MAHD House Bar Talk

Insurance Intrigues and Healthcare Havoc: Mysteries, Money, and Movie Magic with Bron Theron

James Tucker & Santiago Lopez Season 2 Episode 58

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Is the insurance industry a tangled web of inefficiencies, or is there a way to cut through the red tape? We kick things off with a lighthearted discussion about our friend Jimmy's tightfisted ways before launching into serious reflections on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the technological evolution of warfare. We take a critical look at President Biden's contentious decision regarding his son, while considering the press secretary's balancing act under public scrutiny. A mysterious assassination in New York leaves us questioning motives and professionalism, and we wrap up with a no-holds-barred critique of the insurance industry, calling for much-needed reform as we contemplate its impact on Americans' wallets.

Ever wondered how a personal grudge could spiral into a shooting incident involving shell casings with ominous messages? We unravel this mystery, complete with an electric bike escape and a backpack stuffed with Monopoly money, highlighting the audacity and peculiarities of the suspect's plan. We reflect on how rising healthcare costs strain small businesses and self-employed individuals, urging government intervention to ease this financial burden. Our conversation touches on the absurdities of state-specific insurance regulations, proposing that opening state borders could foster competition and better rates—an idea as intriguing as it is controversial.

From our childhood healthcare memories to present-day struggles with insurance, we share personal anecdotes that shed light on a complex system. The challenges faced by those seeking coverage independent of large companies are all too real, and our discussion candidly addresses the inequities. Amid technical mishaps and snowblower dramadies, we prepare for an exciting interview with movie actor and artist Bron Theron. Known for his unique artistic contributions and his film "Pancake Man," Theron's work promises to bring humor and insight to our podcast. Stay tuned for his story and a sprinkle of lighter moments as we balance the weighty issues with creativity and laughter.

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Speaker 1:

we're number one. Jimmy has been a cheap ass. You know I'm like damn. You heard it here first. You know they say people that cuss are morons. So I'm honest, motherfucker, put the fish away. Reggie, don't even hurt to give birthday, not for me nothing to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's do it. Come on, I'm not ready, I'm ready, I want to do it. I wear a thong. I got what I'm right now. You want to see jimmy and geek madhouse bar talks.

Speaker 3:

Baby, that is a bunch of shit, if you ask me.

Speaker 2:

Morning, sunday morning, it's the 8th December, 8th Day after Pearl Harbor. How many years has it been now? I don't know it's way up there, isn't it? I don't know it's got to be up there.

Speaker 1:

Let me look, that shit was before me.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it's got to be 80-something years. It was 41. So a long time ago, what year, 41.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice 41.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yesterday would have been the anniversary. That's crazy. Can you imagine that? Like just like now, like the wars and stuff that go on, but like that one was like they attacked us, sent all our ships, like as an American, right then, when that happened, like you know what I mean, especially if you're like 25, you know you're going to war, you know what I mean, you know you're signing up, you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

You know you're signing up, they ain't signing up.

Speaker 2:

They're taking it, Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yes they are, yes, they are. I think war would be different now, totally Of course.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course, now with all the technology and the drones and the frickin' you know they tried to like and not put people in in the way anymore. But you know, I was thinking about that, like this whole thing where biden gave them the okay to. You know, shoot off these missiles into russia. And you know russia as the shoots that they're attacking. I mean you're just crumbling fucking cities, dude. That's just crazy, that's just good, that's insane.

Speaker 1:

What do you think about that Biden partner's son?

Speaker 2:

With Biden partnering his son. I would have done it. I said that already.

Speaker 1:

I would have done it for my kid yeah, but he just straight up went on there and said I'm not doing it.

Speaker 2:

A lot of the Democrats are, I think, more pissed about it than anybody, because he was like we're the party of law and stuff like that and they were trying to push it like that. But yeah, I mean Trump even had said he said I think the father, they asked Trump if he would do it, like when he gets in office he goes. I think the father will do that and he did. I mean he wasn't wrong. But that press secretary, that's got to be the worst. I feel bad for her almost.

Speaker 2:

He said almost Like she comes out. He said almost, I mean she comes out all the time.

Speaker 1:

It's like no, I said. He said he's not going to. I answered the question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, crazy, I mean absolutely nuts, it's.

Speaker 1:

Made her look hypocritical when she wasn't even really up to her, you know.

Speaker 2:

No, and it made her look hypocritical and it wasn't even really up to her, you know.

Speaker 1:

No, she's just telling what she's told I mean that's what she's there to do.

Speaker 2:

But you just got to feel for her a little bit. I mean just a little bit, because that's too damn much. What about this fucking New York man, this assassin in New York? That's crazy. You think that's professional? Or do you think that's a guy pissed off about his coverage? I don't know, I don't know. It seems so like fricking. He was there. They said he was there November 24th. He checked into the hotel, like our hostel, which I didn't even know. The United States had hostels. I thought that was a European thing. I didn't even know we had those, but they had. They said he checked into a hostel, like on the 24th. That's where the picture comes from, where he's got his face out and he's smiling or whatever. And uh, that's like the 24th. So he was there just waiting for a chance you know what I mean and just freaking, took him out, cleared the gun the way he did, had a jam, cleared it, got back way he did he had a jam, cleared it, got back to business yeah, somebody get a jam gun.

Speaker 1:

They'd probably like, oh fuck, take off running, or something and rode on the shells.

