MAHD House Bar Talk

Trump's Rally Drama and 50 Cent's Stage Madness: A Journey Through Politics and Pop Culture

July 16, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 34
Trump's Rally Drama and 50 Cent's Stage Madness: A Journey Through Politics and Pop Culture
MAHD House Bar Talk
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MAHD House Bar Talk
Trump's Rally Drama and 50 Cent's Stage Madness: A Journey Through Politics and Pop Culture
Jul 16, 2024 Season 2 Episode 34
James Tucker & Santiago Lopez

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What happens when a former president gets shot at a rally and continues to address the crowd? In this episode, we dive into that shocking incident involving Donald Trump, sparking a heated debate about the Secret Service's performance and the impact of gender-based hiring within the agency. We challenge conventional perspectives on security and leadership while raising tough questions about whether hiring quotas compromise the nation's safety.

Then, we unravel the bizarre circumstances surrounding an assassination attempt by Thomas Crook, a young man with notable ties to BlackRock and an odd Republican registration. Was this a strategic move or something more sinister? We explore the wider political ramifications of this attack, considering its implications for the American political landscape and the message it sends to both supporters and detractors of Trump.

To lighten the mood, we shift gears to discuss 50 Cent's latest concert antics and Tom McDonald's provocative song "Missed Me." From there, we analyze the influence of JD Vance and Trump's unique stance on labor issues, examining how it appeals to working-class voters. Finally, we take a critical look at media portrayals of Trump, compare him to past presidents, and tackle some serious issues threatening the future of our podcast. Join us for a rollercoaster of emotions and insights that promise to keep you thinking long after the episode ends.

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What happens when a former president gets shot at a rally and continues to address the crowd? In this episode, we dive into that shocking incident involving Donald Trump, sparking a heated debate about the Secret Service's performance and the impact of gender-based hiring within the agency. We challenge conventional perspectives on security and leadership while raising tough questions about whether hiring quotas compromise the nation's safety.

Then, we unravel the bizarre circumstances surrounding an assassination attempt by Thomas Crook, a young man with notable ties to BlackRock and an odd Republican registration. Was this a strategic move or something more sinister? We explore the wider political ramifications of this attack, considering its implications for the American political landscape and the message it sends to both supporters and detractors of Trump.

To lighten the mood, we shift gears to discuss 50 Cent's latest concert antics and Tom McDonald's provocative song "Missed Me." From there, we analyze the influence of JD Vance and Trump's unique stance on labor issues, examining how it appeals to working-class voters. Finally, we take a critical look at media portrayals of Trump, compare him to past presidents, and tackle some serious issues threatening the future of our podcast. Join us for a rollercoaster of emotions and insights that promise to keep you thinking long after the episode ends.

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Speaker 1:

we're number one. Jimmy has been a cheap ass. You know, I'm like damn. You heard it here first. Right, right, right. We're the best. You know. They say people that cuss are morons. So I'm an honest motherfucker. Put the fish away, reggie. It don't even hurt, not for me nothing to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's do it. Come on, I'm ready, I'm ready, I want to do it. I wear a bomb. I got one on right now. You want to pick it? Demian Geek Madhouse Bar Talks baby, now this is a bunch of shit, if you ask me.

Speaker 3:

I can't see. I'm trying to be what I'm destined to be and niggas trying to take my life away. I put a hole in a nigga for fucking with me, my back on the wall. Now you gon' see. Better watch how you talk when you talk about me, cause I'll come and take your life away. Many men, many, many, many, many men Wish death upon me. Lord, I don't cry, no more. Don't look to the sky, no more. Have mercy on me. These pussy niggas put money on my head. Go on, get your refund, motherfucker, I ain't dead. I'm the diamond in the dirt that ain't been found. I'm the underground king and I ain't been crowned. When I rhyme, something special happen every time I'm the greatest, something like Ali in this prime, and that's something.

Speaker 2:

Trump, that shit was crazy. Where were you when you found out?

Speaker 1:

Probably working.

Speaker 2:

I was on the island. Oh yeah, alexa called Amanda's phone. We had went and got ice cream at the ice cream place. We sat in the park and we're sitting there, you know, just sitting in the park at Inputton Bay, and Alexa calls Amanda's phone and Amanda looks at me and I go well, I don't have my phone. I go, maybe it's something important. And she picks up the phone and she goes what? Really no, she goes what? And then she goes here and just handed me the phone and she tells me what just happened.

Speaker 2:

At that point we had gotten no news updates, no, nothing. I mean it was literally like Alexa was watching the actual rally, seeing it, and was on it trying to tell us. I mean, nobody around us knew nothing. It was crazy. And then, of course, you don't know what's going on. Is he hurt? I mean it was something else. And then we went to YouTube and started looking at videos and seeing what was going on. And shit is crazy. Trump came out like a superstar and then, when he turned himself into a legend at that point are you kidding he went from legend to rock star, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he even fist pumped.

Speaker 2:

Oh Dude, you stand up after getting shot and start fist pumping the audience, telling the Secret Service to sit down. Wow, first of all, you should have bitch slapped everyone in that Secret Service, because they're fucking wrong. That was on them. There's only three reasons that could have happened. One it was set up.

Speaker 2:

Two they're negligent, incompetent, incompetent, right, that's it. There's only two reasons. That's it. That's the only two reasons. There's no other reason. It was either you're set up or it's incompetence. That's it. That's the only two things that could have led to that, and I hate to say it, but I, or it's incompetence, that's it. That's the only two things that could have led to that, and I hate to say it, but I think it's incompetent Because of this taking people just because of their gender and putting them in positions that they should. You know the woman that runs the Secret Service. You know what?

Speaker 1:

her job was before that Probably.

Speaker 2:

Starbucks, pepsi. She was a head of security at Pepsi. I mean a head of security at Pepsi. Oh, that's that's. I mean a head of security at Pepsi is now, you know, running all the Secret Service. Our president.

Speaker 1:

I thought he went with. I thought he rode with his own shit or his own people.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, once you're, once you're a president.

Speaker 1:

No, I know they got to have. You're still protected by the Secret Service, but I'm saying I thought he had his own on top of it.

