this or maybe you should test this. Hey, tia, how's it going? Tia was on. She posted a thing. She was showing that Mayor Jack Bradley was in that gay parade, the gay parade that they had on the bridge over there.

Speaker 1:

Was it a gay parade?

Speaker 2:

The gay parade. Yeah, you didn't see, I got it. Hold on, I'll show it to you. It was a gay parade. Hold on now. That didn't work. Let me see open. Pause it there. All right now. What do I gotta? How do I move this over there? We go, all right. That's where I want it, all right. Yeah, it was a. Yeah, it's a gay parade. Let me put it on here real quick. There's the bluetooth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah she said it was a fashion show a fashion show not a gay parade.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god oh really, it's gay pride month, so I just assumed that that's what it was. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's right here. Yeah, it's right here, that's not a gay parade.

Speaker 1:

He says it's a fashion show, really, wow.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was going to say gay parade. I thought, for sure, look at it. I mean it looks like a gay parade. I didn't know it was a fashion show. Huh Well, I mean it looks like a gay parade. I thought I didn't know it was a fashion show. Huh Well, I screwed that up. Who's doing a fashion show in Lorain with Mayor?

Speaker 1:

Jack Bradley in it. She said you called it exactly what it is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't get that.

Speaker 1:

Where was that at?

Speaker 2:

That's on the bridge, the Basco Bridge right there. Yeah, see there, right there, there's your bridge right there. Yeah, see there, right there, there's your mayor right there, see him. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. Huh, it's a fashion show though.

Speaker 2:

Huh, really that's wild he's fashionable I well, I just thought, because it's gay pride month and stuff, I just thought the mayor was out there, you know, supporting the community and doing what. I thought I didn't know. I thought he was in a gay parade. I mean I seen it like because she posted it or something and then I really didn't look that much. But then the one picture that I seen of him, I'm like it's definitely got to be what it is. I mean, what do you mean? I don't know. Like, when I seen it, I'm like it's gotta be what it is Right. I mean I don't know. I mean I saw this picture and I'm like what?

Speaker 1:

I mean he said to fashion show for gay people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Is that what it is. I mean, I thought it was a gay pride parade. I just assumed. You know what I mean they do always. Do you know what I mean they always do? You know, they always do the gay pride parade in Cedar Point. You know what I mean? Today, Father's Day, they always do that. That's the gay pride day at Cedar Point.

Speaker 1:

They're taking it on Father's Day too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, did I ever tell you the story about that? Oh man, it was funny. So, wade, when wade worked for me back in the day, wade went to cedar point. He took his dad for father's day and he, he comes in, he comes into the the house and he starts laughing. He goes, he goes. Uh man, that was, uh, that was the craziest thing ever. I'm never going to Cedar Point again. He goes. It's just a bunch of freaking weirdos. And I knew it was gay because my mom was talking about it. So I'm like, dude, it was gay pride day, he goes on Father's Day. He was so pissed he was like blowing up. But yeah, that's when they do it, they always do it on Father's day at cedar point, that's it that. That, uh, that's well that cedar points got that thing too. That just happened with the camels and the goats. Did you see that?

Speaker 1:

I seen something about that. I didn't even know they had camels and goats or the camels jumping along crazy and shit they were just running around the park.

Speaker 2:

They were just like I don't know what they were doing. They were just running around the park. They were just like I don't know what they were doing. They were just running around the park like they just broke out of their cage or whatever, like it looked. Like they were ready to sample the one guy on a wheelchair that was in the video like that they showed on, I think abc news or something, or fox news or something. I was freaking, dying, laughing, I'm like that, what the hell? And then goats got out yesterday or not yesterday, the next day or something like that well, what's up with the person supposed to be watching it locking them up or whatever?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I don't know well. Now they're saying like I guess pita's throwing a big fit about it because skita or uh, pita was saying that the reason that they're jumping out of their areas and stuff and running like that, like they are, is because all the noise and ruckus and commotion they're saying that it's, you know, inhumane to them. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Did a kid, let him loose.

Speaker 2:

A kid, let him loose, dude. That'd be the ultimate. I wish I would have been that kid. I would have been if I'd have known how, when I was a kid for sure that would have been funny as shit. Just watch all the fucking chaos. It would have been great.

Speaker 1:

Camel running around licking people.

Speaker 2:

Spitting on them. Yeah, too funny. Yeah, so Bradley was in a fashion show. Huh, that's funny. Who picks him as a model? Like a fashion model? And if you do, why wouldn't you put him in a suit? I mean, the guy's a frickin'. He's been an attorney forever. He could wear a suit. A llama, is that what it is that spits? No, isn't it a camel that spits? I don't know. I could have swore in the cartoons it was camels that spits, but I don't know. For sure I'm not from egypt. That's funny shit. Yeah, I don't know. Cedar point, crazy shit going on over there. Yeah, and our mayor was in a fashion show, apparently not a gay pride parade, I thought it was gay pride. Do we do a gay pride parade in loring? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know, I think so I know they do it in cleveland because I've been in it on accident everybody's I've told it.

Speaker 2:

I've told that story out here or no, I don't think I have on here. We, we left, we we left out of. We were at lunch on a Saturday, we were working at the Huntington Bank building on 9th Street in Cleveland and Jimmy Dean for people who don't know, jimmy Dean was my journeyman that I worked under. This was when I was an apprentice and Jimmy Dean was like smoked cigars, drank black coffee, drove an old truck, like that was just. He was just a man's man. That's just who he was. You know what I mean. And uh, we come out of there to go get lunch and we come around the corner. Now, mind you, we got hard hats on too. You know. I mean, we're dressed in work boots and jeans and we got hard hats on and we come around the corner heading.

Speaker 2:

I think we were going to the galleria at the time to get to get grab lunch, because it was saturday. It wasn't a bunch open back then. It was before, you know, cleveland took off. You know it was went back when cleveland was like homeless guys in the street on your way to work in the morning type place. So we come around the corner and we're seeing as we're walking, we're seeing, like you know, you see, like some weird shit, like guys in short shorts and uh, there was like there was like it's just weird shit, like guys with makeup on and like high mohawk type spiky shit, like it was just all weird shit. Like not used to seeing that we're going, what, what's going on? And we come around the corner, dude, and they've got like the banner and the gay pride parades coming.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Jimmy just looks at me and he goes dude. If you ever tell anybody about this, Nobody listens to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

You ain't got to worry about it. Nobody listens.

Speaker 2:

All day I kept going. It's fun to play at the Y.

