MAHD House Bar Talk

Morning Mishaps and Political Puzzles: Bar Banter, Nude Neighbors, and Owen’s Engagement Celebration

July 28, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 38

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Ever had one of those mornings where everything just seems to go hilariously wrong? We kick off this episode of Madhouse Bar Talks with our usual morning banter, diving into the absurdity of office life. From the mysteriously misbehaving drop box envelopes to Jimmy Asif’s epic struggle just to get a drink, we leave no stone unturned. And just when you think it can't get any more outlandish, we recount the jaw-dropping moment of finding a neighbor’s daughter sunbathing nude in the driveway. It's a rollercoaster of laughs and frustrations you won't want to miss!

But it's not all laughs; we get into some serious rants about a contractor who turned our parking lot repairs into a comedy of errors. Imagine tar splatters everywhere, stripes painted with an “eyeball measure,” and a kitchen dust storm that had our staff fuming. We also tackle the high-stakes world of politics, speculating on President Biden's mysterious resignation and the wild theories about his recent public appearances. From media biases to the hype around electric cars, our conversation takes sharp turns and keeps you on your toes.

Of course, we cap things off with some heartwarming news: Owen's engagement! We share our excitement and the couple's plans for a big celebration. On the business front, we discuss Marsh Heavy Equipment's future, from designing snazzy new business cards to scouting potential new locations. And don't worry, there's plenty of humor sprinkled in as we recount our tech troubles and scheduling mishaps. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride with Madhouse Bar Talks—where every episode is a blend of rants, reflections, and revelations!

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Speaker 1:

we're number one. Jimmy, you've been a cheap ass. You know I'm like damn. You heard it here first right, right right we're the best you know. They say people that cuss are more honest. So I'm honest, motherfucker, put the fish away. Reggie, don't even hurt to give birth, not for me. Nothing to it. Okay, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

Come on, I'm ready, I'm ready, I want to do it.

Speaker 1:

I wear a thong. I got one on right now.

Speaker 2:

You want to do it, jimmy and Geek. Mad House Bar Talks, baby, not just a bunch of shit. If that made no sense, good morning Madhouse Bar Talks. How's everyone doing this morning? We got one person. That's you, it's just us.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking to you.

Speaker 2:

I'm just talking to you, but they listen and replace, so I mean you're talking to everybody as they listen throughout the time.

Speaker 1:

So you say good morning and they're gonna listen to it, probably at three or four yeah, maybe, or maybe they listen on their way to work tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, you know, maybe it is morning. Yeah, it's morning for us. Either way, it's the morning somewhere. Huh, we got a lot to get into today, man, there's crazy shit going on all over the place Crazy craziness. I can't figure out what.

Speaker 1:

What to start with? No.

Speaker 2:

I guess I'll start with this bitch.

Speaker 1:

Who's that?

Speaker 2:

My bitch, I'm bitching, I'm not saying a bitch, it's just a bitch that I have.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, damn you starting off calling somebody a bitch no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I well, I I put that new drop box coming into the office, you know, and they don't drop the envelopes in there that I come up there and the drop box, all the envelopes, are just hanging out the damn door, like what's the point of locking it up and putting it in there if it's just hanging out people just walk up and grab it.

Speaker 1:

It's like when you leave the mail for the the mailman and have it hanging out. Yeah, I mean, why would you do that?

Speaker 2:

I mean well no, it's like, it's even worse. It's like if you did that at the box on the street right right you know what I'm saying. So it's even worse than just because I mean it's, I don't know, it's, it's something that's the it's annoying, I don't. I don't understand why you wouldn't just push it in there yeah, what's the problem?

Speaker 2:

I don't get it. Is it stopped? Did you empty it? Yeah, I empty it every day. Even if it was, you could still get it in there. You'd have to jiggle it a couple times or something. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It might be your fault it's no way my fault that's not possible.

Speaker 2:

I just like to say they used to do it with the other one every once in a while, but this one's like constant, but this morning was like the worst one. It was like I, I, it, like they only had like what's the envelope in there?

Speaker 1:

the rest was all hanging out. What's the first thing I said when I walked in?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you go, did you see I go? Of course, I see that.

Speaker 1:

How the fuck could you not?

Speaker 2:

Jesus, I mean it was crazy. So that's my complaint about that. And then I got a complaint, a couple complaints. Jimmy Asif called me and complained. He said he couldn't get a drink in here. He said she was swamped, but I left a half hour before he got here. That day there was only two people in here, three people in here I haven't seen that dude in years.

Speaker 1:

Man, I I text him one time to you know, come hang out one day.

Speaker 2:

And he said yeah yeah, he should go on those poker runs. He right, he rides, he's got a. He just got a new bike this year, didn't he? Or?

Speaker 1:

last year. Maybe I ain't seen dude in 20 years well, I Well I see it on his Facebook or whatever. I probably ain't seen him more than that.

Speaker 2:

No God I haven't seen Jimmy Asif since. Probably that dude was so funny, I was probably like 25. Yeah, he was hilarious. We used to go hang out at his house whenever it burned down. Remember that no, I don't know His house caught on fire and they weren't living there, but they were going over there. It was still like just burnt out or whatever, but the parents weren't there or nothing. We'd go sneak over there and hang out.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, he was funny, though he was always hilarious as shit.

Speaker 2:

And it wasn't funny that he's calling me, bitching me about that. I call Bukkash, I go, what the hell I go. He said he came in at 2. I left at 1.30. It was like three people there, she goes. I literally went upstairs and got liquor bottles. I came down and there was two people wanting to do to-go orders a table of four and him and he walked out. So I don't know, I don't know what that was, but she goes. I I was literally upstairs like maybe five to seven minutes just doing liquor bottles real quick, because it was so dead, you know, but it happens. I had another complaint too, but that's a whole nother thing. I'll deal with that, not not on the air, I guess, or something's. I got to figure that one out.

Speaker 1:

You're going to put it on the air next week though, right?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, it's just, I just got a, I just got a bad complaint. I mean a woman called like message me and and she actually put a bad review out on me on facebook after she messaged me privately and but then I think she's deleted the one since then because when I, when I actually seen it, I responded right away, you know, and uh, once I think I responded, I think she then responded back and deleted that one and I I didn't say nothing, you know, to her or nothing, but I think she was a hundred percent in the right what, what she was saying. She was unhappy with how she said she was here two hours with four people to get food. So that's not good, you know, I mean, and it's not our normal situation and it definitely wasn't our normal bartender. So that's that's part of the part of the issue, probably. But at any rate, let's that's I get.

Speaker 2:

Let's not talk negative about manhouse bar and grow no more. I don't like it makes me feel bad. Well, let's listen. Well, we got one more thing to talk about on the bar. Oh, what's that? That parking lot? Oh, my God, this guy, wow. The bar. Oh, what's that? That parking lot? Oh, my god, this guy, wow, he, he called me and he goes he goes ah, that guy's gonna need another.

Speaker 2:

Uh, 500, if you can get, I go, dude, there's no chance. I'm giving you another dime until this parking lot's done. I'm done, I'm not. I gave you half down and you ain't did shit. And you got tar all over my building Because every time they pour out the bucket they chuck it. I mean, they chuck them as hard as they can, as far as they can, just throw them out. And then now there's tar splattered on the building because of them chucking buckets for no reason.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know what the aggression is, that they have to just chuck the bucket, it's every one it could probably need put five feet away, and they just got to throw it up as high as they can. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like it doesn't make sense. And then he wants to come on Saturdays and Fridays and block off the parking lot and he does such a small portion and then blocks off half the damn parking lot.

Speaker 1:

How long has this?

Speaker 2:

been going on. It's a long time now. I'd have to. You know I could probably look back. I actually probably can look back. Let me see, I probably have a text from him. How many times have we done it? We've done it three times, I think.

Speaker 1:

And how long did it take him?