Speaker 2:

But the head Secret Service detail is the head Secret Service. She's in head of Biden, she's a head of everybody's, I mean absolutely everyone. So I mean that's she's the one, and you know she has a call to like put 30% women in Secret Service. Yeah, and that's dangerous. I mean you're choosing people based on their gender rather than their qualities and that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

I think they should use their last name and whoever qualified, the best is what they should go by. You know what I'm saying their last name. Yeah, because you want like Susan. You know what I mean. You know it's a woman, you know what I'm saying. Just go by their last name and how they scored.

Speaker 2:

Oh, when you're trying to figure out who yeah, it should never be, but yeah, you should never be calling for 30. Like the one girl they show, like that's Defending.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

She's like four foot eight.

Speaker 1:

I mean, come on, dude, what the hell does she got? She's fumbling her gun, and shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's ridiculous. Yeah Worried about putting her glasses back on and stuff like that. It's just insanity. And then this kid gets up on the roof.

Speaker 2:

And then there's the video People telling them there's somebody climbing with a gun, yeah, and then they say, oh well, they did nothing about it. That's not true. An actual police officer climbed up the ladder and got up on the roof. He had both hands on the roof and the kid turned around and aimed a gun at him and he ducked back down and got the hell out of there. So he didn't get shot, which I mean you know, I think you gotta take that fight. You gotta start shooting them, right? I mean you take that fight you get shot in your hand.

Speaker 1:

At least you go like that.

Speaker 2:

Something. Yeah, I mean I think you got to take that fight, I got to call him out for that. But and I'm looking at it I mean everything was set up. So I mean the snipers were only on one roof. There was two snipers on one roof behind Trump, with a tree in between them and the actual shooter. There's an actual tree. You can't get to the shooter. I mean I guess you could probably see through the trees a little bit, but you can't really tell who it is. And then they say the Secret Service didn't give him the order to shoot until after he started shooting. He was asking for it for three minutes. He had him in sight. Yeah, he sat there. They show the video. He's got him in sight for three minutes, line of sight, perfect, waiting asking to take the shot. And they're telling him no, until he takes an actual shot. That's blood on their hands. You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

yeah, when did that guy that died get shot. Was he one of the first shots, or?

Speaker 2:

well, there was only a few shots, I don't know. I said five, yeah, but I don't know if it's five that are few shots. I don't know. I said five, yeah, but I don't know if it's five that are directly from. I don't know if it's five shots that came from the gunman or if it's three and then two from them.

Speaker 1:

I mean because when you listen you hear different sounds, so it's definitely not the same guns what I, the guy that was saying that he was up on the roof and they was telling him that there's somebody on the roof over there, he said five shot that's what he heard was five shots.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the guy that was said. He was 50 feet away from it. Then they showed a video. There's a lady that's like yelling like she's like gosh, they're recording him. He's crawling around on the roof and she's recording which a lot of that you know.

Speaker 2:

Like you say, you always hear, uh, see something, say something. You know, I mean, and in that instance, I think that even even the fact that they didn't take them out fast enough and this, and that we did lose the, the, the gentleman that the fireman that they say was a hero, for they said he jumped on his wife and kids to protect them. So I mean, that was what they say. I mean I don't know, you can't see it when it all goes down, but that's what they said is that he actually took a bullet for his family, is what they're saying. The firemen, which it didn't even seem like there was enough time to react like that. But you know, I mean that's what they said he did. So that's impressive actually.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, the old lady is like filming it and she's saying hey, hey, you know, trying to get them to their attention. The guy that you're talking about, the first one. He said he secret service was looking at him and he's pointing over there to him like look, look, look. But he was behind trees. If you look at the, there was a video that uh amanda sent me that's got like the it really shows it good, like it's an overhead after the fact, and it shows like you can literally see the bloodstain where he got shot on the roof and you could see where the snipers were and there's literally a tree in front of it.

Speaker 1:

But okay, he was only 400,. What is it 400 feet?

Speaker 2:

It was, yeah, 150 yards, so yeah, 100 feet.

Speaker 1:

It was, yeah, 150 yards, so yeah. So you think their perimeter is a little bit larger than you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Well, what their argument is is that they're saying that the police were in charge of everything outside of the rally event. So the local police, supposedly, were supposed to and, and, and, they're, they're, they're, state like they're. What do you call it? They're uh no, they're set up where the, where the local police were set up you know what I mean when they're like makeshift uh station was was inside that building. They said they were protecting the inside of the building. Well, that doesn't make any sense. Why would you protect the inside with a roof?

Speaker 1:

that's that beautiful, Because that ain't where the running president is. You know he's not in the building.

Speaker 2:

That's either total incompetence, and I'm going to tell you what I think. That's what it is. I think it might be total incompetence. I think the whole thing is total incompetence.

Speaker 1:

He had a rifle. It's not like he had a pistol and he was close enough to shoot him. You know what I'm saying. Like you're walking around with a rifle. How the hell you get through all that with a rifle?

Speaker 2:

Well, he wasn't in the event, he was outside the event.

Speaker 1:

I get it, but I'm saying you're walking within 400 feet, yeah, and you're walking with a rifle.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

And maybe a ladder. They keep showing a ladder. I don't know, but the thing is they're showing this ladder and they're saying, oh, he brought the ladder. And there's two things about that that could be true. I guess One is that he had a receipt for a ladder from Home Depot. I guess in his pocket they say he had no ID, but a receipt for a Home Depot ladder, which is weird to the picture that they keep showing of the ladder is inside a fenced area where it seems like you could just crawl up, climb up the fence and be on the roof. You wouldn't even need the ladder. So I'm thinking that it's a possibility that the reason the ladder is there is because they're investigating an after effect, and this is a picture after everything went down.

Speaker 1:

They probably put the ladder up there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Maybe that other cop, the one you said, maybe put the ladder up there.

Speaker 2:

It could be. Yeah, that could be too.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but anyways, that to me is just it's incompetent, that's all it is.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I got to believe it's incompetent. I hate to think that it was deliberate, but there's so many things they're saying that that building Did you see that?

Speaker 1:

lady, which lady? There was a lady sitting there, kind of looking around.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Almost waiting and shit. And then she just started filming. Yeah, right behind it, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know what else is crazy? That building that he shot from was BlackRock owned True story BlackRock from was black rock owned true story black rock owned the building at. The business that owns the building is owned by black rock. Okay, that's kind of crazy. You know something else crazy the kid that shot it was in a black rock commercial for real yeah, just recently he was in one of their commercials. He's like, he's like sitting in a classroom in a commercial. Wow, true story, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

What was his name? You know? Did you catch his name? Crook, thomas Crook.

