MAHD House Bar Talk

YouTube Mishaps and Olympic Controversies: Streaming Blunders, Gender Identity Debates, and Kamala Harris Media Mysteries

August 04, 2024 James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 36

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Ever faced the embarrassment of forgetting to hit the "Go Live" button during a major broadcast? Our debut attempt at a YouTube Live session was riddled with such rookie mistakes, but we persevered and came out with some valuable lessons. From setting up the stream to battling technical glitches, we reflect humorously on our journey and share why YouTube is a better fit for us compared to Facebook. Plus, find out how we engaged with viewers in real-time through live chat, turning our blunders into bonding moments.

Shifting gears, we tackle the sensitive and complex issue of gender identity in sports. The recent controversy surrounding a female boxer and an athlete with XY chromosomes at the Olympics has sparked heated debates about fairness and inclusivity. We delve into Caitlyn Jenner's viewpoints on chromosome and hormone testing, discussing the broader cultural implications and the mixed reactions from the public. This segment isn't just about the policies; it's about the real-world impact and ethical dilemmas faced by athletes and sporting bodies alike.

And then there’s the fascinating saga of Vice President Kamala Harris and the media's bewildering portrayal of her role as the "border czar." We analyze the fluctuating narratives, the surprising Google search results, and the humorous instances involving AI parodies. Additionally, the episode takes a nostalgic turn as we recount stories of celebrities who’ve faded from fame and those who've seized unexpected opportunities to rise to stardom. Join us for an episode packed with humor, controversy, and candid behind-the-scenes moments that promise to entertain and provoke thought.

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Speaker 1:

who told you that laurie and a text message nice thank you, laurie.

Speaker 2:

That's what I told her. I just texted back. We're number one, jimmy hill's being a cheap ass. You know I'm like dad. You heard it here first. Right, right, right. We're the best. Know? They say people that cuss are more honest. I'm an honest motherfucker. Put the fish away, reggie. It don't even hurt to give birth anymore, not for me.

Speaker 1:

Nothing to it. Okay, let's do it, come on.

Speaker 2:

I'm ready. I'm ready, I want to do it I wear a thong.

Speaker 1:

I got what I'm right now. You want to see Jimmy and Geek Madhouse Bar Talks. Baby, now, this is a bunch of shit. If you ask me, that doesn't make no sense.

Speaker 1:

All right, here we are, we're going to try it again. We came out, we did a first one and we started out. We were doing good man. I was like man, we're moving and grooving, and then you get a text that says that nobody can hear us. So hopefully they can hear us. Now I'm looking at it, it looks like they can. I just kind of missed it. That was my fault. I just forgot to hit a button and that happens, I guess. So here we are in round two. We're trying to do our first youtube live. So this is, uh, something that we have, we haven't done yet. Then we're trying it out for the first time right now, and I believe that you should be able to find it if you go and on there. Is it not showing up?

Speaker 2:

it's not if you click on it.

Speaker 1:

It seems like it's the first one. It's going to the first one. Yeah, so do I have to go find it again then and then share it? Look, let me go see here what we got going on. Oh, yeah, so it's going to that first one. All right, so let's do this, let's copy it and then we'll be able to drop it. I should be able to drop it right on. I can drop it right on the Facebook for everybody to go find. Hopefully we'll see Fun, fun, fun. All right, so we're going to go to Facebook. Ba ba, ba. Where do I? How do I post on Facebook now? Here, there, it is All right, copy, paste YouTube's there, add to your post. We want to do I don't know if it'll let me do app followers again, that kind of sucks. If it won't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 25 viewers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can only use it once a day. I don't know if it'll let me do that. That sucks hardcore, oh well. But yeah, it's the same thing. Hopefully it'll go and post and it should be out there now. See, if you can go subscribe to our channel on YouTube and it'll it'll let you know right ahead of time that we're on there and when we go live and you won't have to go look for it on Facebook whenever we do it. So I don't know if anybody wants to try and go do that. Did you find it yet, or no? No, no, finding it yet. Oh, that's lovely. It must be Somebody's connected to it, so somebody's on there. So we definitely got one going.

Speaker 1:

It's our first YouTube. We got to get a little kinks worked out and try everything else out, new and see. But yeah, I think everybody will. If you link to YouTube, I think that's the easiest way to watch us. A lot of people don't even have um facebook. You know, like, like owen that comes in here doesn't even use facebook, so I think it would be easier for him to just go watch things on youtube than it is to do anything else. And, uh, we're hoping that it works out. I don't know, we'll see. We'll see how it goes. It seems right now. It seems right now. Ask Lori if she can hear us, because she's our telltale on everything.

Speaker 2:

Tattletale, tattletale. Yeah, she might be the tattletale that's possible.

Speaker 1:

It might be what it is. Yeah, you might be right. You can actually chat with us on the live too. There's actually like a chat bar that comes in on the live. You can see it. Do you see the chat bar on yours or no? If you click on it, can you get a chat menu up here? So I would think that they would be able to chat. I would think so. Anyways, let's get our show started. I forget where we started last time. That we missed out. Now on this time.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. He's talking about the girl and Olympics with her wardrobe malfunction.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, first we were talking about a year ago. You said that you were brought up to boxing about a year ago how it was like that's not fair that the women and now the Olympics are letting these men go in there. I guess they're saying that the guy men that are that the guy that beat the girl in 45 seconds and she quit, or whatever they're saying it's she's. They got a name for her. But I think what they're saying is that she was a hermaphrodite, like it has both parts, but it has an xy chromosome. That's what makes her now right and Right. And that's where Caitlyn Jenner was on on one of the TV shows doing an interview and she's like, yeah, that's in my day. If you had an XY chromosome, you didn't compete in women's period. You had to be tested to make sure that you weren't a man, and that's how they knew was by your chromosomes. And I mean she had high testosterone levels, all that stuff. It's there was no cause, remember we were talking about, and we're like, oh, they made sure they had to have their estrogens right, stuff. Like they're not even doing that at the Olympics. They, they didn't do any of that, they just basically, she lived her life as a woman and her passport had that she was a woman. So that was it. Then you're a woman, no matter what. So this poor girl, who worked her whole life, was able to be in the ring for 45 seconds because they basically allowed a man to come in there and punch her harder than she's ever been punched in her life. She said so that's the Olympics for you. That's what they're doing now. They're just going to let men beat the shit out of women. And they said they're going to have Bobby Brown and Ike Turner in next week's competition.

Speaker 1:

No, you went too far with the Bobby Brown thing. Why he wasn't beating up Whitney. No, he wasn't. Am I remembering that wrong? I don't know. You went too far. You love you some Bobby Brown, hell, yeah. Well, that's your prerogative, that's right everybody forgets about Bobby.

Speaker 2:

Bobby was the man.

Speaker 1:

Bobby was beating the shit out of Whitney, that's all I'm saying. But she might have been wearing some shit like that swimmer that you sent me.

Speaker 2:

It don't matter Too far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you sent me that in that swimmer. Holy shit, dude, that is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Like that is full-on kookah showing just to everybody. I don't even know if this is working. Still, you don't think it is. I got viewers you're not.

Speaker 2:

You don't have viewers showing up over there too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I got too. Yeah, it's me and you. I'm not viewing. I wasn't on there as a viewer. The same right it's. No, it's because what it is is I don't have the followers now. Yeah, okay, because it took the followers. It took the followers away from me. Like I can do once a day, I'm allowed to put at followers, and I usually use that for the podcast in the morning and I used it for the one that we you couldn't hear us on, so it basically got wasted. So now we're not going to have many live viewers, unfortunately, on our first podcast on youtube.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which?