Speaker 1:

We was at Mardi Gras, we was down on Bourbon Street. I mean this guy, tim, and we asked the guy where's the bars at, where's the good ones, or whatever, and he's like, oh yeah, you go down and just keep going down. There's all kinds of them. We're like all right.

Speaker 1:

So then he goes. But there's like an imaginary line. He said once you cross that line you're in the gay section. So we're like, okay, we're walking. Look at a bar, it's so packed you couldn't get a drink. Look at another one Couldn't get a drink. Just kept walking. So there was a bar. You could see the bar. Oh, let's go in and get a drink. We go in there. My buddy, tim, goes, get a, get us a couple beers. I'm looking around. There's guys tongue in and shit. I'm looking like what the hell? I said hey, tim, he's like hold on a minute you know like it's all loud and shit he's trying to get the drinks.

Speaker 1:

Then he's like I said hey, tim, and he's like hold on, hold on, I almost got him. So the guy gives him the drinks and he hands me the drink. And I look at him and I go I think we crossed that line. And he goes what are you talking about? And he starts looking around. He goes, oh shit. So we come out, we start walking back the other way. It was pretty good, though.

Speaker 2:

That's funny shit.

Speaker 1:

We were just looking around like we're in the wrong spot. Might have went too far. Hey, hold my hand, little buddy.

Speaker 2:

That's why you wanted to hold your hand up.

Speaker 1:

That's what it was yeah, put your hand in my pocket.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, don't you hold your pocket right. Hold my pocket here, hold my pocket.

Speaker 1:

That shit was funny as hell. We just kind of looked at each other like, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Oops, oh no.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty good, though it was funny as hell.

Speaker 2:

He was laughing all the way back. Yeah, well, that's crazy, but I mean I never would have expected that out of oh, never mind, it's not a gay parade. I was going to say I never would have expected that out of Bradley, but I forgot, it's not a gay parade. I keep still thinking it's a gay parade, that's what I thought it was, but I don't know. Whatever, I thought that's what it was, but it's who's fashion show, is it, though? I don't get it. Who's doing a fashion show in Lorraine?

Speaker 1:

She said it, I don't. When you see a fashion show, you never see anybody with that shit on, unless you're a celebrity or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, it's always like some oddball stuff.

Speaker 1:

Then they'll come out with like a purse or something. Then everybody else will start buying a purse.

Speaker 2:

Javon Terras. Tia, that's who it is, I or what is he young I don't know. I think he. I think he is like a fat. I probably heard of him from alexa, probably, if I had to guess. I have heard of it, but I don't know who that is. I have no idea if he's 60 or 20, I don't know. I don't know nothing about him. I know I don't like his taste in fashion. How's that? Oh, arendo, okay, all right, that's his son-in-law.

Speaker 1:

Who's son-in-law?

Speaker 2:

A Rendo, can you see the same things I'm seeing on her?

Speaker 1:

I don't know who that is.

Speaker 2:

You do. I'm trying to think how to explain him.

Speaker 1:

I probably do. He comes in here he has?

Speaker 2:

I think, yeah, he's been in here. You'd know him. If you've seen him, you know who it is. Google it or facebook. Sway went to Southview with him. Sway went to Southview. I didn't know that. I had no clue. Sway, do you wear his clothes? Just curious.

Speaker 1:

He was in the back of the parade.

Speaker 2:

He was in the back of the parade, yeah, right behind Jack Bradley.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that's too much.

Speaker 1:

Jack just drew all the attention.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right behind jack bradley. Yeah, oh, my god, that's too much, all the attention. Yeah, what that's. And tia was like. I seen tia's post was saying something about something about, uh, putting one of them on the port authority or something. I forget what it was. I forget, I can't remember what it was. I don't. I don't really remember something about it. Something about, I think, I think, this guy. What's his name? Again, what did she just say his name is? I forgot it again already. I can't even remember what it was Javon, yeah, trevor or something.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember, but anyways, anyways, yeah, he must be doing good, got parades and shit going. Well, it's not a parade, it's a, we're calling it parade now.

Speaker 2:

I say it until it happens. He has a shop downtown In Lorain.

Speaker 1:

He must be doing good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he must be.

Speaker 1:

He got the mayor walking in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he probably had to Because he probably gave him a bunch of money for his shop down there.

Speaker 1:

I'm guessing who knows Hard to say she said it was a parade.

Speaker 2:

It was a parade, it was a fashion show. She said Make up your mind. Oh no, she's being funny, she's being funny, yeah, yeah, say it till everybody goes along with it.

Speaker 1:

Just make it up as you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, I did a thing and you know about it because you're over there helping me with it. I bought Amanda a she shed to get her out of the— by the seashore, by the seashore, yeah, by the seashore, she shed by the seashore. By the seashore, yeah, by the seashore, she shed by the seashore. And, uh, we ended up I. So I get this shot and they're gonna deliver it tuesday. So, and it's big as shit, it's like 28 by 12. So they're like, oh, they're gonna deliver tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't got no place to put it. My backyard's like unlevel as shit, like it's all on a hill and stuff. So I we freaking decide, okay, I go and I run a bobcat or whatever. And you come over and you're running it, we frame it out, we fill in the stone or whatever. And then you're like, well, we got the bobcat, we should do the driveway too. I mean, you're going to waste the money on it, got it all weekend. So now I'm engulfed in a concrete driveway, a concrete patio in the back and a concrete patio in the front and a she shed all landed on Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

This is crazy. So it's been nuts, it's been crazy around.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you what that just being dug out looks so much better.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying it don't. I mean it obviously looks better, but I mean it just. I mean, and it weighed in that backyard up a ton like that that backyard went from. I mean it's double the size. Literally we're gonna put the she shed back here and have the same size yard that I had before. Oh yeah, you know what I mean, and maybe more. I maybe, like we added the shed back there, big shed, and get more yard out of it.

Speaker 1:

That's not shit out bull.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, my yard's destroyed. It's just completely destroyed right now.

Speaker 1:

So and then don't put me on a skidster. I already told you don't put me on a skidster, I'll tear some shit up I know as soon as you get in it, you go.

Speaker 2:

The first thing you said is I bust these windows out. All the time I went, oh shit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you got one with windows. Oh, yeah, yeah, I bust it out, I should have got.

Speaker 2:

You know, what I should have done is I should have got. I should have got video of you when you were running it. I didn't think about that until this morning.