Speaker 2:

That didn't have three names, yeah he does, yeah, he does. Yeah, they had all three of them out there Thomas Donald Crook or Donald Thomas.

Speaker 1:

Crook or something like that. I said he got three names.

Speaker 2:

They always three names, but now you're talking about. Well, the assassinate assassins always have three names.

Speaker 4:

Because trump survived, he might only end up with the two thomas crook.

Speaker 2:

See what I'm saying yeah, yeah, if he didn't survive. So fully addresses full name. Oh, it's crazy. They, they, they were showing the detail, like when you watch the video. He literally just looks at the teleprompter. When it happens, that doesn't happen, it goes right through the back of his brain. I mean literally, it's so like that's an angel on his shoulder. You tell me that God doesn't want that man to survive. You're wrong, but what I was going to get to is the see something, say something. Yeah, even though they didn't take him out before he took the shot, they probably hurried the shot. You know what I mean, because he's there and they're yelling and he knows they're doing it.

Speaker 3:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying so they might have rushed him and they might have saved the president that way. Believe it or not, actually that was an assault on America, not just the former president of the United States. That was an actual assassination of our political process. Is what the problem? This guy, this Thomas Crooks, this kid, is a registered Republican and everybody wants to. The Democrats are just rolling. They love saying that Every one of his, anything he's involved in nothing, is Republican. He is a registered Republican for one reason His first time voting was at the primary.

Speaker 2:

Probably my guess he's only 20 years old. Kid was Dylan's age when did when Trump got elected the first time. So he he went like a shady son of a bitch and he registered that as a Republican. Because for people that don't know when you vote, because there's some people that don't vote, that don't realize it but when you vote in a primary, if you're on a Republican ticket, you're only allowed to vote for the Republican candidate. You can't vote like against Biden. You know if Biden's running against somebody and a Republican's running, if you're on a Republican ticket, you go in. You can only vote for the Republican. So he voted in the primary as a Republican so that he could put Nikki Haley or somebody else besides Trump, because he hated Trump so much. So that's the reason he's on a Republican ticket.

Speaker 2:

Don't get twisted and think he's a Republican. He definitely was not. There was nothing in his social media. I mean. He hated Trump through and through. The guy don't even know anything. He don't know shit. He's 20 years old. He doesn't. He knows nothing about Trump. Just what punchlines are out there.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, that was crazy?

Speaker 2:

no, it was absolutely. And I was. I had goosebumps. Man, I was freaking out. I was in, amanda had goosebumps. We were at the islands, like it just fucked my whole somber mode up. It was like wasn't the best trip to the islands for me, by the way, anyways, was it was? It was, uh, my boat didn't make it. I was leaving out. My boat would not come up on plane. It was revving real high right as I was trying to go on plane. So I had to come back.

Speaker 2:

We took a ferry over there, got a hotel, so we get there late, only about a half hour left to go into the swim bar. So there's one right attached to the hotel we get, so we go right into that one and some goofy guy comes over and sits next to amber and a man goes. Uh, she's married and he goes. So what? I am too. He's drunk as shit. You know what I mean. So amanda's trying to get him off. He's like a clinger, he doesn't want to go away. We just got there, dude, we're just trying to have a drink to get started. You know what I'm saying. Like we're just trying to relax, just got there. It's been a rough fucking boat not working and everything I'm in my head already about the boat and a guy doesn't want to go away.

Speaker 2:

so then I walk over to see what was going on on the other side, just kind of getting away from the guy and the guy kind of following me, cause, like I said, he's a clinger and I thought he grabbed my ass. He probably did and I go had to have slipped or something. I mean, you're in a swim up bar, so he had to have slipped or something. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

So then I'm sitting at the bar, this motherfucker comes up behind me and both hands grabs two ass cheeks and squeezes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'd have dropped that bitch I looked at her and go get the fuck off my ass. So then he tries the same thing on Amber. He tries to grab her ass and Amanda turns around and looks at him and goes look you done, grabbed two asses in my party. You fucking come near me, I'm punching you right in a fucking face. I mean, I dude, I was just got there like I wasn't even there yet. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So that's how our first night started let you get a couple drinks in first oh man, it was like fucking unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't believe it. I'm just like this kid you got to be fucking kidding me right now. I mean, and it got and it looked like a young kid. I mean he was canadian, though he did say he was canadian. I should have known when he said he was canadian. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I should have said oh, you know what you're canadian. I should have known.

Speaker 2:

They just spun around like a grab of some more so that happened oh my God. I would have went fucking nuts. That's Friday night, then Saturday night is. You know I'm in a somber mood. After that you hear that You're like you don't know what's going on. It's kind of crazy, but it's kind of pimp. 50 Cent does his concert right after. Did you see him? Oh yeah, 50 Cent does his concert. I want to say Boston, maybe, where he had the trumpet on there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he drops the poster with it behind him immediately Like dude within hours of it all going on, which was, I mean, that's just absolutely insane. Do you got that keyed up? What's that?

Speaker 1:

The 50 Cent song.

Speaker 2:

The 50 Cent song. I just closed it out. I had it up. We played it as we opened. Oh, okay, we played it as we opened. I do have another one keyed up, though that I like I was jamming it on the bike. You want to hear it? Yeah, go ahead. All right, hold on, I got. I don't know how to. I heard it.

Speaker 2:

I heard it the other day when I was driving by on my bike. No, I don't know when I was driving by on my bike. Come on, go go there. It goes All right. Here we go. Here it is, and this is Tom McDonald. It's called Missed Me.

Speaker 4:

They burning the country down with their progressiveness. It started with changing what gender is Then graduated to. You're racist if you think that your life matters and your skin don't have melanin. They don't want peace. They want skeletons. They want men to pretend that they're feminine. They don't want an election. They got so offended by freedom that they just try killing the president. I used to think that the woke were misguided, but now I can see that they're evil. Twitter is angry that Trump isn't dead. You know who got shot? Innocent people Thought y'all were tolerant, thought we were equals.