Speaker 2:

Two days each time, two times. Oh geez, I mean, it's crazy. So he started a month ago on the sealing of it, but then he was on the patching, which the patching is a shit job too. But he says that and it's in the sealing contract that he'll come back and patch afterwards because he wanted to make sure it was sealed first because he just some bulls. He's a bullshitter. This guy is a bullshitter, 100, that's doing it. He's a hundred percent bullshitter and he's trying to get more money out of me. I'm like, okay, it's not, there's not, there's not a chance in hell. I'd give you another dime until this thing's done. I mean, there's not even a what, not even there's nothing in my. I couldn't even respect myself, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I know what you mean. I see this shit. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it takes us literally two days to do it.

Speaker 1:

Block off half of it, we do one half. The next day we block off that half and do that half. That's it, it's done, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And that's like Bobby did it that fast and Bobby's like his back hurts. He did it that fast and bobby's like his back hurts. He's you know 50, what seven or something, I don't know 56, I don't. He's up there, I mean, and it still only took that long. Like what the hell are they doing? It doesn't make any sense and it's it's aggravating. And then I went to. I stopped over at uh lowes yesterday because I needed some light bulbs and they just got their park on. Hey, it looks so nice and it's like all sealed and it's striped Nice. You can see where they snap lines to stripe them. I watched this guy when he was striping it on camera. I go, it's not putting. What he didn't put, not what he didn't snap one line, nothing. I mean pull out a tape measure. He literally, like I guess, can see through the sealer or something, and just eyeballed it. I swear to god he did. That's what he did. He eyeballed it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I mean, who does that? And that's supposed to be professional. I'm supposed to like love that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna love that, but need a little more money though. Yeah, I need a little. We're gonna need a little more money on that one. You know I was gonna need it, you know like. You know like, yeah, get the fuck out of here. I mean you ain't doing. No, not a chance in hell. I mean when he's done, I'll pay him, obviously, but I mean I still don't think it was the greatest job, but I mean I would pay him.

Speaker 1:

But I mean it's just, there's no way in hell I'd give him any more money until he does something worth doing. Well, like I told you last week, you should have just had him go straight down the middle, right here and then tell them say, we're good, you get out of here they just randomly show up whenever, like they just.

Speaker 2:

And then you know what the other thing is. Summer was ready to beat her ass. Summer was in the. She's in the kitchen cooking. All of a sudden dust starts flying. He's. He's blowing all the dust from the lot. You know, you blow all the loose gravel and dirt and stuff off of it with a, with a leaf blower. He blows it all in the back door of the kitchen. So she's in there all of a sudden. It's just fucking dust, clouds of dirt and dust coming in her damn kitchen while she's trying to cook. She was out there cussing the shit out of him. She was pissed like super pissed that was. That was yeah, that's nothing good to come out of that. I mean, he's doing the tar, which I honestly will say I do like the tar being done with the broom. I think it's doing a better job with the broom. It's using more tar than we would use, but it's definitely doing a better job. I think it's something maybe I would do in the future if I did.

Speaker 1:

Well, by the time they're done it's going to be time to start over on the beginning again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, you ain't kidding. But I mean we still could do it with a broom in two days. I mean that's just all there is to it. We could do it with a broom in. It might take twice as much sealer, but I think it'd be worth it. Actually, I think it would be a lot nicer that way. No, it is.

Speaker 1:

It is, hopefully he gets his ass out of his or his head out of his ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, his head out of his ass. Yeah, it gets his ass out of his head. I don't know. He's backwards. What do we, what do you want from me? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

I guess that's crazy man, and the way he blocks off the parking lot is like he'll leave it. For what?

Speaker 2:

a week. Oh no, he'll never come back. I have to go pull it down eventually. I have to pull it down because he's not going to come back and pull it down. He's just yeah. And then he calls me to ask me if the weather's good for him to come out and do it, and then, if I didn't answer the phone, he won't go. Yeah, it's like what the hell? I don't know. It's a mess. That's the worst decision I've made by far. It's not and it's probably not going to hold up very well. It doesn't look like it does. That big hole that he filled at the end still already looks bad. You know what I mean. And he didn't even get the one little corner area, you know. So, yeah, not good Getting your parking lot sealed by rookies, evidently I mean. You know they all have the shirts, though. They all have like professional shirts on you know.

Speaker 2:

They know how to throw a bucket too, and they know how to throw a bucket man, they could be in the shot put. They could shot put if they probably.

Speaker 1:

What is that shit man? It must be an asphalt thing why you've seen it before. They get shot put. If they probably. What is that shit man? It must be an asphalt thing why You've seen it before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, really oh yeah, they'll just fling the bucket. But why You're flinging tar everywhere? I don't understand Like literally that tar is on the side of the building.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, Well, there's no reason. Two days before I look and there's a big old tar spot across the whole fucking.

Speaker 2:

Splatter yeah, it's splatter from the bucket being plump Goofballs. What are you going to do with it? Let's uh, let's, go ahead and we'll. We'll get into this real quick. I just want to take a second and I just want to say that we lost somebody a couple days ago and it is it's really oh my God, it's horrible Honorable. It is one of our favorite people actually.

Speaker 2:

That was at the Boys and Girls Club. We've dealt with him for a long time and it just you know what. I mean, it just was always a good, he was always a good friend to us. And now, all of a sudden, we've got a loss where Mike Conabere, he made his way. He started basically the Lorain County Boys and Girls Club. He started his own program, I think in Oberlin or Wellington or something.

Speaker 2:

I think it was Oberlin actually. I think in Oberlin or Wellington or something. I think it was Oberlin actually and he started the program and he got it out there and he was, you know, I guess, recognized by boys and girls and they kind of teamed up with him and he brought it in and he kind of started the whole program. That's there. But we did, we lost him. I guess he was found by his son. Not sure what happened or what's going on with it, but it's definitely a sad day for us. He was a regular here. He would come in for lunch a lot. He liked to get his soups he was a big soup and salad guy.

Speaker 1:

You had a little meeting and you'd invite people here.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he always would have people here, he'd always do meetings here and we had talked about doing some things with him in the future, you know, hoping to do stuff. But then at that time when we had had conversations about it, what we wanted to do was see some construction stuff added to the young kids or whatever. But he ended up taking a different role because they kind of went to a national, not national, whatever you want to call it. But we just want to take a moment and just say you know, we're sorry to you know Conabare's family, and that he'll be greatly missed, I'm sure with the Boys and Girls Club and definitely with us. So our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this time. But that's. I just wanted to bring that up not to get a somber mood going, but we're going to miss him. That's all there is to that. So how did your week go this week? Interesting, interesting, what's interesting?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God. But what's interesting, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

So people think, that when I say this weird shit. It's lies or made up or something.

Speaker 1:

I can't make this shit up. So I come home from work early yesterday it was just a half day work, not even half, just do a couple loads. So I'm on my way home, I pull in my driveway and I see two chairs set up with a blanket on it and I'm like what the hell is this Like how was it?

Speaker 2:

What do you mean with the blanket on it?

Speaker 1:

So towards the back of the driveway there's two chairs and just a blanket folded on it so you can't see through it, or whatever.

Speaker 2:

You get what I'm saying. Oh, like a tent For privacy, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like what the hell is this? And I walk to the other side of the chairs and I look Neighbor girl's in my driveway, butt naked, tanning. I said what the fuck? I was like, what the fuck are you doing? And she's like I'm tearing, didn't even budge, just laid spread out. I'm like, oh my God. And then I just turned around and started walking away. I said go in your own yard. She wants some Guito for sure.

Speaker 2:

She ain't getting shit. That's a ballsy move, that's that. That's that's as ballsy as it gets, like that I mean I. I mean that's that's beyond being hit on at that point I'm like what in the hell?

Speaker 1:

so I'm like like it just aggravated the shit out of me and I'm thinking to myself am I just maybe because? I'm not attractive to her that I got angry and I was like, no, I think if she was attractive I still would have been angry like get the hell out of here. No, you wouldn't. Yes, I would have there ain't no way get the fuck out. Why, why would you be in my yard?