Speaker 2:

When I heard that the first time I heard that he, like it, said that on it. Because what did it say? It said defense. I forget what it was the three things written on on the shell casings. When I first heard that I was like that's bullshit, like that didn't you know? It's just like this internet is too much. They just make shit up. But it's the head of the sea and honestly not.

Speaker 2:

A whole lot of people are mourning this dude. I mean you know. I mean that the problem is is that you can't run a company like that where your job is to insure people and people put out big money. I mean big money. I personally pay, like to that company, that exact company. I pay $1,200 a month. Wait a minute. I pay $1,200 a month to that company, a month and they don't cover shit.

Speaker 2:

I mean, literally every time we go to the doctor we get a bill for it and then nothing big has happened with me. But it's one thing where you know there's so much that's not covered. You got these huge deductibles, but then to deny them when you actually have to pay it you know what I mean when they're supposed to be paying it. So you're gonna piss, somebody's gonna get pissed off and get you eventually, I would think. But there's more people like there's. I have seen nobody going. Oh, poor guy and his family, nobody. They're all like, ha ha, that's what you get. You know what I mean? Like it's just that's sad dude, that that's, that, that's just evil, that's just not, that's not good at all. I mean, we should at least mourn the guy a little bit, feel bad for him somewhat. Nobody does.

Speaker 4:

Nobody whatsoever. What was he the CEO?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, of one branch, Like I guess, not of like the whole company, I guess just like the UnitedHealthcare branch he was the CEO of. But I mean they got that shit so high. They're making so much fucking money. The insurance companies I mean you, and it's not just healthcare, it's the same with auto. You pay big money for auto insurance. They try to deny it every time, anything that gets done.

Speaker 2:

Your homeowner's insurance Troy was in here. He was talking about like he's got insurance on on his churches, you know, and they had a tornado come through and a tree comes down and like I forget how much he said it was he's got over $12,000 maybe to get this tree and everything the damage that it did and everything they don't want. They're refusing to pay it. And he's like, by the time I pay attorneys and stuff, I can just pay to do it. You know what I mean. Or go out there and try and do it myself and save money, but I mean you pay all that money to an insurance company. That's what you pay them for. I mean that's what the I don't know man, that's bad. And this guy, like he caught the brunt of it for sure. And then did you see that. That what is it? Is it Anthem? I think it's Anthem. They had a policy that was real controversial, where they're limiting how much anesthesia you can get. What the heck? Yeah, they're limiting, like they're setting the limitations of how much anesthesia you get for surgery.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So there's a big controversy over it and the dude gets shot and they're like, oh no, no limits on anesthesia. They're like, fuck that, I'm good, no, you're good. Nah, get as much as you want. I mean, you don't know, that guy could be just pissed off. He could be professional, he could be like he could be just pissed off. He could be professional, he could be military or something, but then they're fucking over his grandma or something or his mom, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean they show him his gun jams, he just still calmly clears it and just continues. It's like wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's, if they John Q'd him. You remember John Q? You remember that movie? Yeah, it's, if they John Q'd him. You remember John Q? You remember that movie? Yeah, I think so when his son, they wouldn't cover his son. His son needed, like what, was it like a heart or something? And they wouldn't cover it. He freaking, held the whole hospital hostage and freaking, made him do the surgery or whatever, and he actually was going to have him cut it out of his own heart and put it in him. Remember, yeah, or whatever, and he actually was going to have him cut it out of his own heart and put it in him. Remember.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't remember that. I don't remember all of it. Oh, that was crazy.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, that's what you do. No, no, no, denzel, oh Denzel, an actual actor, not just a bully that slaps around little midgets. I'm not saying Chris Rock's a midget, but I am saying that I went and seen him live and he looks like a leprechaun on stage. Just saying I was shocked by that. I was like, why does he look like a leprechaun up there? I mean, he did have a green jacket on, so I don't know, that might have helped. But yeah, I mean that's pretty fucked up though that the whole world's just like. I mean the comments and stuff. Dude, there's nobody with no mercy, everybody's just like oh well, that's what you get.

Speaker 2:

But those shell casings that actually was written on the shell casing. So it's definitely 100% has to do with their policy, with denying insurance, 100%. That's what it has to do with. They could say whatever. You know, there's people that say that you know things went bad or whatever. In fact, Johnny Newsome says it sounds like a deal went bad. But I don't know, man, that doesn't. I mean when you write that on those shell casings, it definitely personal, because he could be professional. He could be professional. No, but he could be professional. He could be professional, misleading him? No, but he could be professional and you fucked his family over. You fucked over the wrong guy. You know what I mean. Like uh, what's that? What's that? I said this before. I think you watch a lot of movies.

Speaker 1:

I do what's the one? Where's the? What's the?

Speaker 2:

what's the? Where's the one where I got a certain set of skills? Yeah, yeah, what is it? I forget what that movie is called. Taken, yeah, taken, yeah's like that. It's like you fucked with the wrong guy, like you fucked over his mother or grandparents or something, and he's like okay, motherfucker, you know, take that down. Why am I doing it? Why aren't you doing it? Cause it's on your side, oh, it is. Yeah, they're both up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sun's over there, not over here it's your side look at it right in your eye.