Speaker 1:

sucks, but but there's a there's people that listen to on our on our just regular audio version of the podcast and those people should go, you put the video put the youtube. Put the youtube up there. What video? With the girl oh, so it is working, so you see it yeah oh, yeah, I showed it on there a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, somebody had to see it. If I had to see it, everybody had to see it. It's that simple. No, I don't understand what's wrong with the olympics, though. Like how can they be that stupid? Like the boxing league doesn't allow it, nobody else allows it, but the International Boxing League or the International Olympics Committee or whatever, just allows it. And we were saying, before we got, we figured out that we weren't on audio-wise. We were talking about how in the world is it that they don't allow them to compete and swimming against each other?

Speaker 2:

I know, you say but in boxing.

Speaker 1:

But in boxing, that's the only one, and maybe they do allow it, but I've never seen it myself. I've only ever seen it in boxing. Why is that the sport where we say, okay, mix them up? I mean, who is seriously? Is Ike Turner running everything over there? That's what I want to know, know, I mean, it doesn't make sense to me that's.

Speaker 2:

It's real simple. Yeah, he was born a man competing man sport. You're a girl. Uh born a woman competing a woman sport.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I mean, that's that simple. It doesn't seem that that's what. That's what caitlin jenner said in her interview, or his interview, whatever. If I can't, he, that whole thing is weird. Why has he got to be weird, like, but yeah, I mean that whole thing. I, yeah, he, I mean he was one of the greatest you know Olympians out there and he agrees with it. He, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

These, these punks that are that are fighting women. They couldn't compete with men, never, could never compete with a man at all, and they don't even and the worst part is, is they're not even testing them for testosterone levels and stuff like that. Like they were like we were talking about it and I look, we looked it up and we're like, how can? They were like we were talking about it. And I look, we looked it up and we're like how can they allow that? And I started, you know, delving into it and it's like, oh, they're saying, well, their estrogen levels have to be so high and this and that.

Speaker 1:

Brian Rose on YouTube, he just said what's up? Do you see the chats, or no? Um, but it you, you, they're not even testing for that. Like they're literally going by how they live their life and they, they're, it's a, they're okay with the fact that they've got like high testosterone levels and stuff, like well, how does that make sense? I mean how, how it just doesn't make sense, it's crazy. And they just let them come in there and then they got all those. Did you see those memes with Mike Tyson with a?

Speaker 2:

wig on. Yeah, and that's true. It's funny because they're throwing it in your face like is this what we're coming to? You get a man to go in there and just beat up on a woman. That's just crazy, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's entertainment. But the problem I have more than anything because there's a lot of people who are like it's just wrong, it's putting athletes' life in danger, and things like that which I understand, that part of it. To me it's even worse. They've given up their life to get there. Like, you don't get to the Olympics unless you've spent your whole existence planning and working at it. Right, like really working at it. Planning and working at it right, like really working at it. And as a woman athlete in olympics, typically you have to get away from home, you're, you have to go to your coach, takes you to somewhere private, away from your parents, has sex with you, sneaks it in stuff. All that crazy shit goes on. So you really give up a lot just to get in the olympics.

Speaker 1:

No, that happens a lot, dude. That's something that's happened throughout the years a lot, because they go away with these trainers, go away with these teenage kids or whatever. And, yeah, they've been touched quite a bit of them that are in those Olympics, and it's been for a year. I'm not saying that this one specifically did, but I'm just saying yeah, I remember it was a different country the guy was taking.

Speaker 2:

It happened here too, yeah it happened here too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean that's, and that's the thing. You start getting into that and you go. Well, that's I mean you've given up that life. You put yourself at risk. At the very least, you know what I'm saying. Being away with these coaches and trainers and stuff, it just does not make sense.

Speaker 2:

And then you get in there and you have to fight a man, but they didn't say when you started training that you're going to be fighting men.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Even if you were having to play golf against a man, it's not fair. Now, all of a sudden, it's physical. It just doesn't make sense, why that's the one sport where they're allowing it to be intertwined. Why is that? Why is that the sport? Why is that the one I?

Speaker 2:

don't know why accountability. I don't know why the people that are on the top making these decisions are fucking allowed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't understand how they I don't know where they come up with it. I don't know who. I don't know how you end up being like the head of something like that. Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 2:

Let the guy come in and beat up on these girls.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it just takes away from the whole point of it.

Speaker 1:

Well, and it's.

Speaker 2:

If I was a female, I wouldn't compete. I'd be like I ain't going in there.

Speaker 1:

But how do you get to that point with that, like, how do you get? Okay, you're on the committee. You clearly know that she hasn't been allowed to fight in all these different leagues across the world because of the fact that she is not a woman, she is a man, right, and you just look at it. I can understand if, like, for some reason, they signed up. You didn't know. It was like on Joanna man. Remember that Joanna man movie?

Speaker 1:

Joanna man, I think that was her name, that woman that played or that man that played went and played in the WNBA, yeah, like, and his name was Joanna man, I think, or something like that. But anyways, I can understand if he snuck in, lied. You know something, but this was open, everybody knows about it, everybody knows. So you don't look into it enough and start to adjust your policies and procedures, like along with the rest of the world.

Speaker 2:

There's never been this kind of controversy during the Olympics.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying no, no, yeah, it's crazy, and that's what the thing is. Like Caitlyn Jenner's interview she goes. The problem is there's a lot of great athletics going on in the Olympics and nobody knows, because they're just not watching, because they've tuned them out now, you know, and they're getting getting these people are losing their 15 minutes of pain.

Speaker 2:

Ain't nobody fucking watching that shit? Well, I ain't going to say nobody, but you know what I mean. It's not like how it was when you the Olympics was on. You went home to make sure you watched the Olympics, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, well, I used to Right For sure. I haven't even turned it on now, I haven't even been interested, I haven't. A lot of people are saying the same thing. Yeah, I hear it a lot, it's disgusting and it's I. I mean, and they're not even. Nobody cares, nobody gives a shit, just it's tainted, yeah, and it's all in the, it's all in the. In the policy of being like woke or whatever it's, for some reason it hasn't worked for any company that's tried to do this woke bullshit. I mean none of none of these companies, nobody, that's any board members that have tried None of this. It's never worked in their favor.

Speaker 2:

Look at Bell Light. That shit hurt them pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it hurt them horribly. Harley too now. Oh yeah, oh yeah, you haven't seen the whole uproar on Harley right now, mm-mm. Yeah, harley was making their employees go to diversity and equity training and all this different stuff and it's like they're pissed, like people are pissed about it. And if you've seen the last Harleys, it did look like a gay guy made them. I mean, did you see them? No, you haven't seen the new one. Uh-uh, you didn't see Caleb's Kind of yeah, it looks like an Indian. It looks like an Indian to me. It just does. It does not look that good. I wouldn't buy it, you wouldn't get me, it wouldn't catch my eye in the store, especially when you're talking $40,000 or something. You just go buy the damn Indian for $20,000. You 40 grand, or something.

Speaker 2:

You just go buy the damn indian for 20. You know what I mean. It just doesn't make sense. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I don't this is like everything's weird now, yeah, and I mean all these companies, everybody has done it. It hasn't worked in their favor and and people are pulling back from it, a lot of the companies. But like, quickly pulled back, like a lot of people pulled back from it and they're they're different things, you know still trying to do these like inclusion type things and it's it's OK to have, I think, like some sort of equality hiring. I understand that Definitely. Now I feel like there should be an equality in hiring in a big circle, like a Ford, that factory should be, dei should be in there. They should be hired in that way. There should definitely be some diversity and equity worked into that as they hire them.

Speaker 1:

But who gets promoted should never have anything with diversity and equity. It should have to do with performance period, like as you get promoted within it. It should have to do with performance period, like as you get promoted within. It should only have to do with performance. It should never have to do with the fact that you're a woman or transgender or black or Hispanic or white. It doesn't matter what you are. It should have nothing to do with it. It should literally be based on performance and that's it, and that's where everybody's walking away from, and it's like, and that's where everybody's walking away from, and it's like it doesn't make any sense. Why would none of?