Speaker 2:

who cares? She's butt naked, just couldn't joy there's no enjoying not that one, but I'm saying if the hot one was there.

Speaker 1:

I'd have looked a little longer, but I still would have been annoyed, shit. I'd have been like, look, look a little better. Then I'd have been like, all right, now, what the hell are you doing in my yard? Now, get in here.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Let's try this again. Get in the house, Look, I'm like oh my God, god. I was just so aggravated. I was like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

that is absolutely crazy. I mean, I've never heard of anything like that in my life, man, ever that I mean so. So she set up chairs and put up a blanket to like, to, to like, like as a privacy fence, yeah, at the top of your driveway, my driveway, yeah okay, that's crazy, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then she act like I'm like bothering her.

Speaker 2:

I'm like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Go get me some tea.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she got fucking.

Speaker 2:

The only way she could hit on you harder is if she had like a vibrator on her while you walked back to her and I unplugged it.

Speaker 1:

I get the fuck out of here. But what, uh? What was it? Uh, cucumber. She had cucumbers on her nipples and on her eyes and I'm like what?

Speaker 2:

yeah, just a weird cucumbers on her nipples and her eyes. Yeah, for what?

Speaker 1:

so the sun don't burn her nipples. I don't know what the fuck I didn't ask I was like. I instantly turned around and I was like get the fuck out my driveway.

Speaker 2:

And I just went in the house like what the did she get leave no hours later she was out there.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fuck man?

Speaker 2:

oh, that's hilarious. Yeah, you should have filmed her. I did, you did. Yes, you should have that's what she deserved.

Speaker 1:

I should put it out there. No, no, don't do that, but that, yes, you should have. That's what she deserved. I should put it out there.

Speaker 2:

No, no, don't do that, but that you you should have, for sure, no question I was like nasty ass, get the hell out of here you don't have ring cameras or not you need ring cameras.

Speaker 1:

I would assume that a ring camera would stop somebody from neighbors is what I mean the fuck. I was like oh my god, I was so mad. I was like, oh my God, I was so mad, though I was like go next door, why are you in my driveway? That's a new one.

Speaker 2:

I ain't never heard no shit like that. That's where people think.

Speaker 1:

I'm lying, I'm like no, this shit really happens to me that is absolutely bizarre.

Speaker 2:

I'm like this is not fucking made up. I'm like I wish I happens to me. I'm like this is not fucking made up.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I wish I could make shit up like that.

Speaker 2:

I'd be rich if a guy did the same thing and like put a blanket up and tan naked in their neighbor's backyard, they'd go to jail for sure, 100% and she just but that one girl was running down the street naked on Oberlin Avenue. Remember a couple years ago?

Speaker 1:

or something like just running down the street naked on.

Speaker 2:

Oberlin Avenue. Remember a couple of years ago or something like just running down the street naked, but that's a little different, I probably knew her too. She was probably your other neighbor. She has two houses down.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that shit was crazy. Oh my God, that was when you were telling me that I didn't. I didn't realize it went on for that long. I assumed she got up and left at that point.

Speaker 1:

No, you know what I mean? No, the chairs are still there right now.

Speaker 2:

She's probably getting some more morning sun right now. Oh my God.

Speaker 1:

She'll get a hose today. I ain't even playing Get the fuck out of here. I'll do it like a stray dog. Yeah, you should. That's the way to do it Hose her ass down. What if I was on a date and come home with some girl and there's some random broad in my backyard with butt naked and shit? Like what the hell? This is just weird. Like who does that? Mental?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with neighbors like that, I wouldn't bring dates home.

Speaker 1:

I'd be like, can we go to your house? Yeah, what the fuck.

Speaker 2:

It seems like the smart move at this point.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, damn, let's get a room. I got a little extra money, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, it's the world we're living in.

Speaker 1:

And then here's another thing. See, that's Johnny's company, you know. And so the other day I go in the house and I see her pulling my driveway, because they don't have a driveway. I'm like, I understand, maybe she's taking some groceries in the house or going in for a minute or whatever. Nope, wake up in the morning, her car is in my driveway.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's yeah, that's, unacceptable, yeah, I'm like.

Speaker 1:

And then I told her like man park in my driveway, like that, I don't care if you got to run in or somebody's picking you up or something you know you didn't mess with her ever.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, so she doesn't have some misconstrued?

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely not, and I'm like I try, so I try to be nice about it, so I don't know if she's taking it the wrong way and still doing weird shit.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's a mental health issue. I think there's something mentally wrong with her to do such a thing. Yeah, it's weird. That seems like a mental health issue in my opinion. I mean, I'm not a therapist, but I mean no 100%. I think that's probably what it is, but I mean that seems like the world we live in, as everybody Look at the Olympics. That shit's crazy. That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

You should have seen it in my driveway yesterday.

Speaker 2:

The dude had his nuts hanging out. I didn't see him. No, he had. Let me see if I could find it here hold on no, no, you really can't.

Speaker 2:

No, it's like, it's not like that. Giblets were jingling. His giblets were jingling. Yeah, china banned them. That's a. That's a clip I got. But here's the worst part they're doing it in drag, okay, so they're doing it in drag. And as they're doing it in drag, okay, so they're doing it in drag. And as they're doing it in drag, they're doing the Last Supper in drag. Just disgustingly inappropriate. It's disrespectful, it's just disgusting. I mean, it's like you could call it art all you want. It's evil. It's pure fucking evil, is what it is.

Speaker 1:

I see it.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, in this picture that you're looking at right now, where it's pointing, dudes' nuts are hanging out and they're talking about it's a wardrobe malfunction, but it's just like he's there and, by the way, there's a kid mixed in. Here too, there's a little girl that's in as part of this whole thing as it's going on, and his nuts are just hanging out. China, but I heard that one. I heard one place actually requested to all their video be deleted. No, no, requested that all their, all their athletes return home. Yeah, I don't blame them. I think they might have said Africa requested that.

Speaker 2:

I believe I mean this is a national stage. This isn't like you're trying to show art in Paris or you're trying to show art in New York. This is a national stage and you chose on that national stage to offend Christians and you know I mean that that's just disgusting, like you're just going to like make a mockery of the last supper, basically, and you're going to call it art. That's not art, that's, it's just garbage. They got like a Smurf guy that comes out and he's like, he's like all blue and it's, it's, it's bad, it's some of the worst. I've never seen nothing that stupid in my life and that.

Speaker 2:

And then you know there's they're saying the ratings are down and I mean I can't believe why. Why would anybody watch after that? You just offended them, you just pissed them off, right. I mean it just doesn't make sense. It's like it. You think your people are gonna, and then people or sponsors have pulled out, like they're not getting money from certain sponsors. That pulled and I don't blame them, they should pull out. It's. It makes no sense, it's it's just and. But you know, hey, it's art and it's this, it's that, it's bullshit is what it is. It's a bunch of bullshit and and that's that's.

Speaker 1:

And whoever, whoever had a final okay to to do that. That, you see, that's accountability. That's who should be canned.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I don't even. First of all, I don't even know why drag queens have to be in the olympics should be traditional, I mean yes, yes, it's traditional. It's the world's coming together to do sports They've been doing it a certain way for so many years.

Speaker 1:

It's not about sports. It's not about art.

Speaker 2:

It's not about any of that expression. It's not about Snoop and his freaking blunt-shaped torch. First of all, I'm sorry, I'm just going to say it. I mean sorry, I'm just gonna say it. I mean I love Snoop to death, but there's no reason that he should be running a torch or starting it. He shouldn't he? Just there's no reason for that. There's so many people that have done so many great things in this world and we chose Snoop.