Speaker 1:

That shit was funny with Johnny huh.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you threw him in there for a minute. Yeah, that was hilarious. The funniest, though, was danny, because danny's on at the night that you left, so me and danny started filling in the stone, or filling in the dirt, or whatever, leveling it off, setting a post getting ready for stone and danny's giving me a hand with the whole thing, and as he's giving me a hand, he's going.

Speaker 2:

He's going. Uh man, this thing don't really go that fast. Now it's nighttime, you can't really see. I'm not gonna say it was bright outside or whatever don't try and I'm like nobody goes like he goes.

Speaker 2:

It's moving slow, he goes, I can't, I, I don't. I wish it could go faster. And I go, damn it. Uh, I geto was doing it for sure he goes. I don't know how to do it. And then the next day when you come in, you go, you go, he goes. Hey, how'd you get that to go faster? And your answer was the greatest answer of all time. I pushed on the gas. I was dying laughing.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

It was too much. It was so damn funny, I was dying laughing. Oh my God. Oh my God, it was too much, that was so damn funny, I was dying laughing. But yeah, no stamp patio, brian, I'm poor, I don't live like that.

Speaker 1:

Then I got. So every time we can, me and Johnny, go on a job. He always tries to do this and do that while I'm on the skidster and I'm like it just don't do what you want it to do. There's no possible way for it to do what you he wants me to, like go sideways and drag it like that and shit. And I'm like this is not an excavator, it doesn't do what you want it to do. Oh yeah, and he gets aggravated. So I jump out of it all the time and I'm like go ahead, show me. Then it's like sometimes he can't even operate, he just jumps back out, just go ahead. He does it all the time. But I'm like like yesterday, you see what I did. I said here you go he's. I said yeah get the hell out of there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was having a rough time, yeah he was having a rough time with it for sure. It was like I was laughing, but I mean it'll be done and over with soon enough.

Speaker 1:

I guess I just got to get through it. Oh, it's going to look so nice.

Speaker 2:

It is, it's going to be nice and then we'll get a fence in back there and get it. I mean, well, it'll help with, it'll get my dog. I can just let her out the back door. She could just run around if it's fenced in back there and then we'll have the nice patio back there. We can block off some of the noise from the apartments back there with the building.

Speaker 1:

You ain't gotta look at that naked guy. Let's put a fence up what naked guy, the guy next door. Oh, he's done. Oh yeah, if I put the one to the right, yeah, they're the tanning people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the one I'm nervous about, man. Because that? Because, well, we got to bring that shed in, oh, you got. You got a mouse in your pocket well, I'm just saying they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it, I'm not doing it.

Speaker 1:

But oh, that's gonna be they're gonna deliver it.

Speaker 2:

When they deliver it, they're gonna have to.

Speaker 1:

They have to have like 13 foot two they're gonna clip into his yard a little bit.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna clip into his yard just a hair and he's gonna lose it. Oh, he's, and and rightfully so, because amanda fucks with them. Hardcore, because the wife put up a sign that said no trespassing. So then amanda put up a sign that said that said kids at play will ruin her day. Because they do that, because the kids play football in the front yard and sometimes the ball goes in their yard and they don't even have a nice yard. Dude, it's not like they're like fucking putting any fertilizer in it and watering it. I mean it's just fucking grown weeds that are cut. I mean it's stupid, it doesn't make sense. But anyways, they're worried about the kids like getting a ball out of their yard. Or every once in a while there's a tree that's on their side that the kids would lean on while they were waiting their turn, or something.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean and between your, your yard and their house is probably what?

Speaker 2:

50 feet yeah, at least, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So if they, step 10 feet into their yard, like there's, you're still way away from their house.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, for sure, for sure. I did not shut my phone off cause I'm a dummy. Um, so yeah, so anyways, when they go to deliver the shed, the only possible way is to go around through there, and I'm nervous.

Speaker 2:

I don't want them to realize like I've been telling you every time I'm like no go to this side, go to this side, stay on this side, like I don't want them to realize it until it's done and over with. Yeah, the neighbor is an asshole. So this neighbor rented this house from this guy and I was trying to get a hold of him because there's like two lots in between us that the guy had, and I was trying to get a hold of him for years to try and buy it, but he was sick, the guy that owned the house, well, he actually ended up dying. The family sold these people their house and these motherfuckers switched.

Speaker 2:

Dude, they just they went from like the nicest neighbors to the asshole neighbors instantly. I mean they were always the weird neighbors, always like out back tanning all the time, like I mean, and it's not like they're like on their side yard, like everybody could see you, you know. I mean it's like I don't want to look at that and it's nothing to look at, I promise oh, I see, yeah, there's nothing to look at nobody wants to see that.

Speaker 2:

So they, they. So, okay, let's go back. So before, when they were running, she comes and knocks on the door and ask amanda if her grandkids, when they come over, can go play on our play set in the backyard. Man, it goes, absolutely go right ahead. Just, you know, you watch them. I'm not responsible for them. I don't know if they get hurt or something. You know, and I guess they did a couple times or something like that. I I don't know exactly what it was that happens while I'm at work or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But then all of a sudden they like were able to buy the house from the family after the owner died. They worked out a deal and bought the house and they turned into instant fucking assholes, like throwing a fit with the kids in the front yard, like anytime they were playing, like, and we got a bunch of kids, like I'm not saying it's not a lot of kids, and maybe if you don't have kids, maybe it gets on your nerves a little bit, but I mean I like seeing kids playing, even if it wasn't my kids, it's like it's good for them. I mean they're outside playing, not on their devices. They're playing football or soccer or whatever it is, and so, anyways, it irritates them when the kids are like in the front yard, even like the remote control cars, if they drive through their yard they throw a fucking fit.

Speaker 2:

So she goes, puts after bitching a bunch of times, then she puts a sign out that says no trespassing aimed at my house. Now, aimed at my fucking house. It's not like it was just a no trespassing sign aimed at the street. That bitch is in the side yard, five feet from my house, aimed right at my house. No trespassing, pissed me off, like literally pissed me off. Like literally pissed me off. When you were asking to come play on the play set, right, everything was good then now don't fucking let your kid come cross into my fucking weeds that I cut.

Speaker 1:

Fuck you listen when they go and put that shit in. After that you know how you fix all that. Go buy every kid in the block a mini bike. We'll piece up some.

Speaker 2:

They'll call the cops. That's all they'll do, is they'll?

Speaker 1:

call the cops. What are the cops going to do? They don't do nothing.