Speaker 2:

this makes any sense and that's like being on a platform as a trans or whatever to go in there and box. You didn't earn your way up. You know what I'm saying? Like if he was in the guys you wouldn't even qualify no, yeah, you wouldn't even.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you couldn't even win a street fight, right guy? Yeah, I mean it's, it's. Yeah, it's ridiculous. I mean maybe maybe't even win a street fight with a guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's ridiculous, I mean maybe you win a street fight with a guy, but I'm just saying like a real boxer like a man boxer. Yeah, a man boxer, not pro. You ain't even going to qualify for it.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's a joke, it's ridiculously a joke.

Speaker 2:

So you're going to set them with the women. That doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

The argument the argument is that, oh well, this person lives their life as a woman, that's what they want to do.

Speaker 2:

This and that, blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah that's in the ring with her yeah, you're giving all the rights to one person, right?

Speaker 1:

fuck the other 20 athletes, or 30 athletes that have worked their whole ass life to get here and fuck them who cares? Because we want to make it you know, right it just doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 1:

It just does not make any sense and I and that's the, that's what we're good, that's that's what we're up against now at the olympics. And I mean they did the whole opening scene to act like that, all that and they and they, really honestly, they really, like you said, they missed the thing. They should have caitlin jenner run the. The torch Kind of would have fit with their theme this year.

Speaker 2:

Right, you know what I mean. It would have been more appropriate. It would have been way more appropriate. It would have made a better statement too. Yeah, that's what they was trying to do. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but whatever. But that is I don't know. It's crazy. I don't know what the hell the whole deal is with it. Have you been watching on our Kamala Harris at all?

Speaker 2:

She pops up on my streams.

Speaker 1:

She's everywhere, all the time. She's the greatest thing in the world. Haven't you seen the media? They're telling you that you're wrong. Everything up until now, even though she was notably the worst vice president in history.

Speaker 2:

Now she's the greatest person ever in the universe.

Speaker 1:

She's great. She's a chameleon too, you know, she changes her accent.

Speaker 2:

That's what Kamala stands for chameleon.

Speaker 1:

Kamala is short for chameleon.

Speaker 2:

What the hell was that accent? What was that accent? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. It must be a Canadian country, twang.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what the fuck that was, what the hell?

Speaker 1:

It's. It's ridiculous. I think that I get a little nervous, like I did last week. I was telling you I'm like that's a little nervous, like that makes me nervous. But I think, at the end of the day, that I don't think that I think all this stuff's going to come. I think, at the end of the day, that I don't think that I think all this stuff's going to come. I think it was exciting at first because everybody got excited, but I think, at the end of the day there's I don't think it changed anybody's opinion whatsoever that she came in instead of Biden- Well, look at Well when.

Speaker 2:

Where was she this whole time?

Speaker 1:

She was vice president Gone dude Gone, Haven't seen her at all. And then she was the border czar. They called her the border czar. Now they're like oh, she never was the czar.

Speaker 1:

It's like then they just keep playing clip after clip where they called her the border czar themselves, the Democratic workers are head, and then also the media calling her. You know what I mean? The borders are now. All of a sudden, it's like, oh no, she wasn't the borders and and this border thing, like I, I I don't understand and I don't know. I don't know if I'm seeing dumb shit. Oh yeah, brian roe brings a good point up.

Speaker 1:

Elon musk said that. Elon musk said that if you Google Kamala Harris and I checked it, I tried it right after he said it on Twitter, he put it on X. He had Google Kamala Harris and see what comes up, and sure, our Google Trump rally, that's what you had to Google Trump rally and Kamala Harris, that was all Kamala Harris on Google. How, why, why? Why would it be Kamala Harris when you Google Trump rally? Isn't that crazy? And he was right, I did it, and sure as shit right, what he said happened. I mean, I'm like you got to be an age. Fixed it now, though. If you're going to do it now, it's not going to do it, just for the record, but that's how it was though.

Speaker 1:

When he said it, that's what happened and he was 100% right. He's funny. Did you see his other one that he put out? Oh my God, dude, that was the funniest one. So somebody put out there, somebody put a it was a parody AI done with Kamala Harris like just basically funny. It was funny shit. And it was AI. And he got a call from I forget if it was maybe a senator from California, told him he needs to take it down and his response was let me see if I can find it, I'll look for it right now if I can find it. But his response was something to the effect of God damn it, let me just find it and then we'll go from there. Because, if I don't want to say it wrong, but his shit was hilarious, but I don't think I see it now, no, but I think he said oh, I know what he said. He said I checked with Professor D's nuts, that's what he said.

Speaker 1:

He goes. I checked with Professor D's nuts and he said that parodies are legal and okay to have up. That's what he tweeted back to the senator. Isn't that crazy? I tweeted D's nuts or I Googled, I checked with D's nuts, I don't know. Wow, isn't that crazy. I tweeted Dee's nuts or I Googled, I checked with Dee's nuts. I don't know man, I don't know that. Kamala Harris, shit has got me out of my mind. Like at first, like they disappear her, like they did, and then she just pops up and they just have nothing but the greatest things to say about her. But I don't understand what the border Is it true? Pops up and she's the and they just have nothing but the greatest things to say about her. And then but I don't understand what the border is it true? I know they say they give them money when they come across the legal. You know they give them like. I know they're putting them in hotels. I know that's happening Startup money.

Speaker 1:

And they're giving them some. Are they giving them that much money? I don't know. I don't know how it works, but I'm going to show you this receipt. You got to see this receipt and I don't know if this is true, not true. I I just I don't know. I've never seen anything like this. I I don't know because I've never used EBT. When I was a kid, we had rainbow money. We didn't have this, like you know EBT system or whatever.

Speaker 1:

But if you look on that screen right now I just posted a picture of it this says it's a receipt that was left behind by an alien you know, an illegal alien and it shows the balance on it of the EBT and the balance on the food stamps of it is $13,000. But then it has another EBT.

Speaker 2:

That's only enough for a week.

Speaker 1:

It has another EBT. Yeah, you're not wrong, it has another EBT. That's only enough for a week. It has another EBT. Yeah, you're not wrong, it has another EBT balance on it that says cash balance. Do they have cash EBT? And that one's like $4,500. Is that real? Is that how it works? And does it have the balance on it? I don't understand how that, I mean, is that real? Because if that's real, first of all I don't even understand how they could have $13,000 in food stamp money. Like how would that even make sense? Do they give them that much If they don't use it? Does it keep building? I don't know how EBT works. I really don't know.

Speaker 1:

I have never I've never used EBT. I did use rainbow money when I was a kid. I'm not saying I'm above it or nothing. I'm just saying I never actually used that back in the day. So I don't understand or know. But that that's some creepy shit. But that's border shit. You know, with the, with these border, but not and that's what she was in charge of, no matter what they want to tell you, she was in charge 100% of the borders. The biggest problem this country has had in this whole administration is the borders. That's the biggest argument Trump's argued was the borders, and this is what she's in charge of. The only thing I know of her being in charge of that I've even heard, and she didn't go to the border.

Speaker 2:

I think yeah there was a clip of her. They was talking about going to the border. She said never been to the border yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Like how were you in charge of something? You never were, even there? I, I don't know. Should this kamala harris, though, if that, if she makes it as president? You know, this shit is rigged. That's all I'm saying, because, first of all, there's a lot of trump lovers out there. It seems like a ton of them. You know what I mean. And kamala is just. I mean for a lack of a better word she's mentally handicapped. I mean she is not bright. I mean she is not she's. I seen somebody said she looks like your drunk aunt, you know, like that's why she's laughing. Yeah, I think it was on. I think it was on Joe Rogan.