Speaker 4:

I thought you valued how everyone feels. Then why are y'all celebrating an attempted assassination Like assassination, like you're part of antifa? Thank god the left can't aim. Thank god the right don't riot. Welcome to the home of the brave freedom and afraid of violence. You wish you was dying, bitch you missed.

Speaker 4:

Thank god the left can't aim. Why can't we just shoot straight? Y'all are going insane. Bitch you missed. There's no one else you can blame. Try to lock them up in a cage. Are you trying to kill what you hate? Bitch you missed. Told us trust the science, but it never made sense to me. Why would we put all our trust in the enemy.

Speaker 4:

Millions of people are hooked on amphetamines. They're making billions on untested remedies. Borders are open to people with felonies. Fighting can't stop them. You don't have the energy. Y'all want to kill, like maybe the left isn't nuts. I was wrong, cause y'all are exactly as crazy as every conservative person I know said. You were all along when a protest go hard, when a burn sites go off, but y'all are so triggered that you're pulling triggers at presidents, y'all the terrorists. When you're armed, thank God the left can't aim. Thank God the right don't riot. Welcome to to the home of the brave freedom and afraid of violence. You wish you was dying, bitch you missed. Think all the left can't aim. Why can't we just shoot straight? Y'all are going insane. Bitch you missed. There's no one else you can blame. Try to lock them up in a cage. Now you're trying to kill what you hate.

Speaker 2:

Bitch, you missed. That's that good stuff, right there, had that shit out by sunday morning. All right, keep that off, I'm off. That's you bud? Oh, yeah, that was. He had that out by sunday morning. Unbelievably a lot of truth in that one. Yeah, freedom definitely ain't afraid of violence. That's what people don't understand that people will fight for freedom. That's how we got it in the first place. You know what I mean. They'll fight for that shit. What do you think of this hillbilly that Trump picked as his JD Vance? He's from Ohio, senator from Ohio. Hillbilly boy, I mean, his beard game is strong. He's from Ohio, senator from Ohio. Hillbilly boy, I mean, his beard game is strong, he's got a nice beard game, but no, he's a hillbilly. He wrote a book called Hillbilly, something, something like that Hillbilly. Something About growing up where his dad left and his mom was on drugs and all this shit. Yeah, he's definitely a full-blooded hillbilly, no question. But from Ohio, my, yeah, he's definitely a full-blooded hillbilly.

Speaker 1:

No question, but from Ohio, my dad. Yeah your dad. I turned you up a little bit trying to help you out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't want to get scolded again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can't have dad yelling at you over this shit, what the hell Get up to the mic. I done. Told you three times.

Speaker 1:

How many times I got to tell you.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's, I don't know, he's a hillbilly and it was a shocker to me. I thought for sure, and I should have known better, because Trump ain't a pander he don't pander to the bullshit, because he did it with Pence. Pence was kind of like a bro to Harley. So I mean this isn't about chasing someone else, unless maybe you could say he's trying to get Pennsylvania better. You know what I mean, or something like that. But I mean he's, this is his base. Basically, as I mean he went with somebody that's exactly his base, like the people that would vote for Trump would vote for this guy. Period. You know what I mean. So that's who he went for. There goes Chris right there. Yeah, I see. So yeah, I mean that was. But he's got some. He's young, he's younger than us, he's like 39, went to Ohio State.

Speaker 1:

He ain't younger than me.

Speaker 2:

He's a young buck that used to hate Trump. He said he was a never-Trumper. Yeah, he's a young buck that used to hate Trump. He said he was a never-Trumper. Yeah, yeah, now he's all on board. Trump said that was before he got to meet me and he fell in love.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe what a supporter 50.

Speaker 2:

Cent is, oh yeah, 50 Cent. Well, because you know what? That's the part that a 20-year-old doesn't know that Trump has been part of the hip-hop culture his whole life. I mean our whole life. You've known him in the hip-hop culture and in the pop culture. I mean he was on Will Smith's show back in the day. I mean he's just he's. I mean he was on like Will Smith's show back in the day. He was. I mean he's always been.

Speaker 1:

I seen a clip. He was on something where he was cracking on himself. He was a janitor and it was a guy dressed. Oh, it might've been Saturday Night Live.

Speaker 2:

Was it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he was the. There was. Some other guy was dressed up as him and he's dogging his hair. He's dogging his own hair.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was pretty funny, don King came out in support of him. I mean, these are people that a 20 year, this 20 year old kid that took the shot. He has no fucking clue. Dude, this kid don't know nothing. Like I said, he was Dylan's age when Trump got first got elected in the office. So when you look at that you say, ok, this 11 year old kid, from there till 20, this is what he's seen. And if you look at the mainstream media, of course he has a horrible picture of Trump you know what I'm saying. And he's scared to death that Trump's going to ruin this and ruin that and blames everything on Trump because that's what the mainstream media does. But if you take like at our age and we remember Trump, I mean as kids, I mean he was always part of pop culture. I mean some of our favorite movies just have little blurbs of him in it, like Home Alone or, you know, fresh Prince of Bel-Air had him in there, like it just yeah, he's been around.

Speaker 2:

He's been around forever and ever.

Speaker 1:

How old is he? 80?

Speaker 2:

80, yeah, somewhere around there In that range. Is he 80? 80? Yeah, somewhere around there in that range. But now his vp is 39. He's a young buck. That's the first millennial ever on a ticket and I didn't know 39 was a millennial. I'm like that's a millennial 39. Damn, that's fucked up. 39 is a millennial. Oh god, that's not good. Yeah, my daughter got all like. I mean, she's been kind of into the politics pretty strong lately. Anyways, she's constantly texting me. Did you see this?

Speaker 2:

I keep telling her turn off the news please turn it off you can't do it too much, which right now she's actually at the beach with the kids. She's sending me pictures, pictures. She's got the kids at the beach, which is good. That's what she needs to do. Stay off of those news media streams.

Speaker 1:

So when, okay, say all this is done, said and done, and then Biden, so what do you think his retirement would be? What do you mean? What do you think he's going to do?

Speaker 2:

Die. There's nothing left to do. He's done.

Speaker 1:

I figured like a nursing home with ice cream and like a little locket of somebody's hair so he could smell it.