Speaker 2:

But it's just aggravating dumb shit. So Amanda puts up signs out there. There's two of them. One says kids at play will ruin her day and their aim. She's got arrows aimed at her house and shit. And what's the other one? I forget what it is. Kids at play ruin her day and damn it. I can't think of what. The other?

Speaker 1:

one is Is she watching? Surprise? I don't know. But yeah, so you're going to have issues.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, for sure. So I mean, if Amanda's putting signs up like that, then clearly there's there's going to be an issue whenever they drive over there with the, with the shed, but hopefully it'll be done and over with by the time they get out of there.

Speaker 1:

What about your little stray dog? Owner.

Speaker 2:

That stray dog, the little one, that yeah, the, the, the the nosy little dog yeah, he runs up just looks around yeah, he was there last night. I was out, I was out there looking. He walked back there.

Speaker 2:

He's like walking over his chest just looking everything, inspecting, yeah, making sure everything was right yeah, I'm glad there's no like cameras back say I gotta get, I'll probably put some back there, but that right now there's no camera back there. And I'm glad because I probably look like a retard because he come back there last night and I'm like everything look good, bud, I'm by myself, nobody's around, I just look like a stupid. If I got recorded.

Speaker 1:

Do you see my eyes when I take a look?

Speaker 2:

I know you start pushing. I'm like fuck dude, I dude, I'm watching, I go holy shit, he's nuts. Because there's a at the back of my yard is like there's trees and shrubs and stuff and I let it grow in thick like it's. Through the years it's gotten thicker. When I first got the pro the thing back in 2006, it was a rental property so I put a shed back there because I had all them extra sheds that I had at the shop. They were my shop and I threw one back there. I threw one at the apartments in in uh central and I had one at the house. But uh, the shed that I put back there, they kind of like let it grow around it before I got into the house.

Speaker 1:

It looked like an island.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was like when I put it there it was like in the middle of the yard. It was nothing to do with the weeds, so the weeds kind of came in around it. And then after that I just kind of slowly let it, kind of accidentally, because it's got prickly things and shit. So when you're cutting the grass you end up going a little further away so you don't get snagged. And then a little further away they're just taking over. So you start pushing it and there's like I mean, it goes down to a creek back there. You start pushing it and these fucking limbs give out and all of a sudden that thing's over the edge. I go, oh shit, he's going in there for sure, sitting there thinking how the hell am I going to figure it out? I thought for sure you were at Connor.

Speaker 2:

I did. It was cool, though I wiped it out. Looks good, looks real, real good. Back there, pretty excited, amanda will be. She wants to put her cricket out there, and then we're gonna put like a little mattress above the loft on the one side. I might even put a second loft on the other side, so there's two beds back there, like up high. I don't know why. I mean, maybe the kids will sleep out there or something. I don't know. Who knows, I don't know what'll happen that's gonna be cool.

Speaker 2:

It's big yeah, it's a nice big and it's got a little front porch on it and stuff. It's good, it's pretty cool. Yeah, it'll be, it'll be neat, it'll be nice, and I'm now can enjoy the backyard again, hopefully, which I don't enjoy it too much because of, like right now, with that no, having no fence or nothing back there, like if you go sit back there and I don't have brightest light back there. So when I, freaking, am sitting there on the patio at night, I mean you put a fire on or whatever. The next thing you know, you like there's a skunk right next to you, or raccoons are right now, like there's so many animals coming up out of that creek area, like it's like, fuck this man, get a fence, get it like bright and get some bright light so I could see what's going on. I don't want to be sitting out there. Next thing, I know I'm sprayed by a skunk, you know. So it should be nice. I don't know when I'll get to the fence, though, when we when we took that shed off.

Speaker 2:

well, Thought there was going to be all kinds of critters underneath there. I did too. I expected, because the floor of that shed, when you that floor of that shed, had holes just like everywhere, I mean there must have been eight holes in there, nine holes in the floor of that shed. I hadn't used it in a long time and because the groundhogs and shit were getting into it, you hadn't used it in a long time. And a grunt because of groundhogs and shit.

Speaker 1:

We're getting into it. You hit it.

Speaker 2:

I expect I've stayed away like all the way back and nothing. They must have all been underground or something. Yeah, you can see all of them. Yeah, it was crazy. It's like sand through there yeah because they got it all like dug up and stuff. Danny said that his father-in-law, or his girlfriend's dad or whatever took broken beer bottles and put them in underneath his shed and around his shed and that stops groundhogs from digging in. Is that true? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know.

Speaker 2:

That's what he said he goes, then they'll cut their hands. It kind of makes sense.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, it makes sense, I would think you know, so does.

Speaker 1:

The kids walking around get fed up.

Speaker 2:

No, no, you put them under the shed so they can't burrow up underneath it. You know what I mean? I don't know. It sounds like a good idea.

Speaker 1:

I got plenty of bottles that I could bust Easy right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my dogs can't, my dogs can't. Antonio Baez says it's true. Okay, well, that's the first I had ever heard of it. I like it, though that seems like a simple solution, especially like I could just go bust a bunch of bottles there tomorrow. Just grab a bunch of bottles from here and just go bust them all over to right where they're going to lay it on there, throw it right in there, Like just mix it in to the gravel.

Speaker 1:

Solving a problem that ain't one yet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Why don't you put that fence?

Speaker 2:

I don't know Groundhogs do. They'll fucking dig around. I had a privacy fence on albrecht and they were digging out there around the shed. Those fuckers don't don't play, they'll fuck up the fence too. They will, man, they're them.

Speaker 1:

Things are horrible I think raccoons are worse go out there and shoot.

Speaker 2:

They don't dig and fuck up shit though raccoons they just. They just get into shit. You know what I mean? They'll knock your grease over or something if you got a fryer outside or something. They do dumb shit, but I don't know. Either way it's gonna be cool, even though I I'm not. I'm not ready for that, but I guess we're ready. Now ito says let's do it, let's save some money. He said that was a weird way to save money.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, it's good.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't seem like the right way to save money, but okay, we'll save money 20 grand later. Right, we'll put a shed in, and we're going to put a shed in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Shed, you know, just tripled in cost because of now we're going to put a driveway in.

Speaker 1:

It was way past time. That driveway should have been put in five years.