Speaker 2:

I heard something say, somebody say that they told her like quit the laugh, like stop laughing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they said that because they, because she's. If you watch her now, she's not doing it as much and it and it's big. But I think that the problem is with that makes her even less likable, like the laugh kind of makes her human looking, I guess to some degree. It's annoying to me that's not what I want out of my leaders to be up there like nervously laughing. It's not something I want out of my leaders. But I think once she does it it kind of takes the edge off of her stupidity.

Speaker 2:

I think you know, when she explains something that she repeats it. She'll stop in the middle of it and then go back to it and say it again, like she's talking to stupid, like little kids or something. What was that one?

Speaker 1:

she was explaining the the middle of it and then go back to it and say it again like she's talking to stupid little kids or something. What was that one? She was explaining? The Ukraine, it's a country in Europe, and then there's Russia and it's a bigger country that's stronger in Europe. Like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

The way she stops right in the middle of it and then starts all over to explain it again so that you get. It is like get the fuck out of here.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I don't know what her deal is. Dude, she's, she's, she's goofy, that's all I could say. That's a that, and how they're still watching that or still even considering her after the performance as a vice president. I'm shocked that they even considered putting her on the ticket. Quite frankly, I really do. I'm very shocked that they even put her on the ticket and then somebody was showing that, like where obama calls her up did you see that or no? So obama calls her up and you know, says, oh, we've got your support, we're backing you, this, and that they're like the whole thing. But the way they do it, it's like she answers the phone oh, who is this? And it's like, yeah, okay, there's. Oh, who is this? And it's like, yeah, okay, there's camera crews like get the fuck out of here you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

oh, this is who. Oh okay, like, come on, be a little real with people, man. Come on, people don't like that bullshit. It was pretty bad, I don't know. But kamala is she. I think she's starting to tank now. I think that that's not going very well for her. I don't think so. I think it was hot for a second, like everything else.

Speaker 2:

And then it petered out.

Speaker 1:

Like the hot she was in Cleveland last night, was she? Yeah, me and Amanda were thinking about it. We should have left early because we were out in Madisonison. We went to, uh, amber and steven's son mason, his second birthday party, and we were thinking we should have left early and went and stopped on her way back and actually met her. That would have been funny, could have got some content. Could have got something else too, yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, she was in Cleveland last night. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's taking that 15 minutes of fame, you know and every one of these events she's getting paid for. Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sure like at least I don't know at least a couple grand, probably. I mean she's traveling and everything, so at least a couple grand and she's everywhere. I don't know how long she's traveling and everything, so at least a couple grand and she's everywhere. I don't know how long she's been home, because I see her in California.

Speaker 2:

I see her in Mississippi, I see her everywhere. About five years from now, she'll be able to talk about what a great experience it was.

Speaker 1:

You think so. Yeah, well, maybe she'll end up. Who knows where her? She's a pretty girl. All you got to do is get in the eye. Who knows where her? I mean, she's a pretty girl. All you gotta do is get in the eye. You know what I mean. You get touched by greatness and that's it. You know what I mean, that some of those people like once they you know, kristen, you or you know, if you meet a P Diddy and go to one of his parties, he'll make you popular as hell.

Speaker 1:

You won't be, not not the p diddy, but a p diddy. There's another one out there. You guarantee there's always a p diddy somewhere, always has been, always, always will be, I'm sure. But he seemed like he had that shit on that next level, though he was on that next level with you know what's funny, though, you don't really hear about him. No more, no, no you don't hear about him, no more. You know what's funny, though you don't really hear about him no more. No, no, you don't hear about him, no more.

Speaker 2:

You know why? Because he threatened all them people.

Speaker 1:

Probably, probably. That's probably a big part of it, I would imagine.

Speaker 2:

Come on. He named all them names publicly, did he? Yeah, he sat his kid on his lap.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's right. Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh my God, yeah, he threatened them all publicly Think. I won't Think, I won't Shit. He did what he was doing.

Speaker 1:

No, you're right. That was basically the last time we heard about P Diddy, you're right about that.

Speaker 2:

Holy shit, he shut them right, the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

He did the equivalent of your dad giving you the eye.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but he told them all hey ahead oh, yeah, yeah, wow, yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Hock two of she missed out. There was no p diddy for you yeah hock two of. She got to go back to pookie or whoever right, wasn't that what it was?

Speaker 2:

pookie, yeah, pookie, he loves pookie I don't. We still ain't know who Pookie is yeah, that's the real star right there.

Speaker 1:

It's Pookie. Yeah, he's Pookie. Yeah, pookie's the star of them all. But I don't know that whole thing though, with her, with that Hak Tua thing and her getting famous. I mean, all it takes is one thing to get it playing right and you're, you're good.

Speaker 1:

I saw, I saw like there's, there's little things in life like that that get those people famous, that that you don't even realize where it comes from. And like one, like like, uh, julia Roberts, I didn't know, like her whole story, did you see that whole thing with her? I just seen that the other day she, her parents, like owned, uh, I think it was like an acting school or something, or ran an acting school maybe. And uh, martin Luther King Jr and his wife wanted their kids to go there and called them up because they couldn't get anybody to take them back then. And they took them and that's that's how, like that's what kind of blessed her was. She grew up in acting school and all that stuff, which I didn't know that. But then they said that when she went to school, martin luther king jr paid her oh, yeah, yeah, I did see something like that, yeah or I think, or maybe they paid for her birth, maybe something, something to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah like just, and that's like a, that's like something that gets. And then I saw one of the olympic swimmers that's out there right now. I saw her a little girl, michael jordan, with his hand on her shoulder. All right, yeah, just like see. I mean, all those people seem to like well, look at what pamela ashton what.

Speaker 2:

What did she get like? Seen at a game or something? That's how she got started. Is that what it was? I think it was. She was like at a basketball game, maybe, and somebody noticed her in the crowd really something like that. Wow, I might be wrong, but it was similar to that, yeah she was bad.

Speaker 1:

She was bad. I liked, uh, I liked. What was the, what was the the um, what are you talking? About uh baby no, no, no, before that 90210. No, no, no, no. No, pamela anders was not a 90210, I didn't say she was. Oh no, I'm trying to think of of, uh, the chick jeans or whatever you know, like back in the day, like the the chick jeans and stuff model, yeah, yeah she's when I did that coat too in it?

Speaker 2:

I think so yeah, I don't remember who it was she was bad though she had that little, but that's who Pamela Anderson. Yeah, yeah, but then?

Speaker 1:

did you see her when she was growing up like, or when she was an adult and big fat and doing her show? Who that girl I'm trying to think of what her name is. I can't remember it right now.

Speaker 2:

God damn it, it's but anyway, brian ain't helping you out.

Speaker 1:

Brian ain't helping me out. No, I can't even see his comments on you. You gotta go to. You gotta go to youtube comments, not facebook youtube. Yeah, look at the youtube channel, really you can't click it and see chats or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That's got to be there, I would imagine. I would think I would hope so. Anyways, I don't know. I don't know how this is working. I don't know if we're getting the views that we get, or I don't know if we're getting the views that we get, or I don't know if we'll get the views this way, or I'm not sure how this is working.

Speaker 1:

I don't know hey Brian's on it, so I see Brian got to it, but I haven't seen, like anybody else. But I saw some comments on Facebook, but I haven't seen anything else. I don't know. Hopefully it works out all right. I don't know, but that, uh, when we went to, uh, when we were talking about that whole thing with the, with the boxing and all that, when I was leading up to it, and then this fight or whatever they're, they're still allowing, they're going to continue allowing that though, too, like they're not even going to show that they're, they're not even going to back away from it ever you know what I mean like I think they should boycott that shit yeah, I would think that they wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

It's just, I would think that they would just go okay, we're okay, we fucked up, we're going to take him off of here now, you know right. I mean, doesn't that seem like the reasonable thing to do, or no? I would imagine I mean say, okay, it's okay. It's kind of like the way Kamala Harris did the guy with the DNA. Like you remember, we talked about it.