Speaker 1:

I think it should have been like a fellow, like a past Olympian or something like that.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Or I mean there's times where, like years ago, they had the kid that, well, he was a past Olympian, actually now that I say it but the guy that wrote the book Maybe it should have been Bruce Jenner Bruce Jenner's, not.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm not against that. I'm not against that. Actually, he is a past Olympian. I'm okay with that. I'm absolutely okay with that. But I'm not okay with the fact that just Snoop has done nothing For the Olympian, not only for the world. I mean he's a great guy, he's got some great music. I'm not saying he's not, he's never done anything evil or mean that I know of, I've never seen it. I mean God, this just doesn't make any sense, why Snoop would get to pass the torch on an opening ceremony. It just doesn't. And I'll even go a step further If it was in America maybe I would agree with that, but not in Paris. What does he have to do with Paris? Paris doesn't have anybody that would be great to open that up. I mean Amanda, it's not Caitlin, it's Bruce. We said what we said.

Speaker 1:

We had the box of Wheaties.

Speaker 2:

We ate that shit when I was a kid.

Speaker 1:

She wasn't even born then, so she's not a whore. We ate that shit. When I was a kid, she wasn't even born then, so she's not a father.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I mean, I would be okay with that. I mean, and I don't know that that's. I mean, it is making a statement in itself, but it's not mocking Christianity and Buddhism, right, right, it's just that was absolutely disgusting, like that was. It's just, it's just a big slap in the face, no matter who you are. That was a big slap in the face and it and it's not I don't know, it's just, it's horrible. It drives me nuts that. That that's what it is, and I haven't watched any and I'm not planned on it. And you know, one of my favorite things to do is watch the Olympic basketball team. I haven't watched them either. I didn't even know he was on and I've seen they're like barely winning, actually, like they're just not even like they're barely winning at this point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've seen it. One point or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know what? There's a lot to be said about that, because there's two reasons for that. One, michael Jordan, larry Bird's Olympians. When they did theirs, they brought basketball to the world, like the world is about basketball. Now, some of our greatest players are coming from overseas. So I mean that to some degree, but they're not losing to some of the greatest players overseas. They are not losing, but coming close to some of the. They're just coming close to teams. We shouldn't even be in our ballpark, really, when you're sending over the best. You know what I mean, but maybe they're not giving the effort. I don't know. Who knows, I don't know, but they definitely should have lost the one that they won by one. They should have lost the one that they won by one. They should have lost that game. Yeah, I've seen that. Yeah, and I only seen the highlights or whatever. I did too, and now I have very little interest in even watching. Now, at this point, and especially now with this whole thing, I definitely have no interest in watching. So it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

I spent all week, basically because last week I said they're going to get rid of Biden. They did, and now they brought in Kamala or whatever, and he does it dude the worst way. You could possibly do it like it's fucked. If one of my bartenders quit the way he did, with a message that didn't even tell you why. You know what I mean. He said it with a text. You know what I'm saying? A tech, basically a tweet, whatever it was. A text message like basically no, doesn't go on, camera shoots out a little quick text. Who knows if he even did it, they might have did him like, yeah, motherfucker, you're quitting, watch and send. You know what I mean and I it's, it's, it was the craziest thing ever so. Then that happens and that's like that's crazy enough in its own self, right, that that's how you quit, like the presidency of the united states, like like that's the way you do. It is a text. Like I said, a bartender texting me that with no explanation would piss me off. This was the president of the united states backed out that way. So, at any rate, yeah, karen schaufer did it that way and it was disgusting, but but she was a little shorter than biden was, but that was in lorraine, that that when she quit, I think she went to sheffield and came back or something.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what their deal was, but anyways, he quits with this. But then he shows up, and when he shows up and he does his speech from the Oval Office did you see it? I'm watching, I go something. Don't look right. He looks revigorated, he looked like he had energy, he looked like he looked like a different president, a different man. And then I started seeing things and I didn't like I said it right away like how's he look so like energetic and this? And that all of a sudden they, they started coming out with things. They're showing pictures like this one I've got up right now. You're telling me that doesn't look like the same guy.

Speaker 1:

No, they said he was up. What six inches taller.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, that's crazy dude, because I just kept going down the rabbit hole.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't help myself. You know what they keep saying about conspiracy theory.

Speaker 2:

You know it's too hard not to look at conspiracy theories at this point. You show me, like this is here, goes here, goes him with, with nitin yahoo, from, from israel. This is him with nitin yahoo. And you tell me, dude, you tell me, how is that possible? I don't see it. Oh, you're not seeing it. Yet you tell me. You tell me how's that possible.

Speaker 2:

He grew six inches well, yeah, I've been seeing that all over I mean that's absolutely insane, I mean, and he doesn't even look like the same person. That's the problem, it doesn't. He looks okay, he looks similar, but he's got a lot of energy. A little bit of pep in his step, Like where did all this come?

Speaker 1:

from this pep and his height.

Speaker 2:

I heard it was Obama. They were showing pictures of Obama's teeth and going that's his teeth under the mask. I mean it's crazy. When you look at it it's like what in the hell is going on?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's some weird shit going on in this world right now.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm telling you, and the resignation signature was off, I didn't even see that. I'll have to go look into that. That's what Tia's saying is that the signature was off on his resignation, but he hasn't resigned, has he?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what the hell's going on.

Speaker 2:

He didn't resign and there's no resignation. I don't know what she did. I mean he quit the campaign. I guess Did he do a resignation for the campaign? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. She's the one who said it. As far as I thought, it was just a tweet that went out. You know what I mean. Yeah, I just don't feel like doing it. No more, I'm going to quit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, that's crazy. And he, no reason, no, like health, doesn't cite health reasons, doesn't cite any. I mean he doesn't cite any of those things and it's like I don't know. I mean it just doesn't add up to me. Is all I'm saying. It does not add up to me. You want to see Snoop with the?

Speaker 1:

torch, I've seen it.

Speaker 2:

You've seen him with the torch. I've not seen it.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to see it? Huh, all right, all right. Well, I don't know what the hell to do with this whole thing. Like it, just like I feel like I'm in, and then, because I'm looking at social media and it's waving like it's all talking about that she's going to win and it's like all these great things they're only saying about this Kamala Harris now, and the problem is that she's been absent forever. Like she, literally the campaign. Like originally like campaign. Everybody got all pumped for a couple months leading up to Biden going in about this woman VP coming in first one ever and all that. And then she disappeared off the face of the earth. You've never seen her because every time she said something it was so stupid.

Speaker 1:

Everybody says she's so smart, she's a genius. I'm like okay, who said she's?

Speaker 2:

smart. She couldn't even pass the bar exam. She failed the bar exam the first time. She failed the bar exam, something that you studied for months and months, for Months, years. Well, but as you're leading up I mean, you go to college for years, but as you're getting ready to take the bar exam, you study for months and months leading up to it. You know what I'm saying. That's an important thing in your life, yeah, and you couldn't handle passing that. And you know what the key is to passing a bar exam. You really can't study for a lot of that. Well, you can't a bar exam, I guess you can, but a lot of that is just logic that's involved in it. I mean, you have to go find, you know laws and stuff, but a lot of it is logic. And that's a scary thought. To think that she has trouble with logic. That's that's my, my big fear with that. That that's that's a real big fear.

Speaker 2:

And people are people may vote for it. It might happen, dude you. You at this point have to be prepared that it might happen, because people are like they. It's not about anything of her policy, anything. People are like oh, but we need a woman president. Oh, we need a black woman president. We need nothing has anything to do with their policy, anything and what I don't understand. Like you know, they love to talk shit about trump, like they go on and on and on about trump. The truth of the matter is trump has done so much good that people that that never gets talked about. I'm talking about, like paying off people's houses, freaking, you know, flying sick people in his airplane that nobody else would fly them. Like just just everyday things, before he's ever even running for president, just because you know what I mean Sees a good cause on TV and just sends money like he does. That that happens literally like they were providing one of those I forget what, who it was, but they were providing chairs for I think it was other countries for students, desk and chairs and they were talking about how it had taken off and they provided X amount of chairs. They got a check from Trump and said keep up the good work. And it was from somebody that constantly dogs them, but they were doing good work and he for that cause, he donated money. You know what I mean. He's just that. That's a person. That's a person you want.