Speaker 2:

He spent. Did you see that? Did you see him on? He spoke from the oval desk and he almost said let's make America great again. Dude, it was fucking great said let's make america great again. Dude, it was fucking great. He, he goes, he goes. It's time that we we unite this country and could stop these problems, and it's time we make, uh, uh, uh, some some better decisions. He definitely was gonna say make america great again dude that would have been the greatest campaign ad ever.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna have one of Trump's hats on and shit. Oh, I'm not voting for him.

Speaker 2:

You know that's happened in the past. What I think it was Johnson. Was it Johnson that said, if he got the nominee, he wouldn't take it? Was it Johnson? I can't remember, back in 68, the last time they had a Democratic convention in Chicago, which was well, I don't know if it's the last time, but it was the big time that everybody knows about.

Speaker 2:

In 68, it was crazy. That was like the race, wars and all that crazy shit going on and Vietnam, and like it was just a crazy time in America, kennedy had been shot. Bobby Kennedy was on the ticket. Crazy time in America, kennedy had been shot, bobby Kennedy was on the ticket, and I forget who. It didn't matter who they went with, because Richard Nixon was going to win it anyways regardless. But there was like unrest in Chicago and stuff, and that's one of them I think it was.

Speaker 2:

Johnson said, if they put me on the ticket, that I'm going to decline because it should be Bobby Kennedy, and then they shot Bobby Kennedy right after that. But yeah, it was crazy shit. Yeah, that would be what he needs to do, though that is exactly what he needs to do. Honestly, he does need to just step, but the problem is, I think they're trying to test Kamala, because I've seen her kind of coming at Trump in some like statements and stuff that she's making, and I feel like they're trying to test to see how she does against him. He'll eat her alive. She don't have. It would be funny, though it would be funny. I think that I think that honestly. I think that this hillbilly kid will eat her alive in a in a debate debate. Yeah, I mean, you can't in this dream world that they make up with.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever looked at debates like you do? Now you know what I'm saying. I never did.

Speaker 2:

They weren't as entertaining. I'm like oh fuck, Although Trump's last one wasn't that entertaining Right but you know what I'm saying. But that's what one of the comedians I forget who it was I think it's that Shane that I like, that Shane Gillis or whatever Shane Gillis, he's the one that I think he said that he goes dude. I think that, no matter what, for now, on every debate, they should have to debate Trump regardless just to see if they can handle it. He goes, I'd watch every one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and even people that ain't voters or supporters of Trump, they love to watch that shit now, too.

Speaker 2:

I wonder how many people just fell in love with Trump, though I mean, the thing is, he's going to come out, he's going to come out.

Speaker 1:

What's she talking about?

Speaker 2:

now. Not at all. Probably not like watching Trump, probably, or debates before this, probably, oh yeah, but I think that you're going to see a different Trump from here on out. He looked different last night. He come into the convention last night and he just looked different. He just got like there's something different, like he's rethinking some things. You could see it.

Speaker 2:

You could see that he's rethinking it and the Democrats are still trying to. Because the Democrats what they want to do is they're trying to. They try to put out this 2025 agenda. They keep calling it the 2025 agenda and they do the they, they do this. The 2025 agenda is something that was put out by the Republican Party. Some group a group, got together in a Republican Party wrote, wrote up the agenda for 2025 for the Republican Party. Trump is not involved in it. Trump has his own. It's called I think it's called 47, something. It's on his website Agenda 47. That's what it's called Agenda 47. But they keep wanting to say that his agenda is 2025, this 2020. That's all they want to talk about. It has nothing to do with Trump. And now they're saying the VP pick is the 2025 agenda because they're just trying to push this agenda.

Speaker 2:

The problem with Trump is that Trump isn't a true Republican and a lot of the Republicans weren't on board. But now you're talking, 12 years later. He's changed everybody's opinion. I mean, everybody's kind of the Republican Party is going more towards Trump than it ever was. I mean, before Trump, republicans welcomed illegal immigrants. It was Democrats that said that we got to put up walls, which made sense. The Democrats were supporting union labor and did you see who Trump had? Or who the Republican National Committee had last night? That they, that Trump invited the head of the Teamsters. That's probably one of the first times that I know of a union rep going to a Republican National Committee. And it makes sense because all the members of the unions are all Republican voting now since Trump got in office, so it makes sense that he would do that.

Speaker 2:

He was saying some stuff you could see that they were cringing on. Some of those Republicans were really cringing on some of the shit he was saying. You know, because he's labor, I mean, that's, that's they're like. You know, these big companies got this and that, and he's right. I mean, these big companies don't need to make a trillion dollars and do it on like Amazon, a trillion dollars and do it on like Amazon. Bezos don't need a billion, $3 billion yacht that you and and rebuild a bridge to get his yacht underneath the bridge, based on the back of $14 an hour, employees that can't pay their bills.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense. That that's an. It should be shameful. You should be embarrassed, honestly if if you are doing that kind of money. It should be shameful. You should be embarrassed. Honestly, if you are doing that kind of money I'm not saying your local shipping guy that has a little local company here, you know what I mean but your UPSs and places like that you should be paying top dollar to your people.

Speaker 2:

If you're making true, I mean, amazon's economy is larger than most countries I mean that's enough money that you can. You know what I mean you can afford to let your employees pay their bills a little bit. You know what I'm saying. Let them go on vacation, have some fun and live a little bit. I mean, and that's you know he come out and let that that was said out there and they don't really care for hearing that too much.

Speaker 2:

But To me, I agree with the big companies like that. I don't agree with forcing a small company into having to pay out that big money where they're not even making the money or they're not secure enough, they're stable enough to make that money. But when you're talking companies that large, you know what I'm saying and I think that that's going to be a big part of like this JD Vance that comes in. I think that he's going to be more labor intensive. I think he's going to be. I think he's strong labor, I mean he's. He's a union old, old country boy but I think he's going to be more union and union friendly and morph to the working class type guy. You know what I mean. But it was a good. I mean it's a good pick and it shows he's not pandering.

Speaker 2:

He's not out there trying to like put a woman on the ticket to get their votes right right you know, although I would have liked to have seen ivanka, his daughter, I thought that would have been cool. I think she's good, oh, because she's hot yeah, she is I mean, why wouldn't she be everybody's ever freaking hooked up with is hot right, I mean, he's got all that money. That's a. That's a.