Speaker 2:

I know, but you know what that's. The problem is that I have been in the mode of I'm probably not going to stay here, so I'm going to move, I'm going to move, I'm going to move. So I didn't want to put too much work into it and stuff. And then I'm at the point where now it's like I've been there longer than I've ever been and I'm freaking. Houses are so outrageously priced. I mean that one. I didn't pay shit for that house when I got it.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean 17 grand or something like that, and I put a lot of money into it, obviously redid the whole thing, but I never thought I would live there. It was supposed to be a flipper when I bought it, but whatever. So now I give in, I'm, I'll fuck it. I'm gonna say, if nothing else, if you do, go sell it, maybe you get a lot more money out of it, who knows? Oh yeah, you know what I mean. It's gonna be a lot nicer anyway.

Speaker 2:

So I just don't understand, like, with the price of houses today, like, and the average earnings today, that's the part that got me so aggravated. I mean, the average home in Lorain County is like $230,000 or $255,000. They're saying I don't even see homes for that price. Honestly, I really don't even see houses. When I look online, I see $300,000. They're saying I don't even see homes for that price. Honestly, I really don't even see houses. When I look online, I see 300 and up. They say the average is $255,000. Now, granted, I do see $180,000 ranches in Homewood and places like that.

Speaker 2:

But I just don't understand how somebody's supposed to make when you're working as a carpenter or plumber or something. If you're making 32, 33 bucks an hour, you're doing pretty good. You know what I mean. And if you're doing that, how do you afford to pay $180,000 for a fricking house and 40,000 for a vehicle, auto insurance and gas and electric? I mean, you're literally like you.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you buy a house, a nice house, a new house, not new, but a nicer, decent house, by the time it's all said and done, I mean you're talking $5,400 a month and you haven't even done anything extra. You just ate, paid your bills. You know what I mean. You're talking $5,400 a month and you haven't even done anything extra. You just ate, paid your bills. You know what I mean? Right, that you had nothing?

Speaker 2:

No, no savings from that point? No, nothing. You can't have anything extra. You can't have kids. At that point, I mean, at $5,400 a month, that's a lot of money, I mean so then. So what happens is you end up stuck. You know what I mean in these, like smaller houses or renting something, or you know something to that effect. I mean it's just, I don't know. I know like you were working with terminal, which you just left, but you, if you didn't do all the side work you did, I don't know you I don't think you would have had any extra money at all ever no and you pay for everything in advance.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean I should.

Speaker 1:

I'm good, though, but here's the thing I make more money when I'm off work, and it's not always but summer.

Speaker 2:

I get it, but when you get a job as a cement truck driver, you shouldn't have to do side work, right right, you shouldn't? You should be able to get off work and enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, yeah, you should, just should be able to get off work and enjoy yourself and enjoy yourself right, yeah, you should just be done at that point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you should just be. I mean, you get off work, you should be done. You shouldn't have to go work to pay bills, I mean just to have anything. I mean it's, it's pretty bad. I mean it's just the way that things are. I mean I was just looking through all of it and I'm like, yeah, either way, I just gave gave up and go fuck it, I'm staying here, I don't care.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm not going to go put myself in debt my house.

Speaker 2:

I did the whole thing in 2006 or whatever. I think it was 2006. Redid the whole house. So I mean all the drywall, electrical, all that shit was redone in 2006. It's like a new house, but at that point you know that gutter guy sucked though. Yeah, that gutter guy did suck.

Speaker 1:

Wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

No, the gutters are holding up just fine. I cleaned them up when I power washed it the other day and they look good, they look real good. They had some spots that were and I went through the top of it and sprayed it all out, sprayed down each one of the downspouts and stuff. So yeah, it was. Yeah, see, there was Brian, right there. He goes. Fuck, I'm always broke. That's how it is. I mean for one. It's set up so that the husband and wife have to work. The problem is, if you don't have a wife and you're surviving on your own, you're screwed, you know, let alone all the single moms and shit like that, like there's a million single moms out there. I mean you can't have anything with the rate, with the wages.

Speaker 1:

It's almost like you got to go for government funding. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, like that's you, yeah, yeah. I mean, groceries are like two, 50 a week minimum, just to eat.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. You got to go get a card, you know what I'm saying. You got to go get a card, you know what I'm saying. And then you think about. You know you bitch about people wanting a card and shit and you're like how else are you going to do it without?

Speaker 2:

right, yeah, you need it. Yeah, I mean, and I think they want it that way so why?

Speaker 2:

that's why I said 250 a week and that's without. That's like that's 250 a week whenever I was because, like I said, I googled all that stuff that 250 a week when I was a girl. Because, like I said, I Googled all that stuff that $250 a week doesn't that's you, that's one person, like that's about one person's food for the week is about $250. That's $1,000 a month. That's like if you're working at Terminal, that's one of your paychecks is just food. That's one paycheck. Is food and not overabundancecks, is just food. That's one paycheck is food and not over abundance. That's just food. Like that's survival food. You know what I mean? That's crazy. And then I bet you, if you want to eat healthy, I bet you it's a lot more.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, healthy shit is expensive yeah, yeah, if you want to eat healthy, but I mean, if you're working hard, you don't have to eat all this healthy. Usually you get the exercise. I got to eat healthy, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, the reason why I quit there was because he gave me the raises a few months ago and I was like that ain't going to work for me, I'll just put in my two weeks. He's like, well, I'll give you another little raise. I was like, still don't work and and I'm way underpaid, which all the guys are I ain't saying me, saying all the guys. So everybody was underpaid. So then I go, he goes. Well, I'm gonna start an incentive program, which other companies got it, where they pay a dollar for every yard you take out. You get a dollar. So that's ten dollars a pretty much.

Speaker 2:

And how many trucks do you?

Speaker 1:

do a day Well doing that Ford project. That was like six, that would be 60 bucks extra a day.

Speaker 2:

60, 70 bucks a day, that's quite a bit yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like, all right, that sounds good. So I waited three months after the raise where I was going to quit back then, and then I was like like, let me see what this incentive is going to be. So he goes go to get the incentive. And he goes yeah, we're gonna, because I kept asking about it. When you know what's up with this incentive. You know he's like well, we're gonna have the meeting today. Me and my brother sat around and we got, you know, something good planned out. I'm like okay. So I said, well, give me a little load on on it before we go to the meeting. And he, he goes oh well, we're going to give you a dollar a yard after 5,000 yards. I said, huh. So I go dollar a yard after 5,000 yards. So basically, you're taking 5,000 from us off the top.

Speaker 2:

So I go all right. Well how many yards were you at already, though?

Speaker 1:

22 or 23?

Speaker 2:

2,300?. Yeah, so that's busting ass through by the end of this year you would have had. You would have always got a dollar a yard or no.