Speaker 2:

Kamala Harris has done nothing for anybody except the mayor of San Francisco. She did. She did a lot on her knees for him, but that's about it. I mean she has done nothing. She wouldn't do anything for anybody. She doesn't give a shit about anybody. She's self-absorbed, she thinks she's and and she's. It's horrible. She's the most liberal, crazy ass woman there that that has ever been in the senate or anything. The things that she wants to do is ask, and she don't give a shit about nobody, like she doesn't want, she wants to stop fracking, she wants all electric cars, all that stuff. She doesn't, she don't give a shit, she's a. She's the big, you know big. On the green new deal, like let's, let's get it all out of there. And these people keep wanting electric cars and shit. That's like, like it's not going to. I mean there's no way to. California can't even air condition their fucking city all the time. They have to do rolling blackouts. Now how are they going to get electricity to fucking power these cars, the dams?

Speaker 1:

are driving them. You could go back on the. When we first started these podcasts, I said that shit wasn't going to work, and now it's coming out.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to work? Yeah, but it doesn't stop at them from trying to push it and it's not cleaner. It's not Making that electricity is not cleaner, they're doing it. It's crazy. You're burning fossil fuels to get the goddamn electricity.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make any sense fossil fuels to get the goddamn electricity. It doesn't make any sense at them. At them, uh, because they ain't got, like you're saying, the, what is it called? The, the boards for the electric? They can't handle it, so they got generators. What are the generators ran off of right, but even the power plants, most of the power plants, I mean, there's nuclear power.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm talking about some of the nuclear power plants or whatever are there.

Speaker 1:

but but the grids can't handle it, Most of it's being.

Speaker 2:

Most electricity is being produced with fossil fuels. That's how it's being produced period.

Speaker 1:

You're getting more electric. You're using more fossil fuel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's all it is. And then it's inconvenient, and it's not any cheaper, because now it's costing everybody money, because because our electric bills are skyrocketing, because they can't keep up, I mean, and that's going to get higher and higher because the demand is getting higher and higher.

Speaker 1:

So then they got in California, I guess, for every mile. I guess now they're trying to tax you on the mile because they ain't getting no revenue on the fuel Right. That doesn't make any sense. Yeah, that's what they said they're going to start it as a six-month program to see how it works out. Yeah, we're going to start it as a six-month program to see how it works out. Yeah, move the fuck out of California.

Speaker 2:

That's what they said and you know, if they start taxing you, that tax never goes away, right.

Speaker 1:

It never goes away. Yeah, we're just going to try it temporary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know Electric cars, and you know the thing is, it's disgusting because, like Biden was talking, they had an electric car summit in Washington the EV summit it was called and Biden hosts this whole event. They didn't even invite Elon Musk, no, and they said that GM was making the greatest strides in electric cars of anybody. That's what they said. Now you explain to me at this time, at this time when this was said, GM had made 26 electric cars and Tesla had made 350,000. 350,000 to $26,000. And GM was making the leaps and bounds on electric cars. They're just trying to and they don't even invite him. Why? Why is that?

Speaker 1:

Because he's independent and they want control of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess I mean that just doesn't make sense. But there's a bigger play there. There's a bigger play. Oh yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, it ain't going to work. They can say all they want, it's just causing more problems than what it's worth.

Speaker 2:

But this girl might win. I'm telling you it might happen. Kamala could win, it could happen. I, kamala could win, it could happen. I'm telling you it really could happen. I would just want to see people are that I will tune into.

Speaker 1:

I don't watch TV, I don't. I don't watch all this, none of this, but I swear I'll watch the debates on that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's the other thing that she did too. So she's she's got this false narrative that Trump don't want to debate her. She's saying Trump don't want to debate her. Trump in a comment. They asked him and he said well, the Democrats haven't even picked their nominee yet, so we'll see what happens. Because he had a date for Biden in September, I guess, which I told you. When they did that early debate with Biden, they were seeing how he went against Trump and they were going to decide whether they pulled him from the ticket. And they did. That's exactly what. That's exactly what happened. He did shitty and they pulled him from the ticket. You knew that was going to happen. So now she's got this false narrative that he said he won't, he doesn't want to debate her, he's backing out of the debate.

Speaker 2:

First of all, the debate wasn't scheduled, ever with her. Second of all, she hasn't been nominated by the Democratic Party yet. Hasn't happened you sure? Positive, I'm 100% positive. I mean, she is the front runner. At this point. It looks like it's going to be her. But yeah, they have.

Speaker 2:

The Democratic Party has not picked her yet and they're a private club. They can do whatever they want and at this point they haven't had any votes. She hasn't done any debates with anybody else. There's no time for that. You know what I'm saying? And they don't even care, because people will vote for her just because she is half black and woman. It'll happen, dude. I'm telling you I think that's how they voted for Biden was because she was half black and woman. That it'll happen, dude. I'm telling you. I think that that's how they voted for Biden was because she was the VP and half black and woman. They don't care about her policies. They don't.

Speaker 2:

Same thing happened with Obama. I kept telling everybody Obama's policies are horrible. He's telling you what he's going to do and I and I and Obama's defense he did what he said he was going to do. A lot of people say he did exactly what he said. It was horrible. It was horrible policies from the beginning. It was always going to be horrible policies and he did. He stuck exactly to what he said he was going to do and he did it. And people hated it. They weren't listening to what he said he was going to do. They never heard what he said he was going to do, because all they cared about was that it was a black man going to be president and I'm telling you that's all it takes. That's how fucking stupid some people are. They don't give a shit about policy. They don't give a shit about. But I'm telling you, if it happens, it's going to be bad. It's going to be real bad If Trump doesn't get in and you get Kamala instead, it's going to be real bad. The problem is, you know, when you listen to Trump, you know what he says. He can do it. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Trump is, first of all, he's worldly. The man's been on. I was looking at, like and it just hit me. Yes, I never thought about it.

Speaker 2:

Hollywood and all the famous people I mean everybody since the 70s.

Speaker 2:

There's pictures of Trump shaking their hands, hanging out with them, like he personally knows everybody Personally. I mean actors, I mean all the way back to like Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, like he knew them all, like he literally knew those people, dealt with those people, did business with some of them. And you know same thing with Mike Tyson. And you know Mike Tyson says his whole career came from Trump because nobody wanted to put his fights in at the time and he came to him and talked to him, had him come to the Taj and sponsor the event. And same thing with Dana White with the UFC. Same thing that was Trump put a deal together with him, made him huge and would show up at the events, and all that stuff. Same thing with Tyson. I mean, these are all things that this man has done and been successful in everything he's done, on every level. Why would you choose a girl that, or a woman I shouldn't call her a girl a woman that really hasn't done anything like there.

Speaker 2:

You can't even show the train was she, though I don't know you want me to. You did send me that. I got that video on. I've got it pulled up here. Hold on, I can pull it up and see what happens.

Speaker 1:

Was she really, or was that somebody that just looked like her?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Oh shit, it's not showing up, it's just going to Facebook. How do I go to Messenger, right? Is that where you sent it?

Speaker 1:

to me? Yeah, I think so. Man, that's not because this is only when I logged into Bar Talk, it ain't gonna go there, I'm going to bar talk. It ain't going to go there. Was it on Messenger?

Speaker 2:

at the time. Yeah, it was, but it's only going to go on bar talk. I don't know if that's her or not, though I can't tell. I can't. It does look like her, but I mean that would be so many years ago. I mean, there was probably a lot of, you know, girls that looked like her at the time. And hell, she may not even look like that at that. You know what I mean. Right, she might not even look like what she looks like now. Who knows how many plastic surgeons she's had.

Speaker 1:

What's that saying? She says all the time it's so annoying. At this point I don't know, Something that to be, or I don't know what the hell it is.

Speaker 2:

She just says it all the time, oh, and she thinks it's so clever, yeah it's so clever we can't do what needs to be done based on what was done or something, or what's been done in the past, or something, something stupid, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

She thinks it's so clever. It was from a book some other lady wrote, but it's not even that clever.