Speaker 2:

It's not slid over enough. It only goes over that far. Okay, that's it. That's all it goes. This ain't a professional curtain rod or nothing. Now you're off the screen, I don't care. Want me to move this. Move the camera towards you, whatever. There we go, we'll put you in the middle again. There you go. Now you're all Google, but now you'll move the other way. Later the sun comes around. So yeah, I was just wild out by just the just. Nobody gives a shit, like literally nobody gives a shit. I didn't look at the comments. Oh yeah, the comments are bad. People are just like fuck it.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, like he deserves it, like everything about it is just like fuck them man, you ever see how like cold certain people are, like just oh, the internet they're fucking ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the internet is raw. They don't give a shit Like.

Speaker 1:

I know a guy. He lost his eye. He was in the hospital, you know for a little bit my eye. He comes home and his brother-in-laws are like hey, popeye, and shit like that. I'm like, oh my God, the guy just walked in the door. I'm like what the fuck.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's like Brandon. It's like Brandon, that's some shit Brandon would do. Oh my God, it's just crazy. That guy fell off the roof, remember? He's like he don't even know if the guy's alive yet and he's singing. It's Raining.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm like people are just cold, but internet is worse, dude the internet.

Speaker 1:

They don't give a fuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you're anonymous.

Speaker 1:

That's why yeah Talk so much shit on the internet.

Speaker 2:

It's funny, though, oh, they're funny, I'm not saying they're not funny.

Speaker 2:

It kind of puts you in shock, though You'd be like what the hell? Yeah, when somebody gets shot like that, but that's crazy, that was ballsy. They show him because he does that. Jams, like you say, clears, it just goes back to business. Then he gets on an electric bike, goes in the park, bike goes in the park. They see him leave the park too. They watch him leave the park. They've got footage of him actually going into the bus station, but they never see him again after that. So either he had an escape route out of that bus station or yeah, what was that about? Dooman brought up that. I heard that yesterday the backpack had Monopoly money in it Monopoly money. I swear to God what they found the backpack. Yeah, it was in Central Park. Yeah, they found it in Central Park.

Speaker 1:

There must have been a reason for him to have it on.

Speaker 2:

I think he had probably a change of clothes. I think it had the jacket in there and some Monopoly money. Wow, I think he changed something out. You know what I mean a little bit. Why the Monopoly money? Wow, so I think he changed, changed something out. You know what I mean a little bit. Why the monopoly money? I don't know, that's so weird, that is so bizarre monopoly money. I can't even I. I don't understand that's bizarre monopoly money. But yeah, that's that's and. But they see him going to the bus station and never leave.

Speaker 1:

It's a statement you know like something about money, yeah, like oh, maybe there.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the amount of monopoly money is how much money that they owe him, or something yeah, it's like it's probably a statement.

Speaker 1:

I don't see why else we put it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there wouldn't just be monopoly money. That doesn't add up. The other thing that don't add up is those two pictures like that. Like the backpack and the jacket is not the same as the one, but then I see that it's november 24th compared to like when it actually happened, so I guess he could have a different backpack and a different jacket on at that time. Things crazy it is. It's just bizarre. Like just right there, dude in the middle that like that's that's and get away, and got away, just zipped on an electric bike. I still think they're going to get him. Was it one of those electric bikes that you get at rent? I don't know, it would make sense. How do you do it? Because don't you have to do that through an app? You go get yourself a prepaid card. Yeah, I guess that's how it's rented. Yeah, they said he used some kind of alias. In the other one, they said In the other.

Speaker 2:

What? When he checked into the hostel or whatever, they said he used an alias in everything else he paid cash for. They said he went to Starbucks that morning. Damn, they have all that on them. Oh yeah, yeah, they just can't find him after the bus station. He goes into the bus station. They've got him all the way until he gets in the bus station and then they can't find him after that. So either he got on a bus in disguise and they didn't catch it, or he had an exit there somewhere. You know what I mean, but I don't. I mean that's wild. I could see how you could actually get away with it. But they said that they might have DNA too, from like the Starbucks that he grabbed or whatever, because he's just got like a water and a I don't know something else I forget what they said Like a snack of some sort, some kind of snack and water. He said that's why I said the deal went bad for him. I mean he definitely got his point across.

Speaker 2:

I mean these insurance companies, dude, they're just overcharging and the problem is they make it where you have to have insurance. Now you know you have. Well, now, it's not like that, but it was originally that and UnitedHealthcare, like their biggest policyholder is the government. It's all welfare insurance where they cover it and they get covered for everything. It's the guy like me that's barely making it and has to freaking pay $1,200 a month. I mean you know people don't realize that. I mean you're talking huge money every year, like $15,000 a year. That's a house payment. That's $15,000 a year that I'm paying and I don't use I haven't used my health insurance yet. I mean Dylan and Amanda have done some but they haven't covered anything really. But I just don't go. It's not even worth it to me to go to an insurance. In fact, the only time I actually ever needed to go see anybody was a chiropractor and if I used my insurance I had to go through the deductible first and the bill would have been double until I got to the deductible where they would do it. So you just paid cash been double until I got to the deductible where they would do it. So you just pay cash. So I just paid. I just paid straight up because I could pay, like I could go for a visit for like 75 bucks to them or it was like 160 for it to count towards my insurance to the deductible and I mean I'm not going to get to deductible by the end of the year, so I might as well just take the 75 and save myself the money. It's so crazy. It's so crazy, it's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

And they just are getting that money for nothing. I get nothing in return for that money ever. I never get anything. In fact, amanda's just like am I supposed to? She's like should I re-sign up? Because it's time to sign up? She says should I re-sign? I go yeah, you have to have it's. She's like I just don't see it Like it's. It's too.

Speaker 2:

It's outrageous. There's no reason for it. That's really not, you know, and they make it to. They made it, they've got it right now in the U S.