Speaker 1:

You go oh man, yeah, no, I was in the wrong, I didn't look at that. Right, you know what I mean. Let's check the DNA and make sure we're going to kill the guy. We might as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it ain't going to hurt. Let's just check it no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

It just that's how I feel like things are right now, like they just literally like it. They're all a bunch of two-year-olds like just demanding their way and everybody's just going like there's nobody being a parent going yeah, no, fuck off that's like a parent that don't discipline their kid, just let them run around that's what it is. Run around your house and go crazy and shit and you're like hey, you know, this is your kid, you need to discipline him.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't discipline my kid, I just let him bounce around.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's crazy right. And that's what they're doing right now.

Speaker 1:

They're not they're yeah, that's crazy. I mean like when they're saying that gender is fluid. No, gender is not fluid, it's not. Gender is a thing, it's, by definition, exactly what it is. This is what happens when you allow them to redefine. It's like retarded.

Speaker 1:

We're not supposed to say retarded, no more, because it sounds bad, they think, or whatever. Retarded is a word and a definition of the word is exactly what it is. You know what I mean. It's the retard. You know what I'm saying. It's like things are just retarded. I mean like not not. I mean it sounds bad and we've used it as a kid to say things were retarded forever. But but the truth of the matter is the word retard in it is the exact definition.

Speaker 1:

And just because you said mentally handicapped, that sounds just as stupid as retarded. Does you know what I'm saying? But it's the same. But we don't want to use that word because we feel like it sounds mean. You know what I mean. And then they want us to say, oh, fluid is, gender is fluid or whatever, but it's not, it's not, it's not fluid, it's not the fact and it's not. Nobody's saying no, that's wrong, that's not the case. You're in the wrong. Nobody's doing that, they're just going. Oh, it is. Oh, ok, like you could just say the dumbest shit and people just agree with it.

Speaker 2:

I think more people agree with us the way we think about it.

Speaker 1:

No, 100%. That's exactly what happens. But the problem is that's part of the problem with like why they never wanted the US to be a democracy, like they wanted it to be a republic, for that reason. So that's ruled by law, and the reason is because you can't change it based on who's popular and who's that, and those laws are meant to protect everybody and everybody's different. I get that. I mean, if you're being trans, if you're being gay, if you're being of a different race, or you're here from another country or any of that, you should have those rights, and those rights are given to you by law, not by popularity. You know what I mean. And right now, everything there, it's just they're ignoring the laws, or or, or even science, even in fact, you know what I mean Like why would nobody just uh, uh, correct them Like why is it?

Speaker 1:

Why is there? Why is it just not? Just not like? No, that's not what it is. End of story. That's how I feel. Like it would have been like if I would have said to my dad gender is fluid. He wouldn't, he would have just slapped me upside the head and go what the fuck are you talking about? You know what I mean. Like he'd just straighten me out real quick. Why isn't anybody straightening these people out?

Speaker 2:

they're just saying, oh it's you know you're not allowed to slap people in the head but that doesn't mean you have to agree with them.

Speaker 1:

No, you can. You can just flat out say I don't agree with you, I don't, it's your no, not that you don't, that it's wrong. This is the science that backs it up. This is the proof of it and the story. You know what I mean. But nobody's doing that. It's like everybody's just whatever little hyenas they jump off on you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

They don't want to be, they don't want to be like singled out as being the guy that's, you know. I'm saying like people would like how you would say no, you're wrong. They don't want to be the guy to be like everybody. Just point at him. Be like he said that you know I mean right, right.

Speaker 1:

They want to be the guy to be like everybody, just pointed at him and be like he said that you know what I mean. Right, right, right right. But law and science backs you up. A hundred percent, dude. Law and science backs you up. I mean, that's, that's a fact. A man is a man. A woman is a woman. If you want to, if you want to be transgender, that's fine. But you're transgender. That's the definition of what you are. You're not a man or a woman, you're transgender. That's okay. That's the definition of what you are.

Speaker 1:

It's just like you could say somebody's mentally handicapped when they're retarded. But they're retarded is what they are. Just because you change the word, it doesn't change who they are and that's what they're doing. And I feel like it's almost like bullying. I feel like putting men to box women and thing is bull. I feel like all the stuff they're doing is really it's bullying. It's like they just throw a fit until they get their way and that and and force everybody to adapt to them. I feel like that's bullying, basically. I mean, that's how I feel anyways, I don't know what I I mean.

Speaker 2:

I think that that's the world, if I was a woman and I had to go against a man, I would just be like I'm not doing it, I just walk out. I wouldn't even do one punch. For what?

Speaker 1:

yeah, why even get in the ring?

Speaker 2:

there's no reason to get in there I would be like that would that would give a statement.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm saying like I'm not fighting the man, no, no, but the problem is is that you've given your whole life and you don't want to be that person? Like you just said, you don't want to be that person they're all pointing at.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I would do that. That's a stand yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's, it's not right, it's not I mean yeah, do that maybe, or I don't know, another bracket. Hey yeah, it doesn't make sense, it's illogical. It's like everybody lost logic. And when they break free and make up these things that they say.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's supposed to go along with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no matter what it is, you just have to go along with it. You just have to. It's like that. It's funny that you ever used to watch Impractical Jokers.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the show is hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Remember when they used to sit in the back and they're on a recording and they'd have a microphone and they'd tell them what they had to say or do next? You know what I mean. I saw a meme that showed them with Kamala Harris and they're saying tell them Trump is the one that ruined the borders.

Speaker 1:

Tell, tell him trump is racist like you know. I mean like, oh, and that's what I feel like they do. They just say it and everybody goes yeah, he's racist. Like he's not racist, the guy is the least racist guy yet. And he goes to that conference. Did you see that? Oh, he went. He got invited to the chicago. In chicago they had all black, um, I think it was reporters, I think I don't know if it's media, I think it was just reporters, all black reporters, and they invited him to the, to the thing to speak last week or this week actually. And, uh, he shows up and he sits down and or whatever goes on.

Speaker 1:

They start to interview this bitch right away. Man, the reporter that's interviewing him right away. Man, at first she doesn't say thank you for coming to see us. I'm glad that you took the time. You know nothing. She doesn't say shit. She says well, let's just address the big, the white elephant in the room. He says well, let's just address the big, the white elephant in the room. You know, do you think that Kamala Harris just got her job because she's DEI, because you're, you know, and do you support this and that racist comments that you've made in the past and this and that, and he just goes. You're a nasty, nasty person Like you're just a nasty, he goes. I come here to this conference. He said, and you open up with this, he goes and none of your equipment's working. I've been sitting here a half hour waiting because none of your audio is working.

Speaker 1:

And the other woman's over here talking. I can't hear what she's saying at all because your audio is messed up. You know what I mean. And you come at me first thing out the gate. You know where's Kam kamala? She's not here talking to you right now. You know what I mean. I'm here, I'm willing to taste to take this, but this is ridiculous. You know what I mean. And he and then he, and that's what. The same conference he goes. I didn't even first of all he goes. I didn't even know kamala was black, she just turned black she was always indian that's the interview, that's where it took place at.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, I guess they came in and she just that was the first question out the gate, dude Like just opened up with it, like that's first of all. That's not the way to do an interview. First of all, you do an interview, you get somebody who's comfortable, you sit down and relax, you get to know them a little bit and you break into the conversation.

Speaker 2:

You don't hit them right away with the worst possible thing you could say she apparently wasn't experienced, or I think she worked for abc.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty, I mean. If you work for abc, you got to be up there and experience, right or no? Was it abc? Uh, yeah, it was abc. Well, that's what he said. He goes, because I think he goes. You must work for ABC, I mean. But you know what I love about it? He didn't back down even an inch dude. He just flat out went right at her Because he I mean you could say he's racist all you want. It doesn't make him racist. It's stupid for them to even say it. And they keep bringing up now you keep seeing it the regurgitating that he got sued for not renting a black tenant in the 70s. His dad did. That did happen to his dad, not him. You know what I mean. But they keep bringing it up like it was him and it was definitely his dad that definitely had a lawsuit filed against him for not renting a black vehicle.