Speaker 2:

That's a way it works yeah, money makes you look more attractive yeah, I always argued, though, that it's the things, that the success, that's the things that made you successful, that make you more attractive, that you know what I'm saying. Like the, the personality of a strong person that that has that success is just more attractive than the guy living in his dad's basement that can't figure out you know what I mean what he would eat for dinner.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean? I think you're wrong. Women are attracted to them. Guys in the basement Nah, they're not attracted.

Speaker 2:

They like to go have fun with them.

Speaker 1:

That's about it.

Speaker 2:

If they got a big dick or something that's about it.

Speaker 1:

That's like a guy going out with a pretty stripper.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just want to go have a good time. Yeah, it's the same shit. You don't want to. I mean you don't go falling in love. I mean some of them do Some of them are retarded.

Speaker 2:

Some women are retarded. I don't know what that is. Some do do some retarded shit like that. I don't understand it. But I think that for the most part, I think that the same personality traits that make you attractive are the same ones that make you successful. So I think that there's it's kind of like a catch. You know what I mean, because Trump is a he's a beast dude. I mean that's like to take a shot like that and then fucking just jump up and have everybody chanting USA, usa. Nobody running out of there, nobody, they're just standing there chanting.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

He's going to go on his next thing like Evander Holyfield and the whole thing Chunk out of his ear.

Speaker 2:

I'm wondering if the whole thing, I'm wondering the whole time what's in his head when he's on the ground.

Speaker 1:

Because he's got the Secret Service on him Adrenaline's pumping, he's probably mad. You know like.

Speaker 2:

Well, he was pissed. When he came up, you could see he was pissed, but as he as he at that point immediately thinking these motherfuckers around me, right? No, you know what I'm saying. I bet you he was. Trump ain't the one man. I bet you, I guarantee he was worried about them, motherfuckers. Immediately.

Speaker 1:

I think he was probably adrenaline was going and he was mad. I don't think it was anybody specifically, just the situation.

Speaker 2:

I mean the one girl that was in front of him. She's a meat blanket. That's what they call. That that's what they call. That is a meat blanket. Those people that go around him. She was half his size. She could barely make it to his belly button and she's his meat blanket. She covered his ankles. Yeah, I mean, what the fuck? It doesn't make any sense, but we got 30% Secret Service women.

Speaker 1:

That's what we want Did you see them all by the car.

Speaker 2:

That's what that? Well, because the woman that runs the Secret Service and the assistant to running the Secret Service are both women and they were both appointed by Biden.

Speaker 1:

They all look like they didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Speaker 2:

And, and they were both appointed by Biden. They all look like they didn't know what the hell they were doing. And they were running Pepsi. I mean, I think the head of the Secret Service should be fired. Well, yeah, that's a given. Yeah, that she shouldn't have a job by any means. If it was Trump's office, she wouldn't. Even If Trump was president at that time, she would have been fired when he got in the car. You know what I'm saying? He wouldn't even await it, he'd have just called her, said pack your shit and get the fuck out. But biden appointed her. He bought a point because he's pandering. Why? Why would you appoint somebody to run it that is not qualified? That isn't in the secret service.

Speaker 2:

It should be somebody in the secret service that's proven themselves and done some really cool shit. Not protected the recipe for Pepsi.

Speaker 4:

Get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make any sense. I protect Pepsi's secret formula I'm the best. No, you're a woman. And they want to put a woman. It's just everybody in his cabinet, the transgenders, the women. That's all he has. And it's breathtaking to have Trump just say nah, I'm going to hire this hillbilly kid over here. That's like kind of making waves, that's awesome. I mean that's awesome, I love it. I mean I love it because I thought for sure and I was going to be disappointed that it was going to be a pandering woman. Oh, he's no. Teddy Roosevelt, scotty.

Speaker 2:

Teddy Roosevelt finished the speech. Come on now. Have you ever seen that Teddy Roosevelt got shot in the chest? Finished the speech and passed out on stage after being shot. Didn't have any clue. He was hurt, so bad probably, but yeah finish the damn speech. That adrenaline make people do some shit. Teddy Roosevelt was a bad motherfucker scary too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he did some crazy shit yeah, teddy roosevelt was bad.

Speaker 2:

He was a badass trump. I mean he got, I mean he got grazed in the ear. I mean it could have been a hell of a lot worse. You know what I mean. But that's. That's because god's looking out for trump, dude. I'm telling you that's all. God's looking out for Trump, dude. I'm telling you that's all God's doing right there.

Speaker 1:

But I'll tell you what men back then. They was tough though they ain't like us. Well, I'm a little tough, but you know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Well, I was having that conversation with Men, ain't the same, was it? With Amanda and I said it's funny. I said America because he talks about it in that song we just did. He says that they all want men to be feminine.

Speaker 2:

Right right right, but you know what the truth of the matter is is, all these women out there want men to act not so aggressive and not so manly, and this and that, but they want their dads to be manly men. They don't want no pussy ass dad. They want a real man for a dad. So why would they want anything else for another man that makes no sense, or for their kids, or for their kids.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you want a manly man. That's like I've been saying this forever. Like these, these kids that are, there's no man in the household. You know, I'm saying they don't know manly things it's horrible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, chris just brought that up. Amanda sent that to me. Now, see, I looked at that. It was a flag that was over the stage that tangled up and looked like an angel, and it did. It looked like an eagle or an angel, depending on where you seen it. One picture amanda sent it to me. It looked like an eagle, for sure, but it wasn't on that site. That was previous. That wasn't on that site. That was definitely not in that same because it didn't have the barns there. It wasn't on that site. That was previous. That wasn't on that site. That was definitely not in that same because it didn't have the barns there. It wasn't the same exact one, but it was cool though. It was definitely cool, but it wasn't on that same site, or it wasn't in Pennsylvania there, butler, pennsylvania, during that time. Maybe another time, but either way, that man has an angel on his shoulder and he's a badass period. That's just how he is. He was at the convention last night, fucking big-ass patch on his ear, just chilling.

Speaker 1:

Looking like a wrestler with the things on his ears.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the best was they brought out JD Vance, dude, they had you know that shit that Tex likes to listen to that country twang Dude. They pulled some picking, picking ass fucking banjos out and had them coming out, dude, I'm like get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 1:

I'd have been like, yeah, I'm good yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

I wonder how many I would. I really wonder how many people right now have changed their mind over this assassination attempt.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's set in yet. I think they're going to. I don't know. I think I wonder. I mean I just really wonder In the next month or so.