Speaker 2:

Unless you're working for somebody who has insurance which you're driving the cost of that that company's business up. If they do have insurance, it's you're driving the cost up on them to where they can't pay people working wages. So you're still, it's still costing you. You know, as a as a worker working like at the concrete company, if they didn't have to pay the the rates they're paying for insurance right now, you could probably get five bucks an hour, at least more an hour, but they're paying all that money and probably more than that in insurance over what they should have to pay.

Speaker 2:

I would say not even like, cause it just it's not. I'm not saying like not pay for insurance, I'm saying they're paying that much more for insurance that you're not getting. You know what I'm saying? Like it shouldn't, shouldn't even be that much more. It's not not saying that it shouldn't be paid for. It just shouldn't be as expensive as it is when you're not getting anything for it. I mean, you're really not.

Speaker 2:

Most people aren't, and it used to be. They would take the money and invest it in the markets and stuff like that, and they would make their money by having your money until they needed to spend it and using it in the markets. And then all of a sudden, the markets crashed or whatever, whatever that was like, and I think during nine 11 is when that really really hit the peak and they, and then all of a sudden the rates just skyrocketed because they had to actually cover the cost of insuring people. Well, then the markets recovered pretty fast and that shit never changed. So now they're just fricking, making money hand over. Shit never changed, so now they're just freaking, making money hand over fist. Yeah, now they're just making money hand over fist, denying claims they're not taking care of people and meanwhile the hospital systems are demanding that you have to go to the doctor for everything and there's no going for a little quick checkup that's $100 anymore. You know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Then you got all these little clinics all over the damn place now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause you don't have any doctor's offices, no more. There's no like there's a cause. When we were kids, remember you just go to like an office with one guy. It was like him and his mom his wife, or maybe his daughter or something, and that's where you went to the, that's where you did, that's where your doctor was. You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

You didn't go to a hospital or a clinic. A little family practice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they don't have that no more Because they're just because they can't afford to do it because of insurance Right, because their insurance for their like malpractice insurance is too damn high. The whole thing is a freaking. The whole thing is a freaking. It's a whole thing is a scam. It's a whole thing is ridiculous and it's choking out America all the way through. I mean insurance.

Speaker 2:

Every probably in my in my personal life, at least 30% of my income, maybe more, goes to insurance and I don't use anything for any of it. Maybe more, it might be more than that when you actually have to like work. So they but what I was trying to get at, they make it hard for that. In between guy Like you're either working for somebody If you try to go off on your own, you just you can't do it, you can't afford like insurance. Or you know how many guys I know that like. Well, like Jim that owns that gas station down there, his wife's always had a job that had insurance. You know whether she was at Oberlin College, I think. Now she's in janitorial and the only reason she even works really is for insurance because otherwise they don't have insurance.

Speaker 2:

And when you go and get insurance for a company like that they can give you like where it actually covers shit. When you go to buy your own insurance, they won't sell you insurance That'll pay for everything, like you can get when you get insurance from someone else and when you buy it, that insurance that they give you is is so outrageous. And then you go well, it just doesn't add up. Like I remember it was. Like the deductible was like 6,000, I think on mine, and I'm like, well, that's just too much, I don't want a 6,000. So how much would it be to get that deductible down? And they're like, oh, we can get a deductible down to like 500 or a thousand, whatever it was.

Speaker 2:

I go, well, how much would that be? 3,000 a month? I go well, that doesn't make any sense. Why would I do that? Like the math isn't mathing. Like you could literally take, say, 6,000 and divide that by the month, that's only 500 bucks. So I would think you could just, you know, up it to 500, you know what I mean and be okay. It's the same with if you want to add dental, you want to add dental or eye or anything like that. They set limits on it. If you add dental, it'll be like you'll add $300 a month to your dental, but it'll only cover $1,000 a year or $1,500 a year or whatever it is. You're paying more for the actual insurance than they'll actually cover for the year. So it makes no. Why would you do that? You know what I mean. That's silly. I mean you just look at it and go, yeah, I'm not doing that, I'll just pay out of pocket when I go. You know what I mean. So you're paying big money. It's outrageous.

Speaker 1:

That medical field. They need to adjust it. The government needs to like hold on, they step in all kinds of other shit. Step in on that.

Speaker 2:

Well, they did and they fucked it all up. Well, the problem is like one of the things was like Obama came in and made that like oh it, like you can't deny coverage for anybody. So now, like everybody has to cause. Before Obama came in, you would come in and get insurance and like if you were a male under 40 years old, your insurance would be a hell of a lot cheaper than a woman under 40 years old. Cause women go, have to go to the doctor for pap smears and all that. They have the. The childbirth can come into play. Like they're more expensive. Now everybody has to be the same. But the problem is everybody double, everybody now is paying.

Speaker 2:

Well, even immediately, was paying double what a woman would pay? That doesn't make any sense. Like how does that work out? And they just freaking because it's forced upon and because he really forced it. So you had to have it. So the insurance companies didn't have to agree to anything. You know what I mean. You had to have it. That's how he was until he was out of office.