Speaker 1:

I would have got a dollar a yard.

Speaker 2:

For the rest of the time you worked there.

Speaker 1:

No, it would have been after no, no, no, no, no For that season.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's just for the season, just for that season.

Speaker 1:

That's fucked up. Yeah, so Every season? No, this was only planned for this year.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Like I could understand. Okay, I thought I'm fucked up.

Speaker 1:

I thought you had to get to 5,000 yards and then you always get a bonus the rest of your life that you work there. No, so he goes after 5 000. So I go what do you? What do you? I don't understand that. Why are you taking 5 000 from us? But then he goes. Oh, I said you know other companies and I ain't gonna name the company. But anyways, other companies give a dollar from when you start to that, that's just it. You just constantly get your. But they probably pay you less though, right?

Speaker 2:

No, really no. They pay the same and a dollar the same, or more.

Speaker 1:

And a dollar and a dollar, so I go. Hmm, so I go, he goes. No, no, all the other companies. This is where I got pissed off. All the other companies stopped doing that, doing that anymore. None of them are giving incentive. So I said, hey, my buddy works, daryl, which works here. Sometimes he goes. I said, well, daryl works at one. I said let me call him and ask him. And I just seen his face get like mad at me for like questioning him. You know, I mean how dare you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, how dare you, a motherfucker. So then he, he goes to the um, he leaves, and you know we're supposed to go to this meeting in a couple hours or whatever. So I called Darrell. I said hey, did your company stop giving them incentive? He said what? And I said I heard your company is going to stop giving incentive.

Speaker 1:

He goes well, my boss is standing right next to me, I'll call you right back. So then he goes, calls me back, he goes are you crazy? My boss said hell, no, that's a lie. And I was like, oh, okay, and he goes. He said if he did that, every driver would just walk off, which would put your business in pretty bad shape. So then I said all right, so I text my boss. I said no, they're still doing an incentive. You're wrong about that. I didn't hear nothing else going into the meeting and he gives a little spew on how great him fucking you out of five grand is going to be. So I was like, yeah, I'm just going to put in my two weeks. Then he said don't bother coming back after the podcast last week.

Speaker 1:

Luckily though, cause you'd have been been so he says don, cause you'd have been been. So he says don't bother coming in because I know what the real reason is, cause he don't want me telling the other drivers how horrible that fucking incentive program is. I'm like there's like two people at 23 or something like that. I'm like by the end of the season you might break five grand, you know a thousand, and then you're going to go and then you're going to start your incentive. Yeah, I'm like, basically you're taking five to 7,000 from us from the top. Well, you could keep it.

Speaker 2:

I would understand, like what I thought, what I was thinking was that. I mean you know you got to get to the bonus. You know, what I mean. I get that. I you know what I mean. That would make sense, but you got to do it every year.

Speaker 1:

You got to get there. That's just for this year. This whole program was just for this year, so you don't even have it next year, right, it might, just it might be better. But what I'm saying is I wasted three months waiting for this and I'm like you're telling me you're taking five grand off me, right off the top.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and didn't you talk? Didn't Johnny want to quit and just start doing driveways?

Speaker 1:

and you talked him into going to stay in. Yeah, just go to work, bro. So the day I quit he comes to me and he comes off of work. You know I'm sitting at my porch. He comes up, he goes. You know you're the one talking me into going back to work. That's a hardworking dude, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

You know, the people that work hard for them.

Speaker 1:

That's what they need to you gotta pat them a little something. That doesn't make any sense. Why would you let a person like that go? It would take three people honestly to replace Johnny, it would take six to replace me although he was telling me he was annoyed with the.

Speaker 2:

he said that they had because he was a saw cutter, I guess, oh yeah yeah, yeah. And he said they had him teach some young kid one day to saw cut and then now he don't get to saw cut no more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they took all his overtime.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, he said he's doing it at night.

Speaker 1:

I guess he saw, if that's at night or something I don't know. But anyways, you know, and then they got he just, he just toned in Louie, they got him running like a chicken without a head over there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if a driver calls off or anything, there's shy drivers already.

Speaker 2:

Well, you were telling me that one of the drivers for Mac just went to terminal, yeah of the drivers for mac just went to terminal. Yeah, you think it's the you think it's the one that ripped off brian's bumper? He probably got fired and went there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's great hours over there that's funny yeah, but when it goes slow as shit. They got louis running down the steps, jumping in the truck and shit.

Speaker 2:

It's fucked up yeah, louis Louie's going to have to drive somewhere now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sure, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's funny.

Speaker 1:

But he likes driving, he likes jumping in once in a while to break monotony.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would understand that that would be. It's hard to go from one thing to the next like that switching up.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it makes it rough there he is, ask him.

Speaker 2:

Who's that Louie? Yeah, he's on here, oh is.

Speaker 1:

Louie on here. Yeah, he don't come to the bar, he'll come on the podcast.

Speaker 2:

He comes on the podcast. I didn't even know if he would be your friend, because you quit.

Speaker 1:

Louie could always be my friend.

Speaker 2:

Even if you quit, even if I walked off and left that company the door, would he still be your friend?

Speaker 1:

If you're saying stupid shit like that, are you crazy.

Speaker 2:

If you did in a hypothetical situation, would Louis still be your friend? Yeah, you got a lot of faith in that friendship.

Speaker 1:

Oh, we've been friends forever. We never, not one time, argued ever.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's not a friend.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's passive.

Speaker 2:

I'm the asshole, he's the passive one. Friends fight, that's just how it goes.

Speaker 1:

No, like I don't know anybody who's argued with louis, I know I've never remember arguing with louis ever. Yeah, no, you guys ain't that good a friend no, me and louis never argue. That's what I'm saying. I ain't never heard nobody like he'll and we were kids.

Speaker 2:

Kids always argue when I used to hang out with Louie.

Speaker 1:

When I get mad at him, I just hang up on him. I'll text him nasty shit after, but no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would understand, though I would. I would understand if it was $5,000 to get to the bonus. That would make sense. I mean, put your time in and then you get it. That would make sense to me. After in and then you get it.

Speaker 1:

That would make sense to me. Yeah, that would make sense to me. But yeah, that's kind of like. That's set up for this year and at the end of the year you're gonna get you gotta, you gotta give them 5 000 and once you hit the 5 000 and whatever you got coming after, that is what you get. But another company starts you off the day you walk in, start driving, you get that dollar incentive per yard all the way through.