Speaker 2:

It's not even that, but she says it all the time. It's like so annoying.

Speaker 1:

You know, the first couple times you're like, oh, that's pretty good, catchy. You know, oh, my God, I'm so tired of hearing her saying that. Yeah, I didn't like it even the first time, you know what I hate about her is that laughter. That little weird.

Speaker 2:

And I think she does it when she's uncomfortable, like that, like.

Speaker 1:

Like she just knows she's fucked up.

Speaker 2:

What is she going to laugh like that when she's at the fucking summits and shit like that? Like, come on, it's just I don't know, I don't like her, I don't like her and I mean, I think that you know, everybody wants to dog Trump and say, oh, he has mistresses and he had that porn star on his side Now you want to trade in him for the mistress herself? Right, Get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 1:

Well, she was on stage with Montel, with two women, her and another girl at the time Remember.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't know nothing about this. I heard something, you said something the other day and I was busy and didn't get to get into it when she first came out.

Speaker 1:

Nobody knew who she was. She was with Montel and he had one girl on one side and she was on the other.

Speaker 2:

That was like he had two girls Like two dates on that night.

Speaker 1:

And then he introduced her. And then, what else was she? Oh that shit. What was that judge? He went off on her Brown.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Joe Brown, I think or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he lost it. He lost his shit about her. Yeah, he's not because people are out of their mind. But the problem is is that people will. They will Dude. I'm telling you I watched it with Obama Like they will get out and vote just because she's a woman and she's, and she's black, that's it. They'll. Just on those principles they will do it and it don't even matter what else is going on. I mean she basically dogged.

Speaker 2:

You know, benjamin Netanyahu, like you can't do that, like that's that's, that's our, like that's our, our, one of our closest. They keep saying it's our closest ally. When they say that, but I mean, isn't Britain our closest ally? I would feel like Britain was, but they keep saying it's Israel is our closest ally. They, they say that constantly. You know what I mean. And then she just dogs them. You know what I mean. I don't know all this Palestine shit and stuff. It's just too much man. They have that two-state thing they want to do out there. That's the whole thing. They just want it to be two states. That's what she thinks is the right answer. I think that shit needs to stop. They need to just stop fighting, and I mean jews and palestinians live just fine amongst them, each other, right here in the us, no issues. You know, you go to your church, I go to my church, you know. I mean, I don't understand why they can't do that there. What, what I mean? Why, why?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, you have to I don't know we just ain't, we just don't know what's going on there, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying it can be done. You need, with the right leadership, anything can be done, and I just honestly it can be. I mean those people can live together. I mean I granted, I understand what, there's a lot of history there that causes a lot of stuff. But I mean I don't know, I don't see why they can't, you know, get ahead over there and just live fine together, just fine. But I mean they're terrorists. That's most of what they're doing. They need to start teaching them better when they're young, because when they're young they're just learning to hate Jews. Basically you know what I mean, and Jews probably over there probably don't feel very good about Palestinians.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't imagine.

Speaker 2:

I mean they just bombed them again. Soccer was a soccer field, I think it was a soccer field, but yeah, she's just dogging them like just, you know, I never thought in my lifetime I'd see anti-Semitism, I never thought that could be a thing. I mean, you know about in World War II, that it was a thing and I never thought it was really a US thing. I thought it was always just like in Europe and Germany and all that. But it's like it's bad.

Speaker 2:

When Netanyahu was at the Congress, they were outside burning flags, spray painting, hamas is coming right on our Liberty Bell and stuff. It's crazy. I just never thought I'd see that in the US. But they're inviting it, they're asking for it to be here. That's how they are. They're not condem inviting it, they're asking for it to be here. That's how they are. They're not condemning it, they're not. I mean you went through protesters for January 6th in jail, but nobody throws protesters that went and pulled down a flag outside of Congress and spray-painted Hamas is coming all over our Liberty Belt. They don't go to jail, but the January 6th offenders all go to jail. How does that make sense? You know what I mean. But people will vote for it because she's a woman and she's black Makes no sense. It makes absolutely no sense.

Speaker 1:

She drives me nuts when I watch her.

Speaker 2:

I said did you know Bernie Sanders when Bernie Sanders and I hated Bernie Sanders too? He, I watch her. I said did you know Bernie Sanders when Bernie Sanders and I hated Bernie Sanders too? He's another one. He's left, but not as far left as Kamala is, but he's definitely left, like he's a socialist. That's what Bernie Sanders wants full-on socialism. And he admits it. The difference is Kamala doesn't admit it, but that's basically what she's asking for socialism.

Speaker 2:

But did you see that he sued the Democratic Party for basically like stomping his run for presidency? Basically, they just worked against him and didn't allow him to get the ticket. Did you see that? Well, that's what they did, and he proved it in court and you know what the judgment was? Yes, that's true. The Democrats definitely, the Democratic Party definitely stifled it and caused you to not win the election, even though you had the numbers. They definitely interfered and that's okay. They're a private club. They're a private group, not a club, a private group, and they have that right to do that. That was the ruling. So now this same private group decided that Joe Biden has got to be pulled because his numbers aren't going to win against Trump. And they don't care, they just don't want to lose the party. So they're going to throw in Kamala and they're going to try that. They're going to just try and hope that people come in and vote for him.

Speaker 2:

And my mom, I'll tell you, my mom voted for Kamala whenever she voted for Joe Biden. My mom voted for Joe Biden and when she did, it was because of Kamala. That was the only reason she voted for Joe Biden was because of Kamala. And now Based on Just because it was just A woman. Yeah well, she thought that it was something better, but I think it was just basically because she was a woman. I mean, my mom is, I mean, she, she's not, I don't know, they, they, they have, like my mom's, a hippie a little bit. So she, she likes the idea of peace and love and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

The problem is is that the democratic party is not selling that no more. There's no peace and love, there's no. They're trying to sell this. They're selling the same thing that they're selling at the Olympics, and it's Satan, it's just pure Satan, and there is no peace and love. They want you to accept all these transgenders and this and that, and I mean I feel like it's love. Who you want to love. I don't care, that's up to you. Whatever makes you happy, you love who you love. If you've got somebody to love, life's good for you, that's great. You got somebody who loves you back and you love them great, that's a wonderful life for you. I don't care what they are, who they are, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

But why do we have to have transgenders, which is a small part of our population in the world? It's a very small part of the population in the world. It's a very small part of the population. But they dominate everything that they're doing right now, like that's the dominating thing. Every. I mean, it went as far as now. It's well, I guess that's drag show. I don't think that's really considered transgender. That's like a drag, like artsy entertainment, entertainment thing. But to me it's similar. Why does such a small population have to be in the face of everybody's?

Speaker 1:

you know, as we're doing, it doesn't make any sense Just shoving it down your throat.

Speaker 2:

Constantly. And why? Why do they do that? They're getting rid of God. They don't want God around you.

Speaker 1:

I think that Olympics, like we said before, I just think it should have been traditional.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, it's the world's coming together. It should be very professional and it should be. In my eyes, I feel like you should respect each country's beliefs, Like we would never come into America and be disrespectful to, basically you know, Israel and Muslims or Jewish people or anything. We would never do that. We would never have somebody and just have a thing there and just be disrespectful.

Speaker 1:

I'm wondering who put it together I haven't, it's in France.

Speaker 2:

I mean, France is always kind of like artsy and weird and nutty, but you still got to be. If you're going to host an Olympic Games, you have to be respectful to the world and everybody has their beliefs. I mean you can't.

Speaker 1:

You keep it neutral.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and you know someone made a good point. You know it's funny. They go and they dog Christians on there. You know they dog Christians on the stage. They do that Not dog them, but dog them. Yeah, they do that. Not dog them, but dog them. Yeah, they dog them.