Speaker 2:

But for eight years you had to have insurance until Trump came in or you got fined. You got a, I forget. I don't know what the fine was. I know that my mother paid it a couple times because it was insurance was too much, and she just says, the hell with it. I'll just, you know, pay the fine. You know what I mean? Which is just, you shouldn't have to make decisions like that. That's crazy. I mean, if you're one of the greatest nations on earth and we can give billions of dollars to you know, overseas to go to war, and Biden just gave a billion dollars to Africa to rebuild something, and it's like I don't even understand that, because isn't North Carolina still like? People are sleeping in tents and shit, like why are we going and giving money to Africa? And North Carolina is still fucked up Like the people that actually paid this taxes. Not that they're giving tax money away, they're just borrowing more money to give away to other people. It just doesn't add up. It frustrates me. That insurance gig frustrates me probably more than anything Because, for one, the insurance that we pay as a whole is, but the insurance that the doctors pay is outrageous too. So a lot of time when you're going to the doctors, the bills are so high cause they're covering their insurance costs, cause their insurance, their malpractice insurance, is through the fucking roof Like it. It ain't no joke, you know what I mean. So that's just money, just ship, just fucking just money, just ship, just fucking printing money. That's all they're doing, and you know that.

Speaker 2:

I think one of they say one of the things that could save like I've always heard Now I don't know if it would actually work is to open the borders. You know that, like, like, like United Healthcare, that guy Do you know? They have to have insurance, they have to have an actual company in each state, and if they don't have a company in your state, they're not allowed to sell insurance in your state. Yeah, but that's what they do. They just have satellite offices all over the US so that they can sell insurance in that state, which is costly for no reason. They could all have it all at one headquarters somewhere and do it across the country if they wanted to. I would think that would be.

Speaker 2:

So what are you saying? That's a law, yeah, that's a law. Like you, cannot, you cannot. A company cannot go over borders. They can't cross the border Unless they got one in that. Yeah, you have to be in that state. You have to the insurance. If you're providing insurance, you have to be in that state. You have to the insurance. If you're providing insurance, you have to be in that state. You can't go to a company in Louisiana and get insurance here in Ohio Just can't happen. But yet we're all using UnitedHealthcare. They just have different little satellites all over the US, which makes no sense. They could just open up an office somewhere and run it all through one office and be way more efficient you know what I'm saying Than what they are right now, because that's just not efficient at all. And you get better rates. Because you get better rates in different states too. Like one state might be like I complain it's $1,200. You might be a lot cheaper in, say, mississippi or Montana, or you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like home insurance is crazy what.

Speaker 2:

Florida. Florida is nuts. Well, you can't blame them for that. But that pisses me off too, because then you pay all that outrageous insurance for homeowners insurance and then every time a hurricane comes through, through, the government comes in and gives them, uh, fema, money and stuff and it just relieves the insurance company. So what did the insurance company have to pay for in that process? They're the ones who made all that money that whole time. Yeah, I mean I could understand if they said, okay, no hurricane coverage. I could get that like.

Speaker 2:

Like I remember, like my house on Albrecht, we had this, we had put in this carpet. It was like builder grade carpet, it was real cheap shit. And where the sub pump was, I had that closet right next to the bar down there and I put the litter box in there and I cut out a little mouse hole for the cat to go in and use the litter box. Well, when she would go in there because it was this cheap ass carpet, it would like shed, real bad, like every time you vacuum you'd fill a whole canister up with with. For probably the first year we had that carpet, the first one we had before it flooded. So anyways, it goes in there that that carpet goes in there and uh, clogs up the the sub pump, because it's like the cat going in and out. That door just kind of brought those little brushings and that sub pump was right there, so it clogged it a second time cause it had clogged once already.

Speaker 2:

After that second time, my insurance company refused to cover flood insurance, but then they didn't charge me for it either, though you know what I mean. Like if the hurricane places, they're not going to charge me for it either, though you know what I mean. Like if the hurricane places they're not going to cover you for it and FEMA is going to cover it, then they shouldn't be allowed to cover you for insurance. They shouldn't be allowed to take your money.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't add up. You know what I mean. For them it does, yeah, but I mean you can't just take and take and take and take and take and take and take and take. I mean you know American working class American gets frickin railroaded in and that and everybody complains about. Like the wages you know, like where wages are. That's a big part of why wages are where they're at, because raises are all having to go to health insurance and the unions or anywhere else. It's all having to go to health insurance to try and keep up, because there's just. I mean, health insurance is a big, big, big cost, you know that's what I said.

Speaker 1:

Government steps in all kinds of shit. They need to step into that the right way, whichever way that may be.

Speaker 2:

Well, see, I'm the opposite. I think that the government should step out of it, get rid of the whole program that Obama started and go back to how it was before Obama, but then open the borders and let free markets do. What free markets do? You know what I mean? Because if somebody comes in with a better product, they're going to do better. You know what I mean. I think that that's the best way to do it. But I'm a free market guy. I'm a conservative at whole. I like free markets. I think free markets are the best way to achieve most things. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Anytime they start to control or anything like that, just everybody putting their hands in a pie, that's all it is. They stepped into insurance and it's fucked up. The insurance is out of control. And they have Trump convinced and that guy heard it out of his own mouth because he wanted to get rid of the health care or what is it called Affordable Health Care Act. He wanted to get rid of it. That was one of his things. But he said, when he looks into it, he's afraid that he can't just throw all these people off of insurance that are getting it now. There's too many people that are getting this insurance, that actually need it.