Speaker 1:

That's just part of the whole packet yeah and you're running terminals running way more than any other company around here but you're talking, like you said, 23.

Speaker 2:

The guys are making that dude. That's like a 46 000 a year job and, mind you, that's a seasonal job. So if what I'm looking at says that you got to make 56 000 a year to even survive in lain County, just on average, that's what it takes to survive. I mean, granted, you could eat some ramen noodles and hot dogs or something and save yourself.

Speaker 2:

But for the most part a single person takes some $57,000. They're making $23,000 seasonally. So I mean you have to do side work. That's why you do side work. You have to.

Speaker 1:

You don't have a choice well, that's what I'm saying, and then for him to take the five and then, like the highest one was 23, I'm like how the fuck are they gonna make? It there and those are the people that didn't take the layoff. So I'm like, how does that make any sense? I was just like this is such bullshit. And then I got pissed off and put my two weeks in.

Speaker 2:

That's Mack Brian. We're talking about Terminal. Guido just quit Terminal because he didn't like the incentive program Right, the incentive program. They wanted to give him incentive on his last six loads Of the year.

Speaker 1:

You made it to the bonus. You made it to the bonus. There you go, you're laid off.

Speaker 2:

As soon as you get to the $5,000, that's when they lay you off for the winter.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, yeah, I'm like yeah, you know what?

Speaker 2:

You keep that shit too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know what I still put in my two weeks. I didn't just walk off.

Speaker 2:

That's true. You did I well. Mac isn't mac union. Yeah, I would assume mac pays more being union.

Speaker 1:

I would assume brian I'm not sure I gotta go uh find out, but the union doesn't offer a dollar incentive that mac does that on their own right, yeah, but they pay more than 25, so I got you, yeah all right. So you're making better benefits and you're getting better out, or, uh, better hourly but I do got one little bitch though. I got one little bitch.

Speaker 2:

The whole time I've seen you in the concrete business. You've said and I'm going to ask Brian, because Brian does concrete right. Yeah, so Brian, who has the best concrete?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's go like that.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it that way. We're going to start that way. We'll get into the other conversation, but we'll ask Brian who has the best concrete? Like, if you're putting get a poor concrete and you're going to do the you want the best concrete in this area, who is the best one? He said if you were at Mac he'd still have a bumper.

Speaker 1:

I never hit shit.

Speaker 2:

They didn't fix that shit yet probably got the insurance check and said fuck it.

Speaker 1:

They're like we can't afford that. We played it was like I ain't eating hot dogs this week they say we can't pay, that we pay incentives so my bitches is that you've always told me, even when you were at mcconnell, and you've always told me that terminal has always had the best concrete and I, I really would stand by that until this year.

Speaker 1:

Until this year, yes, and I'm gonna say why. Because they said that a lot of people are saying that it's like sticky and blah, blah, blah. I'm like I don't know. I go to one guy. He says it's great, another guy says it's, so I go by what everybody else says. So I don't know, I don't think that they're Listen. If you go down to Cleveland where they go to get the concrete, basically you see every company around here.

Speaker 2:

Same line.

Speaker 1:

So it doesn't matter, they're all the same shit. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Well, but how do you mix it together? Right, right, right. So I know a lot of people like different companies. He just said Dowsher Terminal. So he's told me this whole time it's always been Terminal Brian. He said everybody says that.

Speaker 1:

Terminals is the best, this and that I had to.

Speaker 2:

I worked says that terminals is the best, this and that I had to. I worked there. What do you want? No, you didn't.

Speaker 1:

You worked at mcconnell when you used to say that. I don't remember saying it when I worked at mcconnell you 100 did.

Speaker 2:

You told me it. You were like yeah, they definitely don't have as good a concrete as terminal does. You said everybody likes terminals, concrete the best.

Speaker 1:

That's what you told me yeah, at the time probably yeah so that wasn't this year, though no, no, no. This is back when mcconnell's not even open now, but that was back when you worked there at mcconnell, I've heard a lot of people bitching about something being sticky in it, and I don't know what they're talking about, because I go to some people and they're like oh, it's nice and creamy.

Speaker 2:

I don't know oh, I don't, I don't know either, but either way. So you told me to order the concrete for tuesday and you told me to order it from anywhere. But terminal you said order from somewhere else. Yeah, I was like what the hell?

Speaker 1:

you said you always said terminal, I go.

Speaker 2:

You always said terminal had the best You're like. Nope, they changed. I don't believe you at all. I don't believe it even a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Everybody says it's sticky. I don't believe it. Even a little bit Okay.

Speaker 2:

I don't care where you get it from. Well, where is Daryl working at? He works at ECI, eci. Now, that's where we'll order it from. Then We'll do it that way. Use reverse blend on your patio. What's that mean man? That's going to be the same shit in the driveway. It's all one pour.

Speaker 1:

Fuck that. Yeah, what are you going to do? Orders four yards in another truck and all this shit.

Speaker 2:

What is reverse blend? I don't even know what reverse blend is. I don't know what the hell he's talking about. What is reverse blend? He's probably just making up shit, so we'll call there and look retarded. Yeah, you call up there.

Speaker 1:

It's like Wouldn't you wash your fluid? I mean, was it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like when they took away that shot the member to. Well, you probably don't know, blinker fluid. Blinker fluid, yeah, blinker fluid, the shot like to dry up your breast milk when you breastfeed. They used to give you a shot to dry up the breast milk. Well, they quit giving them to them. I don't know. I think they said it might have caused cancer or something. I don't know what it was, but they quit doing it. But the doctors tell them to put cabbage leaves in their bra. There ain't no chance that works. That's awesome bullshit. There ain't no way. That's just like here we'll make them feel better. Their tits hurt, but here, here's a, here's some cabbage, so they feel like they're doing something fake pill called where they a placebo yeah yeah, no, it's gonna be three trucks total.

Speaker 2:

I think really, yeah, it's gonna be gonna be. We'll say two and then, uh, 20, it's 23 yards total. That's gonna get poured 23 yards total.

Speaker 1:

So that's two and a partial right yeah, it's gonna be whatever you want to call it. Last one, you'll tell them your balance yeah, johnny will do that right yeah, you'll measure it out on your last one, so you're going to call them and tell them you want.

Speaker 2:

Did johnny give you a time yet? That'd be accurate but I mean, I got to tell the concrete company what time right. Well, you're still going to see. Okay, reverse blend of smaller rocks. Why do they call it reverse blend, though smaller rocks? Why do they call it reverse blend though? That doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1:

I've never heard of him. I've been in concrete for eight years. He's messed someone up.