Speaker 1:

You got to remember how the times were back then too but you got to remember how the times were back then too.

Speaker 2:

I bet you that.

Speaker 1:

Jay and them were renting off of Fred anyways.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, good times. Oh, that's stupid. Dynamite.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't know. I mean, I just think that that's. I mean they just keep regurgitating it until they can. They want to regurgitate it until they think it's true. You know what I mean. And they keep saying it, say it. And I looked at that whole thing that you brought up and I didn't know about it. I had never heard about it. You said that a lot of people in your family were mad about the paper towels, him throwing paper towels at the, and I looked at it and I looked it up. It's nothing. It's like, first of all, they've got their hands out for him to toss them to him and he's just tossing them to him. I don't understand why that's a bad thing. Where, where does that become a bad thing? Do you see it as a bad thing? I don't even remember.

Speaker 2:

I have to look back.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he's literally standing at a. It's a table and there's other things there besides paper towels and somebody says, toss me one he had in his hand. He's just like, okay, and he tosses, and then he just tossed a few more out and they and you told me that they think. And then I looked you're right, there's all kinds of articles where they're saying that he, you know they didn't appreciate him as tossing paper towels at puerto ricans like that I was like I was like how did they see it that way?

Speaker 1:

and then, and he, they asked him about he goes, I don't know they they were asking for him and I tossed him to him. What's the? I mean it's not like he chucked it from 10. You know, 10 miles away he was. He was five feet from him or something. He just tossed it over to him like I don't see where that's a bad thing. I don't know. I mean, somebody have to explain to me where they saw the disrespect in it, because I watched it. I don't see the disrespect. It doesn't seem like it was disrespectful. I don't see where it even was a little bit disrespectful, honestly.

Speaker 2:

I just can't figure it out. Let's put it this way Okay, little bit disrespectful. Honestly, I just can't figure it out. Let's put it this way, okay. If you was at a regular, why would you toss them?

Speaker 1:

anyways, I don't get it I told you to toss me some paper towels. You'd toss me paper towels that's a different situation, like that's what he did. The guy told him to toss the paper towel. He put his hand up like that for the paper towel he goes here, tossed it to him. I don't understand why that's a horrible thing.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't. It's inappropriate at a conference, or what do you want to call it? An interview, or whatever?

Speaker 1:

I don't know what it was. I was looking at it. I don't know what it was. He didn't have like a microphone in front of him or nothing.

Speaker 2:

It was like a hurricane or something. No, it looked like it was like in a warehouse or something.

Speaker 1:

Looked like it was like in some kind of warehouse or storage area.

Speaker 2:

maybe or maybe it could have been in a factory. We'll talk about it next time, because we'll have to both look into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean you're the one who told me about it and I'm like what the hell is he talking about? And it's like it's just the way they spin things. That spin is horror. I hate the spin. I hate the spin of things I used to like on Fox News. That was one of the things I don't like about uh. I didn't like about uh that what's that loud one that everybody gets? He's always got everybody all afraid. He left. Now he's not over there. Now. The blonde head guy I know brandon loves him. I can't think of his name right now gay dude no, he's not gay oh

Speaker 1:

I don't know the loud one, that's always like gloom and doom. Everything he said was gloom and doom. Glenn beck, glenn beck. Glenn beck was always on the air like gloom and doom. Everything was always gloom and doom. And I always liked bill o because I always felt like Bill O'Reilly was and that was his whole thing, was no spin. I thought he was fair about everything he did. He interviewed Obama without, without agreeing with Obama's policy. He agreed to. You know he. He interviewed him, did a great interview with them and maybe even changed his mind a little bit about how he felt about Obama, maybe even changed my mind a little bit about Obama, not that I voted for him, but at least I didn't think it was the end of the world with him coming in. You know what I mean, but I mean I always like and appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Bill Glenn Beck is like everything was, like the whole world's going to fall apart. Like you listen to Glenn Beck, you immediately start building a bomb, shelter and bringing in water and propane. He's like alex jones, you know it's like. It's like that whole, like, like extreme, like it's too much for me. I can't deal with that extreme. Like scaring that, like scaring the shit out of people. You know, and I feel like that's how it is now, like it's that whole, that's how it is. Everything's spun to's that whole. That's how it is. Everything's spun to make it look bad. No matter what you do, they can spin it to make it look bad, and they do spin it to make it look bad. I don't think that that paper towels wasn't was a big deal whatsoever. I mean, he was there. He went to Puerto Rico for the hurricane. You know what I mean. But what they were really mad about was the fact that he said that Puerto Rico was in bad shape before the hurricane hit. That's what they should have been mad about. But I mean it's true, he's just being honest with you. If you can't take honesty, you know what I mean. It had been hit how many times now lately.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to get that grid back together, where it'll stay together. They do need some heavy work over there to get that, that where they can sustain throughout hurricanes and not just get wiped out every time. You know they do need some work over there. Not saying it's you know the best. I mean, america needs a lot of work here too. But Trump saying that too. Trump says we're like a third world country and a lot of the things that he talks about, but what they need to do is they need to get. Puerto Rico needs to get a hold of Keith and Marsh Heavy Equipment.

Speaker 2:

They got a lot of equipment.

Speaker 1:

Do they? You checked it out.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't checked it out.

Speaker 1:

Then how do you know he's got a lot of equipment? Who?

Speaker 2:

Keith, oh yeah, no, I went on his website. I looked at it a lot of equipment. Who oh?

Speaker 1:

yeah, no, I went on his website, I looked at it. Yeah, you said. You said no, this ain't him yeah, I thought it wasn't him.

Speaker 2:

I was like this guy got a lot of stuff. This ain't him. This guy's like been in it for a while. Then I looked it up and sure enough it was him, it's him.

Speaker 1:

He's got quite a bit there, huh, and he's trying to get it more and more all the time. He's constantly said tell me oh, I just picked this up, I just picked that up time.

Speaker 2:

He's constantly telling me oh.

Speaker 1:

I just picked this up or I just picked that up. Yeah, he's constantly picking stuff up. It's been out-renting too. A lot of that stuff's been renting. I was kind of worried about if we needed something, if we'd even have it, because it seems like he's always got it out-rented.

Speaker 2:

Scheduling. Yeah, I guess so.

Speaker 1:

But I'm not good at scheduling, you know God's letting me know that yeah, just random.

Speaker 2:

Let's tear this wall down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's what Puerto Rico needs to do. They need to get a hold of Keith and have him run them some equipment.

Speaker 2:

So they can. Is he going to deliver?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, they need to bury it. They shouldn't have any overhead lines, they should all be buried, right? That's what I always thought. I mean, that seems like that's the biggest problem they have, right, when they get a hurricane, it seems like their power is always wiped out every time, and it seems like that wouldn't be an issue as much if you buried it and sealed it.

Speaker 2:

I would think they probably are now Probably a lot of it yeah maybe I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what goes on over there. You'd know more. Your mom lives there, right she lives back and forth. But she does live there. Yeah, she does Part of the time, right? Yeah, yeah, how come you don't go there? I work too much.

Speaker 2:

Then I got a podcast I got to deal with.

Speaker 1:

We could do a podcast live from Puerto Rico. Yeah, there we go, we could do it. When you go there, can you understand Spanish?

Speaker 2:

I ain't never went there. I went there when I was nine years old.

Speaker 1:

Could you understand Spanish if you went no?

Speaker 2:

hell, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Mm-mm. Your mom does though, right she?

Speaker 2:

speaks it. Oh yeah, she's very fluent.