Speaker 2:

It was disrespectful to Christians and Buddhists for sure Anybody who believes in the crucifixion of Christ. They were disrespectful to them. They were not disrespectful to Muslims, though, by doing that, and we all know why, because they had a blue all of France up already. They know that they weren't, they wouldn't, they wouldn't risk that, but either way, it's just disrespectful. Why would you disrespect anybody that's part of this organization at a dinner table and I've got my friend, my friends are all there and I have some Muslim friends and I serve BLT sandwiches. That wouldn't make sense. Why would you do that? That's disrespectful. Yeah, some people at the table could eat BLTs and some people at the table probably would, but I don't even think anybody respects nuts hanging out and drag last suppers and a little girl there with this guy's nuts hanging out. I don't see who.

Speaker 1:

That's art, that's art. Huh, that's art. I mean nobody. It's vulgar for one Right, right, I mean it's vulgar at the very least, anybody with morals doesn't like that.

Speaker 2:

Regardless of what you're doing, it's just pure Satan. It's just, it's pure Satan. It's satanic, is what it is. And I feel like that's what they're trying to do is get rid of God, get rid of family, you know. I mean get, get rid of, you know, and they're they're dogging what's his name? Trump's VP Vance. They're dogging him because he was.

Speaker 2:

He said he made a comment that she's anti-family. This Kamala Harris. She doesn't have kids. She is married to a Jewish person, by the way, but she doesn't have any kids. And everybody's like, oh, how shitty of him to dog her for not having kids and this and that, and it's like that's not what he was saying, but she's everything. Her policies are anti-family. None of them are for families, none of them.

Speaker 2:

And her prosecution shit that she had going on. Dude, they showed she prosecuted a guy who got the death sentence and before the death sentence was going to take place, they wanted a DNA test just to confirm it. Their lawyers, or whatever, were saying they wanted it because they had proof. They felt they had proof that he was innocent. If you just did a DNA test Because prior to that there was no DNA test. You know what I mean. But now there was and they had DNA. She would not give the order. She was going to allow them to ask execute him. Days before the execution, the court stepped in and forced her to do a DNA test and he was found innocent.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I'm going to look that up.

Speaker 2:

That's a fact.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

That's absolutely insane dude. No, no fucks given like that, I mean, and you're the prosecutor you want, you want that clarity.

Speaker 1:

You're taking a man's life. You want, yeah, yeah, you are yeah, there's no, there's no.

Speaker 2:

I'm right or wrong?

Speaker 1:

it's like, oh god, we don't want to well, let's see that's yeah absolutely I'll gladly step down and say I messed up or whatever. Yeah, absolutely, why would his life? Yeah, his life yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it's not even like. It's not even like she has to say. She messed up, because this is something that came before her, and then it's just yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's just yeah, just shitty stuff. Yeah, just absolute. I don't know, but they're going to. They may vote Democrat and not. You know she's a horrible person. There's nothing that she's never done anything for anybody. And they want to talk about Trump, and he does. He's done so many great things for so many people. Dude, it's that he had a guy help him change a tire one time and when he got home there was flowers for his wife and a letter that his mortgage was paid off. Just a guy that helped him change his tire on the side of the road. Isn't that something?

Speaker 1:

Well, you got it like that, don't.

Speaker 2:

Changed his life. There was a farmer too I think was she at the RNC convention, or maybe she was just at one of his rallies a farmer that the lady. When she was a little girl, her dad was going to lose the farm and he committed suicide. He literally committed suicide. And then the mother was losing the farm. Trump got ahold of them, paid off the farm and let her keep the farm. Her and her kids kept the farm and now her brother the lady that was on her brother runs that farm to this day and Trump paid off the farm.

Speaker 2:

At the time he just and he never was in the news nothing. He just saw on the news that the guy had committed suicide and he had done it because he was upset about losing his farm. And now that his wife was gonna lose the farm and he just took care of it. You know what I mean? That's the kind of stuff he's done. Kamala, not so much. You know what I mean. No compassion, just a horrible person. The only people she has compassion for are evil people. That's it. That's it we're supposed to worry about all these different people that are evil.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's what she's worried about, and that's it well, every time you look at videos of her, she's always partying and shit does a lot of dancing.

Speaker 2:

She's always dancing. I don't know if, uh, I don't know if that's partying. I don't know if I've seen her partying per se.

Speaker 1:

I know he's dancing.

Speaker 2:

I mean she might be partying, I don't know I don't know, sometimes she looks like she's drunk.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that laughing looks like she's stoned Like she's high.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's always so funny, it's like Over, like like pushed out Like it's fake. Yeah, I think that it's a nervous thing. I think that's how she deals with being like under pressure. I think that's my guess, I don't know. That saying just drives me nuts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the main thing on her. That drives me nuts.

Speaker 2:

I think I think I saw a TikTok somebody put together of her saying it. Yeah, like 50 times 50 different places, 50 times exact same exact same thing over and over and over and over.

Speaker 1:

But it's funny because I was. Every time I'd see her she'd say that stupid shit. And then I'm like, damn, every time I see her, she says that stupid. And then I seen that clip you're talking about and it was all back to back. I'm like, oh my God, yeah, yeah, she's goofy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's, and she thinks she's so smart and so like, but she's not dude. Like I said, she couldn't even pass the bar her first try. Is that true? That is true, that's a fact. Yeah, yeah, that's a fact. She did not pass her bar and you know, what the problem is now is that the campaign has switched. Now you've got the woman as the as in, as the pick if. If they pick her I'm assuming they're going to and it switched over to that. And now, all of a sudden, you're seeing all these different ads and stuff. They're saying, oh, she's leading, they're this, that there's all these different things all geared towards her. So I'm looking through different things and I started on my height search for biden, trying to figure out like trying to find other pictures of biden and how tall he was.

Speaker 2:

You know, I start looking and it it takes me to wikipedia about biden growing up and I'm like, okay, so I read through it, maybe it's going to tell me something in this. And I'm like, okay, so I read through it, maybe it's going to tell me something in this. And I'm reading through it. Holy shit, you read Wikipedia. You would think that Joe Biden was the greatest president we ever had in the history of all presidents. I mean you read Wikipedia's Wikipedia on Joe Biden and you would read it and go, holy shit, what. That sounds like a wonderful president. I mean, they spin everything like you wouldn't believe. So then it just made me curious, because you've heard of WikiLeaks and all that stuff. You know what I mean. So it made me curious. So I go and I look up Trump Dude, it's disgusting, it is, it is Wikipedia is just. It's horrible. It's absolutely horrible. They do everything they can to discredit Donald Trump and Wikipedia.

Speaker 2:

If you Google them, or if you Wikipedia, and when you Google somebody, that's the first thing that shows up is Wikipedia, always, always is. So if you got a chance for anybody who wants to check it out. Go read that and it'll blow your mind. It really will. It'll absolutely blow your mind. Did you hear the good news? What Owen bought? A ring.

Speaker 1:

I seen it, did you? Yeah, they was here yesterday.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's when I found out about it. Yeah, congratulations was here yesterday. Yeah, that's when I found out about it. Yeah, congratulations. Yes, I don't think. I don't think that I've ever seen two two people get together that I felt better about than those two. I think they're great together. I like them.

Speaker 1:

They both look happy.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, they, and they seem to enjoy the same thing.

Speaker 1:

And and it seems like before they got together they was like lost. Now they're found, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, that's funny. You say that, that is true. It's like, yeah, you're right. They were like two people, just kind of like Just existing. Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're perfect for you.