Speaker 2:

You don't get delivered. That say reverse blend on them.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know. I don't answer the phone, I just take what's in the truck. It could be sideways blend for all I know it's a sideways blend.

Speaker 2:

It's that sideways blend. See, what you got to do is I don't know. It'll be fine, I am not worried about it. I don't think it much matters.

Speaker 1:

Never heard that shit.

Speaker 2:

But what's the difference though?

Speaker 1:

He's talking about 8s instead of 57s, that they put in the mix. That, what's the difference, though? I mean if I if he's talking about eights instead of 57s that they put in the mix.

Speaker 2:

That's all but. But why? I mean I would make sin on a countertop, but why do I want the patio much different than the, than the?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Our finish should be fine with the 57s. I don't know what he's talking. Yeah, I don't know I don't.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the driveway and the patio can be the same as far as I'm concerned, right, I mean, it's not like it's going to be stronger, is it? No, the same and I don't get it. I mean, I don't know what makes it just easier for him to move it around or something probably to finish like they don't have to work it as much.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Ask him I don't know either. I've done very little concrete in my life, but I have done it, but very little of it remember the first one I ever did. Let's see if you remember oh for me back in the day, when illyria and those sidewalks and stuff yeah that was a long time ago, dude. Everything's a long time.

Speaker 1:

That was 20 years ago, probably now yeah, I did some sidewalks by myself with a mixer like a dumbass. It came out nice though.

Speaker 2:

The patio. We did that patio out there with the mixer. Not the patio, but the bar top we did with that. That's what I did with Scotty's too, the same way I did it with the bar top. Came out good, scotty's is real nice. I like Scotty's. I like it with the dye in there. I think I don't know, I mean I wouldn't want dye in my patio or anything, but that looks good. That looks real good. So yeah, so I got a busy week ahead of me.

Speaker 1:

Me too.

Speaker 2:

Busy, busy weekend. I got a busy day today because I got to cook and then I was sitting there thinking should I have a special for Father's Day at the bar? And then I thought I should do a drink special, so I ain't got to do it.

Speaker 1:

You know what you do. I'm going to tell you how you solve all this problem. For today, just say we ain't open.

Speaker 2:

No, in the kitchen.

Speaker 1:

Kitchen closed. You've been doing that before. Listen, here's what you do. You order about 30 Marcos and you have a special pizza, and then you have them come to the back.

Speaker 2:

You just what I'm gonna do is, now that you say that I was talking about it last night, you know what I want to bring back the late night subs yeah, that's, we're good I don't know why we got rid of them.

Speaker 2:

I think that part of it was because we were making like three different kind. So I think if I go back to the late night subs and just do one kind, do an Italian late night sub, boom, that's it. Just do that and line them up and get them ready, I think I'm going to go back to those because those were delicious.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were really good and it was good at night.

Speaker 2:

I liked them soaked up like the way, like after you wrapped it up. It just had that right hit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that gas station taste.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah I good I got a friend that loves the gas station fucking hot dogs. I'm like that's so gross it ain't like you don't get them oh, I have to but everybody likes a good tornado yeah.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, I don't know, those were good, but the problem, I don't think anybody knew they were there.

Speaker 2:

The late night subs. Yeah, we got to get some signage out there better and stuff like that. But I mean, I think it was more that they were mixed up. I think some went faster than others and then the others would sit.

Speaker 1:

But I think if we just do one, nobody gives a shit, because are for like midnights, you know, I mean you're drunk.

Speaker 2:

there's just one something right, there's nowhere to go to get food. So I think, yeah, I think I'm gonna bring that back. And you know what else is gonna happen this week? Tuesday, I think, is it this yeah, this week I think is tuesday is the um, the open jam night we're gonna do with andy, the one that comes on here every once in a while you always go who's andy? That guy is gonna do the open mic, basically open night, mic night, jam night on tuesday nights here well, you got a busy tuesday.

Speaker 1:

Huh, we're in a driveway.

Speaker 2:

We're getting that, uh that'll be the first one for that yeah, I'm getting a shed on tuesday. Yeah, busy day tuesday I know I gotta be over. I'm gonna go get scotty's handrail. The top of that rail is all. Get that ready.

Speaker 1:

When are you doing that Tuesday?

Speaker 2:

No, that's Monday, and then Tuesday I'll leave Bobby over there to get it sanded and prepped and ready for stain, cause it's got to all be sanded down smooth and get the joints connected Like the the like. That's the bottom of the cause. He's got one of those spirals at the bottom of the stairs, coming at the bottom of the steps, and the spiral doesn't match the. I mean it does, but it's just off, you know. I mean you got to sand it in there and get it right, perfect, you know. I mean because it's just like one's bigger than the other. Essentially is what it is like.

Speaker 2:

Why that is, I have no idea they should be exactly the same, but you know how it is when you run in mill work and the blade gets worn as it goes or whatever, and in that case I don't even that's, I don't even know if that that's the same mill, the same. Uh, I don't know what makes that like. I don't even know how they make that. Do you what?

Speaker 2:

The spiral at the bottom, at the bottom of the steps, I mean they're not cutting, running that through the same thing they're cutting the rails with, but but it's got to match it, so it's either way. It doesn't match up perfectly. So it's got to get sanded on and stuff. So I'll get it all put up and then Bobby can work on and get it ready to, because we got to get it all poly and stuff before we put spindles and all that good stuff over there anyways. So that'll free me up for Tuesday because Bobby can be messing up with messing with that while I'm. I said messing it up, I didn't mean that, scotty While I'm getting my shed and concrete going.

Speaker 2:

Scotty, look over there. Yeah, look away. No, it's coming out good. It looks good over there. The handrail, the stairs, it's all coming out pretty nice, actually Real nice. But I mean you need a couple more coats on everything poly and get it all glassed out nice. It's going to be cool, it'll be real nice.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

You're out of here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's already. What 9.08?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I do got to get to. I got to go cook. I'm late to work, I don't get my dollar incentive. I don't get my dollar incentive. Your boss is an asshole, all right. So for everybody, just do us a favor and go on YouTube and subscribe TikTok and subscribe what's up with the slow ass music you got going Because it's over man, it's over we're man, it's over, we're out.

Speaker 2:

It's sad. It's a sad, sad time. All right, so make sure you click and subscribe on YouTube, madhouse Bar Talks and Facebook. We got all the links behind us on here and we'll see you for sure next week. Peace, peace.

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