Speaker 2:

Thursday. Thursday is the big day. Trump's going to take the stage on Thursday and that speech is the most important speech he's ever given in his life. When he takes the stage on Thursday at the convention, he has to make sure that everybody knows we're all together. He has to know they. They have to know that he's got their back, no matter whether they're liberal, whatever they are, and if he comes across right in that, he runs away with the election I think completely running, runs away well, he runs away with the election.

Speaker 2:

I think he does already now Completely runs away. Well, he runs away with it. But there's sticker spots, like Michigan, like Pennsylvania, that always kind of vote Democrat that he's got to worry about it. You know, you're right, scotty, because you know what. You know how different things would be today if that actually happened. I mean his head turned just enough, dude. I mean it's so slight, I mean it's just a slight turn, and with that little slight turn he doesn't die. I mean it would have took the back of his brain out. Dude, that was an AR-15. That was a .223 or .556 bullet going through there. I mean it would have took the back of his head off. I mean it. I mean it's your life would be so different right now, immediately. That's why I say that wasn't an assassination on Trump. That was an assassination on the political system in America and maybe on America itself. It really was. That was the attempt from a 20 year old kid that don't know shit.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if he was, like you know, coerced into it.

Speaker 2:

He was bullied. Oh, you think that Black Rock put him up to it?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just saying somebody.

Speaker 2:

I mean Black Rock did own the building. I'm just saying.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying is, whether it was them or anybody else like he, you know he might have said something stupid. You should do it. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

Like influenced him to go Well they showed him he was playing a game called Protect the President and it was where you had to like. You had to defend Trump from getting shot on stage. It was some kind of video game that's out there and you're like an assassin defending it.

Speaker 1:

All these people need to be held accountable for making them stupid-ass games too Well that's a good game.

Speaker 2:

It's protect the president, it's not assassin the president. You know what I mean. That's what the game is, but this kid was playing it.

Speaker 3:

The opposite.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe. And then he put on one of the comments. I hope it prepares me for the real thing. He put that in the comments. So this kid had this planned for sure. No, question.

Speaker 1:

Well, he had to have. He didn't just walk in here and put the gun up, you know, climb up a dam.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he drove an hour away and all that? Yeah for sure. No, he did, yeah, he did. But, like Scotty just said, god, god's divine appointment, man, I'm telling you. But I want to know how many people it really changed your mind, because I don't know how you can see that man jump up and just say fight. I mean, if you don't realize he's fighting for you, and that's the only thing he had to say was fight, fight. Because he knows that he's fighting for, because things are fucked up in this country and are all based on this bullshit.

Speaker 2:

That's happened with. It's from Obama. It all started with Obama. Obama has done nothing, but since Obama's group and all that group that came in with him you know, when you're talking about AOC and all that stuff, it's all craziness, they're just, they're bizarre, like they don't have a grasp on reality. They're living in this world of gumdrops and candy bars and shit and they just don't want to like, admit that, like you got to be a man, that they go on stage and they say things like that. The the biggest threat to the america is white men, like white men built and brought america everything. They're the ones who fought for America. Well, not white men only, but still they're a big part of it. They fought and brought you what is America today. You know what I'm saying, and now we're like starting to get to where they're laughing at us on a world stage, the way things are.

Speaker 2:

And did you see Putin's comment the next day? Did you see that? Putin said flat out he may have not known how injured he was and wanted to let those be his last words if he didn't make it? That's true, she might be right. Or did he say that? I don't know. That's a very good point. That might have been, yeah, I mean. If you can't see that, though, and that doesn't change your mind, there's something wrong with you, is all I'm saying. But what was I talking about? I forgot. I got sidetracked. Now, damn it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what you were talking about.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, it's just. That's what he had to say, anyways, was fight. That's all he had, that's all. And he's fighting for America, period. And there's no like this shit that they're trying to do transgenders and this and that and I mean it's just, it's crazy, it's absolutely insanity.

Speaker 1:

They don't want a man to be a man.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's the biggest thing. Because they feel like, oh, but you need men, period, you need, you need men in this world like trump that'll stand up and take, take the fight you know what I'm saying and go to go to war.

Speaker 1:

that's what you want, you don't want. You know guys going to war with the purse yeah, right, it ain't gonna help yeah I mean I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying you can't be gay. You could be gay all you want, I don't give a shit. But if you're a soldier, you better be a man about it, you know. Know what I'm saying? I'm not. You could be gay, that's fine, but be a man about it. The problem is is that we took equal rights, which equal rights are mandatory. Everybody deserves equal rights. I believe in that wholehearted. I believe in equality for everyone.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't mean we're the same. I'm not the same, I same. I'm not the same. I didn't grow up the same as you did. My wife definitely didn't grow up like I did. She was a woman. She grew up with women. You know what I'm saying. We're not the same, we're equal. We're not the same. To say that somebody is the same is crazy. To say that a four foot eight girl guarding the president is the same as a six'5", 280 guy guarding a president. It's not the same. You know what I mean. You minded the gay guy in the pool. Well, I don't want him touching my ass. I don't care if he's in the pool, just don't touch my ass.

Speaker 3:

Was he manly about it.

Speaker 2:

He was very manly. He was aggressive as shit. I was trying to get a laugh out of him.

Speaker 1:

When we were back at the room, I was like he did have pretty eyes. Did you see what he blinked at you?

Speaker 2:

A man that goes eyes.

Speaker 1:

He had nice teeth, Like I said you should have just bought him a couple of drinks.

Speaker 3:

And you know I didn't put it in bay.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, that was unreal.

Speaker 1:

And I had just got there, dude, I didn't even drown that motherfucker I've just got there.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even know how to function yet, I just was I was still worried about my boat not working you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I'd have got a felony on that one for sure yeah, I probably should have.

Speaker 2:

I ain't gonna argue that one. But yeah, you would probably get. Well, I don't even know if you get a felony on the island, they just kind of throw you in jail and then let you out the next morning you just pay your fines or whatever. Usually that's how it goes there for the most part.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd have been in the jail, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was, it was a bit much. Yeah, that was, that was a bit crazy. But that I mean I didn't. You know. I mean he doesn't need to touch my wife's ass if he's not gay. You know what I'm saying? It's none of your you know. You just don't grab somebody like that. But did you see the immediate responses from like CNN and ABC and places like that I didn't see none of it?