Speaker 2:

I agree, I've never what a perfect couple they're good, I love them. Good for them. Is he allowed to talk, though? I don't think he's allowed to talk anymore. Who? What do you mean? He talks to me? Oh, does he? He don't talk to you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he does, I'm just kidding. I was just seeing if she let him talk to you. Oh wait, I'm just messing with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, owen, I'm glad for them. It does seem like it goes really well. But I mean we never, you know, everything looks can look good on the outside, you don't know. But if he bought a ring that tells you, it's going right, it's going real good yeah, it's been a and and yeah, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I couldn't happen to a better couple. Absolutely I'm very happy for them. Said we'll have to help them out whenever they go to get their dinner. I said we'll try and do something to get some food out, you know, I mean he said he's gonna have 300 people all right. Yeah, well, he doesn't know yet, but that was his best guess. I was gonna say it's probably more than that it might be. I mean, he's a good dude. Oh yeah, when you're a good dude, that's what happens you're to have a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

And just because he's so mellow and everything, he's really popular.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, really is. Yes, he is. But yeah, congratulations and I hope that goes wonderful, that's a good note on this podcast. That is a great note.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and I got some more, some concrete guys I'm going to put out next week.

Speaker 2:

Are they? Uh, they're good, they are yeah. Do they own their own equipment or do they rent from Marsh?

Speaker 1:

equipment. I told him, did you? Yeah, I said, if you ever need a bigger equipment, cause he's got, you know, skidster and a smaller excavator and stuff. And he was really excited when I told him that about Marsh. Yeah, so that's why I told you. I said I need some cards.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to get some from Keith. I'm going to have to get some, and we'll get them passed out. We'll put them out here too. We need to do that. We need to put up a cork board for all the businesses that come in here to put up their cards, but it needs to.

Speaker 2:

Well, usually a lot of times they said, like just stick pen, and people stick pen multiple cards so someone can take one, so they can just take it with them. But you know you don't need to do that nowadays, because nowadays you could just take a picture of it if you had. If you want it right, why not? I don't know. But everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right, they can just take a picture. Yeah, so we just put in the ones we want to put in there. Don't be putting everybody, everybody in there Somebody come in here. I'm a great concrete guy.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that's up to them to vet it. I'm not vetting people for someone else. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. That's not happening.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know what I'm saying? Like I'm not, I'm just, that's up to them. I mean, I'll just put it there for them to figure out. I'm not vetting them for them. I'm not speaking good or bad of any of them, except for Marsh Heavy Equipment, who does a fantastic job and has wonderful equipment. It's all brand new, and it's all brand new.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I need some cards for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sure he's got some. I haven't seen him for a while. Well, my sister was in town and stuff, so we went to breakfast and haven't done anything like that and he wants to do that whole thing I was telling you about with having the equipment here and I think that could go well, hopefully. So I don't know, hopefully this week I'll meet up with him, that's the plan anyways, and I'll see you. I'll week I'll meet up with him. That's the plan anyways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'll see you. I'll try and get cards off of him. Yeah, I need to talk to him about a list of what he's got too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he probably has it on Marsh, heavy Equipment on.

Speaker 2:

Facebook for sure. I just put the sign up there for everybody to look at. If they're interested. I can put it back up for a minute, but he's doing good. I'd like to see him get into Hassan's spot over there. I think that would be the perfect spot for him. It is a good spot, it really is. I really do think that would be the best spot for him. I'd like to see him get in over there. I don't know if he will, but hopefully I think it would be good for him. So you guys are lucky that I'm even here today.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, jeez, that's how you got your little nose shiner, huh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm so I'm leaving the house to go to the Marina's Friday. Friday it was, and, for whatever reason, I'm going to blame this on Republic.

Speaker 1:

No I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying Republic because it can't be Republic's fault, whoever got rid of Republic? Republic used to be our garbage man on our street and they came through and switched it all over to Rumpke and Rumpke's running it now and they're having a little bit of it's like a little different, like the first time they came down the street. They came down head first and they turned around at the end and it's hard because it's a dead end street but there's not a cul-de-sac down there, so it's hard for us you know a garbage truck to get down there and turn around. So what they've done, what Republic's done all these years, is they just back down the street Because we all put our garbage on one side. They back down and they go down the street. Well then, for whatever reason, this week they didn't come and get the recyclables and a lady called and says come get the recyclables, I guess on our street. So the truck comes down and it's two days late, which is Friday, and they come down the street straight. Must be somebody who doesn't do that route, you know what I mean. And he hooks a power line or a cable line, evidently, but I don't know that.

Speaker 2:

I'm leaving my house and a garbage truck's coming through. I pass them on the right, I get about 100 feet past them or something like that and the next thing I know I get clotheslined across the face on my motorcycle. I mean right here, rips my glasses off. Somehow I keep the bike up in the air. Luckily I'm only going 10, honestly at the time, because even another five miles an hour, who knows what could have happened If the wire was even low enough to hook my nose. It probably would have ripped me off the bike.

Speaker 2:

That's some scary shit. Oh my God. I was so shaken. I come back. Amanda goes. She could see other than the black mark that was going across my face from this wire. She said you could see that you were distraught, like you could just see it Like. And I was I fricking come back. I actually was going to park the bike and take the truck. I was like I was a nervous wreck dude. I mean I'm literally like a nervous wreck. So Rumpke is the one that actually ripped the wire down, was Rumpke, and Rumpke has taken over for Republic and they just don't have it figured out yet. Evidently so.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's the story of how I got the big dot on my nose. It came from a power line on my motorcycle. So that's scary shit. I bet it wasn't a power line. It wasn't. It was something. I don't know what it was, though. I don't know if it was phone or cable or something, I don't know what it was exactly. It was coming into the box on the side of the house. I mean, nobody uses a phone anymore, though. I don't even have like the phone jacks that are in my house. I had like a couple that were put in I. I cut those out, covered them up a long time ago. I got. You know what I mean. Just get rid of them. There's no reason to have them. Same thing here in the bar. We don't even have any phone lines in here anymore.

Speaker 1:

What do you got phone lines? Oh no, that's internet.

Speaker 2:

No, it's all internet based. Yeah, I don't have them anymore.

Speaker 1:

More like that, just doesn't happen, just does not happen. You got anything else you wanted to add for the show? No, I just gotta go move them chairs on my driveway, holy shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, maybe she was watching the olympics, thought was okay.

Speaker 1:

Now, it must be okay.

Speaker 2:

You do whatever you want, nuts hanging out, it don't matter your giblets your giblets you should just do it to her. Go back and do it to her, do the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Go, set up chairs over there in the backyard, or just get naked and stand over Like what you doing tea bagger oh my god, oh man, it was so annoying, but I think she was hoping you would get naked and stand over. That's what I'm guessing look, turn around and say get the hell out of my driveway, all right. Well, everybody have a good day. And uh, yeah, everybody have a good day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, everybody have a good day, a good week.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what about that?

Speaker 2:

thing tomorrow. You know, I'm trying to get that worked out right now. Are you coming?

Speaker 1:

No, See, I did exactly what you said. I'm going to tell you what I did.

Speaker 2:

What did?

Speaker 1:

you do. I went into work and I said, yeah, I need the 29th off, and he said, well, you got to put it on the app and I said, okay, so I put it on the app and sent it in.

Speaker 1:

So then Monday I came in I said he goes hey, I seen you sent that twice. And I said well, yeah, I was trying to figure out the app and I might have sent it twice. And he said I thought you were trying to say it was really, really important. I said, well, but you know, I'm kind of a big deal, that's what you told me to tell him. And he goes yeah, yeah, I'll let you know. And you're not a big deal. No, I got scheduled for tomorrow, yeah. He said yeah, you ain't a big deal, get out of here, I don't know I started yesterday.

Speaker 2:

I had the laptop and I was trying to get those new cameras to work through the laptop and stuff and I'm having enough trouble that I don't know if I'll be able to do it. Honestly, I don't know if it's going to work, so I don't know how that's going to work out, but I'm scheduled to do it. But whether I'll be able to or not, that's a whole other story.

Speaker 1:

So we'll see how that goes. I really thought it was going to be a big deal but it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

You're going to be, it just hasn't happened yet. Yeah, you never know. Yeah, all right, we're going to get out of here Everybody. Please go to YouTube and subscribe to Madhouse. And subscribe to Madhouse on TikTok and also on Twitter at MadBar. All right, we're out of here, peace, peace.

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