Speaker 2:

But it's all bullshit because all those same people were getting GR and stuff like that back before. If you were poor and didn't have insurance, you you were on GR and getting insurance regardless. But they but I don't want to talk about that and GR for I mean Medicaid when I was a kid like they covered everything, everything got paid for and it was seemed like it was a lot more affordable than the shit that's going on right now. I mean we didn't hesitate to go to the doctor when I was on because we were on welfare. When I was a kid, my mom was like, oh, let's go. I'm like God damn it again, not me. I never went. Yeah, because you guys probably had a deductible or something, probably I don't know Like a normal insurance, like good insurance.

Speaker 1:

We wasn't really sickly people either. We didn't get hurt, you know just.

Speaker 2:

No, I would get, but I would get like I would get a lot of like, uh like. I remember getting uh, upper respiratory infections like at least once a year when I was a kid. But I had asthma as a kid too, so I would get these upper respiratory infections once a year and I had asthma and stuff like that. My mom would take me like I never went to the doctor, we just went straight to st jo Joe's over there right in the ER, and you know it didn't matter because insurance was covering it, it just didn't matter. Just like, here you go Seemed way better than it is now. I'm just saying that's my opinion of it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, we didn't go at all.

Speaker 2:

Very rarely. Yeah, that's not how I grew up. I don't go now. My kids haven't went a lot when I was, you know that was never my thing, but I always had like a regular insurance that I had to pay and stuff. Well, carpenters Union they paid it but I still would have to pay some things, sometimes, like I don't even remember what exactly.

Speaker 2:

I know Carpenters Union when I was in it was real nice because when I first started now it's messed up again but when I first started you'd get bills from the doctors all the time but we'd get a printout from our actual Carpenters Health and Welfare Fund that would tell us what we owed and that's all we'd pay. We'd ignore every other bill that came in and pay that and it was always good, because it's too hard to go through that and try and figure out what you, what you actually owe and they'll just fucking send you bills like and just hope you pay them. You know it's it's crazy, it's it's I don't know fucked up. That's like I was wondering because I keep seeing all that about the. I wonder how many bills I'm getting right now that I probably should be covered, because amanda said that when we got the thing it was supposed to cover, like um, well-care visits and stuff like that, but yet it seems like every time we go to the doctor we have to pay, yeah, and we only go for well-care visits for the most part. You know what I mean, right? So maybe they are denying it.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying, as insurance companies Keep acting like that, don't be surprised If people are going to freaking, sneak up on you and shoot your ass. That's all I'm saying. That shouldn't be a shocker to you, is all I'm saying, right? I guess I mean your whole job. Somebody got your service so that you could get Just no fucks given. Just like, yeah, fuck them. Deny them, yeah, and where do you go?

Speaker 2:

If they deny you then what do you got to go try and find A whole nother insurance Mexico, well, I'm talking about just like the actual have insurance In the United States. I don't know, man, that's crazy, it is, it's nuts. And the only people that are really got good insurance are usually people with jobs that are just like. You know what I mean, or some of the bigger like if you have a big enough company, like like when I was, when I had my company, I was insuring all the people in the carpenters and stuff that were working for me. We had decent insurance then because we bought it as a group or whatever. But your regular guy that's just trying to make it on his own small guy there's no insurance policies that are out there that'll help that guy out. They're just hosing that guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm fortunate I got good insurance.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you have a job. You know what I'm saying. Go get away from that job and try to get it on your own. What happens? You end up back at your job because you need health insurance.

Speaker 1:

Right, Mm-hmm. I went on my own plenty of times and I was like, yeah, I can't afford this shit.

Speaker 2:

Because of health insurance. That ain't right. That's not the American dream, right that you're held over health insurance and you don't even go to the doctor. Except for I know of you to go to the doctor what? Three times maybe in the last seven years, if, yeah, I don't go. Yeah, three times that. I know of the one time when you were worried about losing your job. I remember that and I remember when you were your achilles or whatever. Yeah, I stand, I stand by Achilles. And then I thought there was one other one.

Speaker 1:

Maybe not even it might only be two. Yeah, I don't know when I was, uh, when I had yeah, that's it.

Speaker 2:

I think yeah, that's nuts, and you know how much money has been paid on your behalf in those seven years?

Speaker 2:

A lot, right, that's my whole point. And they're just like living La Vida Loca, buying islands, bringing teenage girls over, hang out with Epstein, just pissing that money away. And meanwhile, though, honestly the biggest problem though, like I said, it's that wage. It's that wage that you're getting, that doesn't. You know. That doesn't go up. You know, that's the biggest problem I get, because you should be at, probably right now you probably should be ten dollars more an hour than what you are to make a decent living wage. Right, you know what I'm saying? Like a like to where you could actually buy a house, have a new car, not like nothing crazy, but on your own, without a significant other splitting the bills with you, but just being up on the up and up and cover your own bills without somebody else splitting the bills with you. Essentially, that's Summer she's got you want to go let in the cook real quick. I don't know why they're I mean we're on air and she's like messaging me telling me that the cooks are locked out. Like, why are the cooks locked out? That doesn't make any damn sense. So Guido's gone.

Speaker 2:

What do we do now? Maybe we can run a commercial do we do now? Maybe we can run a commercial. Can we do that? We can run our commercials. We've got some in here to run somewhere. I don't know where they're at. I don't think I can get to them fast enough. Maybe I can hold on. We could try. We'll look for two, two, two, two, two. How do I get? I want to get a new page right. New page, new window. Bring you over here. Boom, boom, boom. I wish I'd have been more prepared for that one. I do have ads that run, though. For sure, for sure. Where's my videos? Boom, boom and For sure, for sure, where's my videos? Boom and post playlist. Huh.