Speaker 1:

Your dad, yeah, yeah, and they just didn't speak. Not really that kind of sucks. They kind of could have added to your repertoire, right Knowing Spanish.

Speaker 2:

That's who made me who I am now. I don't know, not knowing.

Speaker 1:

Not knowing is what made you. It's just adding to it, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. At this point I'm 53 years old. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know that's a big thing. People like I like it. When we have people that come in, I have to have you know. Refer them to Amanda.

Speaker 2:

They have to talk to them and stuff she does good too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's nice having that, because sometimes you just can't communicate as good. You know what I mean? It's nice to have somebody that knows the language and knows all that whole thing. I like it better that way. Did you see that thing with that with ted cruz? Did you see that whole thing? No, because we're still on this transgender bullshit. So ted cruz, he was in the senate, I just ran across it, but I don't think it's that new.

Speaker 1:

But they they put somebody in a prison that was a male in a woman's prison oh yeah, and he raped somebody or something no well, I think he was like his third time going to prison and after he got out of his third time in prison he had transitioned into a woman. So when they arrested him the next time, they put him in. But he had every charge he had was like molestation and rape and jesus, and they put him in a prison as a woman. I mean why? Why do those women prisoners not have any rights? Like they're just gonna put a male rapist in with all of them? Jeez, that I mean that's Crazy, right, yeah, and Cruz was on the skit, or not the skit, but the video I saw he was, you know, just yelling at her, basically like going off on her, going why, how? And she's just like basically going, I don't know, they're a woman. So that's where we put them at because they're a woman, they're a woman.

Speaker 2:

You know, if I go to jail, I'm trans.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, and there's something to be said about that I mean, if you, if you, if you say you transition to a woman and you just put in a woman's prison but a rapist like that's fucking insane dude, that's like next level stupid, you got to be like retarded to allow that to go on literally retarded. You got to be some kind of fraud. So I mean, how do they, how does the, how does anybody allow that to go on? How how is that possible? It's common sense is gone. Yeah, it's what I'm saying. There's no parents to go. No, we need parents that say no. You know what I mean? That that's that's what people need to say. Like you can't just walk around living La Vida Loca, you're doing whatever the hell that pops in your little pea brain and just doing it.

Speaker 2:

Did you see that one lady when she was that lady that the head of the FBI or Secret Service?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when they were drilling her. Oh man, they was dogging her. Oh man, they was dogging her, though she deserved it.

Speaker 2:

They was dogging her.

Speaker 1:

When I look at that dude and I'm not I know you always are the conspiracy guy, I know it's always you and not me and I'm always like I try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt and I hear him saying like I think this is just poor. In fact I was listening to Rovers when he had his on Rovers morning glory. He did his the day like the Monday after all that and then in his mind when he was saying on that episode I didn't listen to him after that, but I heard that one but he was saying in there that he said he thought it was just you know, bad, uh planning bad, like just they didn't do their job very well. Basically is what he's felt. I can't believe that dude.

Speaker 1:

I look at that situation when Trump getting like attempted to get assassinated. That is not that. You can't fuck up that much Like there. There's no way there's that many people fucking up that much at the same time unless it's on purpose. There's just no fucking way. How is that possible? That that wasn't some deep state shit or something. I mean that's fucking insane. And she doesn't even defend it, nothing. She just went on stand and just went Right. Like 10 days later she's going.

Speaker 2:

When you put your body on her because the roof was slanted too much oh it was.

Speaker 1:

It was a fucking comedy show. I mean the girl that you said that couldn't holster a fucking gun, and then they're like trying to get their glass on and they're like she's standing there like this, like this shit was, like it looked like comical it looked fake it looked fake.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it looked like acting, like not even good acting, it just looked. It was so horrible. And you look at it, you go something's not adding up, period. Something's not adding up. I don't care what they say. That isn't just somebody not doing their job. Something isn't adding up, something was on purpose. I mean I don't know. And the problem is is that the news and tick tocks and videos and stuff that all come out, you don't know what's true and what's not right. I mean, you've seen that he's got bank accounts overseas. I've heard it's up to five million dollars in money that was put in bank accounts overseas. Is that true? I don't. I have no fucking clue you can't tell.

Speaker 2:

Did you see that other camera angle where they show him moving around on the top?

Speaker 1:

oh yeah, they show one of them moving around on the top and supposedly someone was in that window right there, suppose they say. But then they said he took a break like you took a break when trump went on stage. That's when you take a break when trump goes on stage, the person you're protecting. That doesn't add up. Why would you do that? I mean why? Why would? Why would the person? I I'm so lost about it and they show there's somebody on that water tower. There is, there's 100% somebody on that water tower.

Speaker 2:

Wasn't there something with the? His vehicle was down the road.

Speaker 1:

They said that the vehicle was underneath the tower, parked at the tower the van. But then they said he brought a bike there, so he has two vehicles. That doesn't make sense, although you could bring a bike in a van. So, okay, I can live with that. And then, and then they say that the van ended up miles away, 10 miles away or something after the fact with like the explosives in it and stuff. I, I'm a, I'm at a loss. 100 of a loss.

Speaker 2:

I I have no idea and there should be camera footage around the whole thing of who got in the van and took it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you would think so. Why don't you see that? If that's the case, and then they show the video of somebody's up on that water tower Period, there's somebody up there. There's somebody, I would assume Secret Service, that would be the spot you would think to be Right.

Speaker 1:

But if he was on that water tower, he should have seen him on the roof right the other the other ones, you could argue they might not have seen him till he got over the ridge, because he was on the other side of the roof and he poked out over the ridge right before he shot. So you could argue that the snipers that were behind trump couldn't see him until he popped over, although the camera from the audience shows his head popped up while he's walking back there. So I would think that they would have seen somebody I don't know. The whole thing blows my mind. Four guys standing behind Trump watching everything. The most dangerous spot to any moron that's the part I've got with it Is that the moron in the world, anybody. I'm not saying moron, I'm just saying anybody. My son, who's not a moron, he's just 11, at 11 years old, could clearly see where the dangerous spots are. With that, I would argue, barrett would know where the high points are.

Speaker 1:

And I mean I just there's nobody that couldn't figure out where your dangerous spot was. There's nobody. So how possibly did the Secret Service not see this? With all them resources, With all them resources and the CNN thing? Did you see that? That's the first Trump rally CNN covered since 2020. Just happened to try and catch him with getting his head exploded on live TV. You think that's a freaking accident, Dude? That's just too much shit. That's not adding up, dude. There's no way. There's no possible fucking way. And somebody is guilty. I don't care, and it ain't just the kid that was shot.

Speaker 2:

There's somebody that's guilty. The whole thing about the van being gone after.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't add up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's crazy, I mean there's a lot of things that don't add up. But the problem is I don't know how much of that's a true story, how much is a fake story. How about the vehicle being missing? Anything I don't know. How do I know there was? No? You know what I mean. I've watched the reports that they give out. You know, like the FBI and stuff. I've watched some of that, like in the committees, you know, questioning them and stuff like that, and it doesn't seem like they know, or it's definitely some of it's just not true, that people are just saying things that just aren't true. And you know, and that's a problem with social media is that they can just say whatever they want, whether it's true or not, and it's just taken for granted that that's, that's what it is. You know what I mean. So I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just that whole Trump thing, though, that that that it's dirty period. And, and not only that, like Tucker Carlson did that whole thing. He said he said we're leading up to assassination. He said they're trying to beat him in court, they're trying to do this, they're trying to do that, they're trying to do that he goes. It's a one-way track man, look at it. They're going to freaking assassinate the guy and sure as shit that an assassination attempt happens. I mean, I said I don't believe in coincidences and I stand by it. There was no way that just some random 20-year-old kid pulled that off.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't believe that.

Speaker 1:

Against all these Secret Service. I just don't believe it, I just can't. It just doesn't add up. There's no way that adds up period. How is that possibly going to add?