Speaker 2:

Oh, because we went. I mean, Alexa tells us that when we start looking up the news stories oh yeah, abc or something Trump falls on stage. That's the headline. Trump falls on stage. Are you kidding me? Trump falls on stage. Like they didn't know it was an assassination attempt. I mean, these people are ridiculous. They got to hate it because Trump's got the best photo of all time, that photo with him With his hand up. Oh my God, dude, that photo will go down in history. No question, this one right here. Let me get it up here. This is the greatest photo of all time. What am I looking for? Right screen, right screen, right frame. There you go, right there. That's the one we're looking for, right there, that photo that is iconic. That will be probably one of the most historic photos in history. Right there, and I and it's and it, and rightfully so. I mean he's got blood on his face, he's yelling fight, he's got a uh little girl holding him as his meat blanket.

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean she looks like a one of the fanny packs on him. Yeah, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

It's just, it's absolutely ridiculous. And then I saw somebody said you know, because they were, how can you not, you know, fight for this guy or whatever all these things they're saying, and when they're when they're saying it, there's comments. You know, it was like on Twitter, I think is what it was in the comments. Oh yeah, nevermind that. He put that. He put all those secret services lives in danger while he had to pump his fist and try and get a photo shoot. It's like people are fucked up, dude. They're fucked up.

Speaker 2:

First of all, the only thing, the only thing when I was on the island and seen that and looked at the video, the only thing that made me know that President Trump was okay is the fact that he pumped his fist in the old fight, because if they just haul him out of there, you don't know what the fuck's going on. You don't hear for another probably six, seven hours. You know what I mean. You just told the whole country don't worry, I'm good, without doing anything other than that. You know what I mean. I'm still here, I'm still doing, I'm still kicking, I'm whatever it is, I'm good. You know what I mean. I'm still here, I'm still doing it, I'm still kicking I'm.

Speaker 1:

Whatever it is, I'm good, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

See you next week, right, and he was. He was right there. He was on the golf course the next day. They showed him on the golf course next day True story. But he definitely has a different demeanor. They showed him last night at the convention and he had a different demeanor 100%. How long that lasts, I don't know. I mean, you get a bullet shot at you. It's going to change you, no matter who you are. It's going to make you think you know what I mean. Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have said some of the shit I said, whatever it is. You know which I've always said To me, whatever it is. You know which I've always said to me Trump was the greatest Trump president, but he needs to speak more like Reagan. Period, that's it. Although they shot at Reagan too. I was going to say they did shoot Reagan too. That's true, yeah, see them special umbrellas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that shit was epic. That's got. I got to believe that changed a lot of people's minds. I got to people. I think it will in the future. I don't think it will right now. I think Thursday is the big play. I mean Thursday when he comes up on stage. That speech has to be perfect. It has to be on point. I think that's why he didn't take the stage at all last night. I think that's why he's not taking it until Thursday. I think that's why he's not taking it until Thursday. I think he's going to allow himself to perfect that speech, because that speech is probably the biggest speech he'll give in history.

Speaker 1:

I mean it really probably is at the end of the day, for good or bad Like he might just, you know what I'm saying, which I don't think he will, but you think he's going to duff it. No, I'm just saying it's possible.

Speaker 2:

Why would you put that kind of juju out there? What's the matter with you.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think his debates are funny as shit, though.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's not a debate. This is just him taking stage accepting the nominee as the Republican candidate or whatever you want to call it. Well, I'm out of here, man, as the Republican candidate, or whatever you want to call it, you know? Well, I'm out of here, man. What do you mean? You're out of here. I've got to go, you've got to go. Hold on, let me look real quick because I had some notes before the whole Trump thing started.

Speaker 1:

Let's go through your notes.

Speaker 2:

Let's see what else. I had on here that I wanted to bring up. I don't think that there's anything. Oh, that Kimberly Cheetle we already talked about her. Oh, I just got some food for thought for everybody. This is where we're going to leave you guys with some food for thought, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Don't go to Put-In-Bay with cute little shorts on.

Speaker 2:

That's a. That's a also some really good advice that there's nothing wrong with that. That's absolute great advice on that one. But the food for thought is this, and I was it was brought to my attention at at uh, at put-in-bay. I was told it's funny that in a swim-up bar you can pee while you're at the bar but you can't fart. But in a regular bar you could fart at the bar but not pee.

Speaker 1:

That's not true.

Speaker 2:

So that's our food for thought. Oh, there is one other thing I wanted to bring up. I'm not sure how the podcast is going to go in the future. We're uncertain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got some issues.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we ran this one. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I'm not sure I'm waiting to hear back, but they threatened to cancel my insurance at the bar. In fact, they canceled my insurance at the bar. I mean, it's not done yet completely, but it's canceled because of the podcast.

Speaker 3:

It's so crazy.

Speaker 2:

The only thing that I think that it's not going to change me and you doing a podcast, but it may change that we talk about the bar, or but I'm waiting to hear back Say allegedly a lot. Yeah, we'll say allegedly, or maybe the bar or some dumb shit or like that.

Speaker 1:

That one spot. We'll call it the spot.

Speaker 2:

The spot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the spot.

Speaker 2:

We'll call it the spot. I like that, but I don't know how that's going to affect it. We definitely have to change the name of it again. I ain't going to change shit, but I'm waiting to hear back from the insurance agent, so hopefully that doesn't happen. That's what we praying for and, uh, we'll see from there, but other than that we're getting out of here we're going to lead you out of here with some more.

Speaker 2:

Allegedly, we're going to lead you out of here with some more of my favorite, tom mcdonald peace later they burning the country down with their progressiveness.

Speaker 4:

It started with changing. Thank you, offended by freedom, that they just try killing the president. I used to think that the woke were misguided, but now I can see that they're evil. Twitter is angry that Trump isn't dead. You know who got shot Innocent people. Thought y'all were tolerant, thought we were equals. I thought you valued how everyone feels. Then why are y'all celebrating an attempted assassination like you're? Part of Antifa. Thank God the-

Controversial Bar Talk on Trump Shooting
Assassination Attempt and Strange Encounter
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Trump's Impact on Politics and Labor
Assassination Attempt and Political Impact
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Political Commentary and Bar Troubles
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