Speaker 1:

Shay, let us know.

Speaker 2:

She let them in. Oh, shay, let them in. Yeah, that's pretty cool. That was way too long. I was trying to go find an ad and run an ad for me while I was going to take a commercial break. I didn't know what else to do. I was like what the hell? Sitting there like I was trying. I didn't get to it fast enough. Though the shade is listening to the podcast. Yeah, she's cleaning. Oh, she's down there cleaning. Yeah, oh, I see, I see. I see, I see, said the blind man. But anyways, enough with the insurance. He got shot and most people are happy about it. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

That's horrible it is, but it's just a fact. I didn't make that fact be a fact. That's just what. The fact is that a lot of people are happy about it.

Speaker 3:

It's just what the fact is that a lot of people are happy about it.

Speaker 1:

That's like when you're driving you see cars cut you off and everything else. You don't think of the person in there, you just think of the stupid-ass car that just cut you off. You get what I'm saying yeah, yeah, so they did something stupid and they got in a wreck. You'd be like, ah, good for them. But then you start thinking there's a person in that car. You just think of the car.

Speaker 2:

No, when I say good for them, I'm thinking of the person Fuck them.

Speaker 1:

But that's like the insurance. You know it's an insurance, it's a business and shit. You're just thinking it's the business insurance and they're taking your money, but you ain't thinking of the guy laying there with a bullet in his head. Well, it's just bullshit to go.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, it's just bullshit to look at. Like to look at it, I saw a thing. It was somebody, and I forget where Amanda might have showed it to me I'm trying to remember where I seen it but there was a woman that was complaining she goes, yeah, she goes. We get policies that come in and there's things that that like things that we need to approve for the and they, they want us to decide whether that person is going to be alive in five years. She goes. I make 12 bucks an hour. I should not decide the fate of somebody on whether or not they'll be alive and and know their health enough to know if they'll be alive like that's insanity. You know how people say that's above their pay grade, yeah, and that's $12 an hour. She said she goes, I make $12 an hour. I got to make that decision Dead dead, dead live live Fuck At $12 an hour.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there goes Bob Hickle. I haven't seen him in a while Long time. No see Bob. Captain, Bob, we call him. We haven't seen him in a while. You didn't come. Get no perch Friday. We're doing it every week till Christmas and Joe's out there selling food out on a you know, with his little pop-up seafood shop. That he did. He did good the other day. Not really. I don't think he did as good. I think that that I asked him. I thought it was a little too early. Last time he did it the weekend, right before Christmas, and he did real good. So I think it was a little too early. But he goes, I ain't got nothing else going on.

Speaker 4:

I might as well come and do it every set every Friday until Christmas.

Speaker 2:

The hell with it, you know. So we're going to do seafood Next week. We'll still do our steaks like we do, but we'll have the perch too. So we'll do the perch and the steaks next week, which would be something Full-time at work and on duty 24-7. Oof, oof, oof. I want to get paid to sleep. How do you do that 24-7,? You got to get paid to sleep. How do you do that 24-7,?

Speaker 3:

you got to get paid to sleep.

Speaker 2:

You got to be a fireman right or go apply for the city. Which city?

Speaker 1:

Who are we calling out? Lorraine? Lorraine, yeah, you know, I huh Huh Over by my house. I showed you that. I told you about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you were telling me about it.

Speaker 1:

What's the problem over there now? Well, they're off of homewood, uh well, actually it's riverside or something like that, but anyways, these people can't even get in their driveways. The road is so messed up, the aprons are so tore up, they're going like literally three feet different from the road to the driveway I thought you meant they were under construction.

Speaker 2:

No, they're not under construction.

Speaker 1:

That's just the way the road is. I'm like this is crazy. People gotta get back.

Speaker 2:

They vote back there too, don't they? They seem like a voting area.

Speaker 1:

I'm bringing pictures next week you'll see that seems like a voting area. It's horrible. Nobody's saying nothing. I'm like this shit. You can't even get in the driveway. People got bags of concrete Poured in the damn street so they could get in their driveway. The way the angles are and stuff. It's that wonder why.

Speaker 2:

They ain't fixing the road. But is the aprons heaving or is the road sinking Both? Huh, you got to see pictures. I have to go check it out. It's on Riverside, by the park.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's right, by that park. You know that little park back there. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Huh, I have to go check that out.

Speaker 1:

Go by the park and then turn right on any one of them, streets, and the streets bold, real bad, and then the aprons are like real high and you're like their driveways, wonder what's sinking. Why is that sinking, I wonder?

Speaker 2:

well, you know all that's wet land back there. You know, originally was it? Yeah, it doesn't seem like it would be because it's all on top of the cliff yeah, but it is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it stays wet back there, but anyways, that road it ain't been fixed in years, you can tell I know my grandmother's house over there.

Speaker 2:

When I was a kid we'd get black mold up on the ceiling and the duct work was all in the slab. So you'd get moisture in the duct work and then it would cause mold on the ceiling. My grandmother actually had to bring an HVAC guy and they ran everything up in the attic so that everything dropped down instead of coming up, and then we just filled that all in with concrete because we were getting that mold in there real bad black mold because of you know. But I never understood it because I'm always like it doesn't make sense because it's at least what 20 feet up those cliffs yeah, maybe 30.

Speaker 1:

The ground's wet.

Speaker 2:

It's always been wet there I mean, you're so high you would think you would be able to, at least if they would have worked the drain or something I don't know.