Speaker 2:

up, they didn't. That lady still got her job. That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

No, she, she would. She resigned. She resigned right after that, when you were talking about when they were had her in the in the uh, when they were drilling her. Yeah, when they were drilling her in the house, they like once they once. She was in front of that. That was it resigned. I thought she would resign that day before she even went on, I thought she was gonna resign yeah, but she still doesn't matter if she resigned or not, she's still liable for all that shit.

Speaker 2:

Huh, she's got a face.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, she's got a fake I guess I know, I don't know, I really don't know. I don't know what the answer is to that. I don't know how that works.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if yeah, you did a shitty job, you got fired.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think there's more to it than that on that situation yeah, when you're talking about murdering a president or trying to murder a president or ex-president soon to be president all them women.

Speaker 2:

Did you see how horrible they all reacted? It was crazy what women the the secret service oh yeah, no, it was bad.

Speaker 1:

yeah, it was bad. The one is ducked behind him. Did you see that? Have you seen that picture? Uh-uh, it's literally and this is early on, when the shots get fired People dive on Trump. He's on the stage. She's behind him ducked down, legit, and it's a photo. I mean it could be misconstrued or it could. I'm not saying doctored, but it you know, it's not the video Like you could see how she reacted. It's just like you look at it and that's what it looks like, dude.

Speaker 2:

It looks like she's just like what the hell Behind Trump, yeah, behind him, yeah, like getting like, like I see that Deadpool movie that kind of reminds me of that.

Speaker 1:

Deadpool. I haven't seen that movie.

Speaker 2:

He grabs another guy and he's in front of him shooting them all up. Really, yeah, I haven't seen that movie.

Speaker 1:

I don't think Is that a good movie?

Speaker 2:

It's funny, everybody seems to be about it.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen it, never been my thing.

Speaker 2:

You didn't watch none of the Deadpools. No, no, oh, they're funny. You like it?

Speaker 1:

Oh really. Oh yeah, ryan Reynolds. I didn't know that it was Ryan Reynolds. I didn't even know it was funny.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know it was a comedy. It's a comedy. Yeah, well, I probably would love it then. Yeah, I didn't know it was a comedy oh yeah, Shit.

Speaker 2:

Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 1:

I had no clue. I didn't know that. I'll have to check it out. I just see the name. That's. As soon as I see the name I went yeah, that's stupid, I ain't watching. If you watch the first one, you'll be like, yeah, I'm watching the next one, the next one really, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just I seen the name Deadpool and was like yeah, that's dumb, it's funny really. Yeah, see, name is everything you got to get the right name, ryan Reynolds is in it.

Speaker 1:

That's all you need it no, because I didn't even know that. I didn't get past the name. I did. I do judge a book by its cover. I ain't going to lie. Yeah, that's greatest movie ever.

Speaker 2:

That's so funny. I think that's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, the goat and all that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's the shit. I never knew that Puerto Rican guy was so funny man. Oh, he was hilarious in that movie.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that that was one of my comedy-wise. That's like Dylan asked me the other day he go what's the best comedy movie, but that's okay with kids and I'm trying. I'm like I don't fucking know. There's no funny movies with the kids that can watch. I don't know a funny movie kids can watch. I don't know nothing about it. That's like when people let their kids watch Deadpool.

Speaker 1:

I'm like it's not a kid movie well, years ago when I when me, when I was living in the apartments over there I was living, um, I had, I was watching a lot of movies on my laptop and stuff. Back then I would watch them on that. We would download them from something I forget where I download them from, but Alexa and Haley would download movies when they would come over and we'd watch movies through the laptop or whatever, stream them onto the tv or whatever. But so when they would come over, they'd put movies on there and all this stuff, would you know, and I'm, and there's other movies that they watch that I didn't know nothing about or they had downloaded. Maybe they didn't even watch them, but it downloaded and we hadn't seen them yet.

Speaker 1:

But when Danny come over to, one day he come over to work on his friend's car and she had kids and he. So I go. Oh, I'll put a movie on for you. Judged a book by its cover Pineapple Express Kids kids movie. Right, put it on. I go outside, I'm sitting out there, the kids come out and they go. I don't think this is a kids movie. I had never seen it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I see Pineapple Express. That's got to be a kids movie, sponge Bob, he lives in a pineapple. Okay, here you go. No, yeah. So I'm pretty bad at that. I, I judge it, but I you know. They say don't judge a book by its cover. But you got it no I mean you do, though why, if it's got an ugly cover, why would you open it?

Speaker 1:

up like it doesn't make sense, like who would take a book and go this looks really shitty. Let me invest more time into this shitty looking thing and try and see if it's better. And deadpool's title is that? Because that title's stupid and but I haven't seen the movie. Maybe it makes sense after you see the movie, but it's a stupid title. I I seen that title. I was like what the fuck is this? This makes no sound. I don't. I don't deadpool.

Speaker 2:

That sounds dumb you'll watch it today and then you'll be like, right after you, you're going to watch the other one tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Really it's that good, huh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, deadpool's funny.

Speaker 1:

It's fun. Is it adult or kid funny?

Speaker 2:

Like Dylan, can't watch it. Eh, he's mature enough.

Speaker 1:

What the hell? Like I mean, he's okay with most. I just don't like to put too much sexual.

Speaker 2:

But he probably seen it already.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of sexual stuff in Deadpool.

Speaker 2:

In the first one.

Speaker 1:

Really See, I have no clue, dude. I know nothing about this movie, nothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, check it out what's the synopsis.

Speaker 1:

You got a synopsis for us. The hell you talking about Synopsis of the movie, Like what's it about?

Speaker 2:

Damn, you got to watch it.

Speaker 1:

I'll ruin it. What's it?

Speaker 2:

about Damn. You got to watch it.

Speaker 1:

I'll ruin it, yeah, but I don't even know what it's about.

Speaker 2:

It's a superhero kind of shit.

Speaker 1:

Just watch it. It's a superhero. Deadpool's a superhero movie.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Like a Marvel superhero.

Speaker 1:

It's a Marvel thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's Marvel, isn't it Is it yeah?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't freaking, know, jesus, I don't know nothing about it watch it it's. I just see that name and I think it's like something that that dave uhas would like he does I just originally that's what I thought like. That seems sounds like a dave uhas movie. I don't know. I've never seen it, I don't know what do I?

Speaker 2:

like it, you'll next week it'll be like, yeah, that was pretty good all right, I'm gonna dedicate some time and watch it.

Speaker 1:

Then I guess I'll watch it on my new outdoor patio.

Speaker 2:

There you go movie scenes oh, there was, uh, two dogs random running around my neighborhood. Well, you know, we got the stray cats running around and two dogs just ripped a cat in half. Nasty.

Speaker 1:

That's nasty. Oh, amanda, amanda sent me. You want to see a good video. I don't know if I'm allowed to show it. I better not.

Speaker 2:

I'll show you after we get off the air. All right, Well we had enough.

Speaker 1:

Huh, yeah, I think we got enough for the day, but for anybody that hasn't subscribed to our youtube channel, go ahead and subscribe. That's always a good idea, because this is what we're planning on doing, I think for now, on is youtube, but that just linked on the on the facebook page. I don't know exactly if it's gonna last, how long we're gonna do it, but that we're gonna try it for the next few episodes and see how it goes and uh, so definitely if you can subscribe to last, how long we're going to do it, but that we're going to try it for the next few episodes and see how it goes. And so definitely if you can subscribe to the YouTube channel, because it will make it easier and you can watch the YouTube. You can watch or listen to the podcast through YouTube. That way you know what I'm saying, and so hopefully they'll do that.

Speaker 1:

That's a big thing. Go subscribe. It helps us out to get the subscriber, it makes it easier for you guys to find it and all that different stuff, and I guess we're going to take off. I guess that's peace Later, see you guys. We're out of here.

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