Speaker 1:

The clay ground is not letting it, you know, absorb or something I don't know, but it stays wet there yeah, I mean the clay would help, but you would still think it would be pitched enough either way, I don't know the scientific reasons why, but these roads are so fucked up. I'm like why ain't the city dealing with these roads? They're horrible, horrible, like worst I've ever seen yeah, I want to go see.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious why it's doing that. That's wild, that's bad. I mean that's that's horrible. I thought you meant it was under construction. When you were telling me that, I thought you meant like they, like the city was there doing construction and fucked up these people's houses.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no, no. They haven't been there and you're looking like what the hell? They must not be voters over there. They're paying their taxes on their houses because they still own them, do they? Or are they renting? There's so many rentals in Lorain now, even if they're renting, somebody's paying them taxes on them houses.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but their voter ain't in their neighborhood. He don't give a shit. Yeah, well, they're going to. That's horrible. Yeah, south Lorraine, man, that's probably the newest neighborhood in South Lorraine, is it? I would say Homewood, I would think. I would think I don't know, I would think the newest. Newest would be probably over by my brother's house and then behind Home Depot. I think those are the newest, newest neighborhoods Behind Home Depot, the old Home Depot, where Home Depot was.

Speaker 1:

Where are you talking?

Speaker 2:

about the side streets off of. You're talking about Builder Square, fairless and all that. Yeah, builder Square. You said Home Depot. It was never Home Depot. Yeah, it was never Home Depot You're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Builder Square, fairless and all that. Yeah, builder Square, you said.

Speaker 2:

Home Depot. It was never Home Depot. Yeah, it was never Home Depot. You're right, builder Square, those houses from there back to Camden and then over by my brother's, I think is the new, newest, but that's real close.

Speaker 1:

Those were built all kind of in the same development at the same time. You've got to see these roads You're going to be like oh my God, this is crazy, that's wild.

Speaker 2:

And, like I said, people actually literally took bags of concrete, poured them on the street to make like a ramp to go in their own driveway. No kidding, yeah, it's crazy. I have to go check it out. You know anybody that lives over there? Yeah, two people.

Speaker 1:

Did they complain to the city? She had just made a couple calls and they came and brought her, like some um asphalt and laid it down so she could get in her driveway. Really, yeah, I'm like this is crazy. Let's get a hold of bias yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that his area? Isn't that his district? I hope so. Yeah, let's get a hold of bias and say what the fuck dude?

Speaker 1:

help a brother out yeah out, yeah, and I only know two people in that area. But I'm like look at this. It's very inconvenient for all them people over there.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I mean you can't ruin your fucking car getting in your driveway. That's ridiculous. I mean, that's not why you pay taxes, especially if you got a decent car.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean. I think we should just shut this off, go down there and do it live over there.

Speaker 2:

Just do it right. Live from the.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's just drive over there real quick and put it on Sounds cold.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, maybe in the summer. Maybe in the summer. That sounds too cold for me.

Speaker 1:

It ain't actually that cold today. It feels cold. It's not as me. It ain't actually that cold today.

Speaker 2:

It feels cold it's not as cold as it was the other day. No, I'm not saying it wasn't colder the other day. It doesn't take away from the fact that it's cold today.

Speaker 1:

I think you've been in these offices a little too long, whatever.

Speaker 2:

When I go out in the field. I got freaking clothes on I'm in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt right now and I got a light jacket.

Speaker 1:

I even got an.

Speaker 2:

Abbey jacket over there man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that's what's up. I'm going to go videotape it.

Speaker 2:

Go, videotape it. That's a good idea. You should knock on the doors too. I ain't doing that, not today. You want me to give you that thing so you can hook it to your phone Like the little clip-on microphone, and you can knock on the door and talk to people, mm-mm.

Speaker 1:

I ain't talking to people Go out there, and Because I know when somebody knock on my door what I say get out of here.

Speaker 2:

No. Well, if they say, hey, I want to talk to you about your driveway down here, I'd tell them get out of here. No, you wouldn't. If your driveway looked like that, like why you going to fix it, you'd at least say that right.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I just don't like people knocking on my door for no reason. That's not no reason. It don't matter, period, If you ain't invited don't come knocking.

Speaker 2:

That's no friendly. How many people come over and visit?

Speaker 1:

A few. I don't have all kinds of big old parties. That's why I don't want none.

Speaker 2:

Someone knocks on the door, you're like get out of here.

Speaker 1:

My grandfather used to be like that. He's screaming in the kitchen, from the kitchen to the living room.

Speaker 2:

Who is that? My grandfather. Get off my grass. Who am I named after? Actually, I've got his exact name my grandfather. I'd knock on the door and he'd go your grandma's not home. I'm like, okay, girl, See you later. Grandpa, Love you too. Hicko said you'd get shot. Get shot, I think so. I think what he's saying is you get shot, knocking on the doors, looking like you do. Yeah, I think he's telling you to shave clean up a little bit. Get a haircut.

Speaker 1:

I got the Sean Connery beard going. What?

Speaker 2:

are you talking about Sean Connery? You got Santa Claus shit going on over there. Oh yeah, you going to play Santa Claus for Christmas for somebody. No, Alexa was asking me and.

Speaker 4:

I didn't think of anybody.

Speaker 2:

And now I know somebody. I'll see if she's still looking. This is Sean Connery.

Speaker 1:

You ever see him on that video? He was doing an interview I think it was Barbara Walters or something and he was talking about smacking a woman. Uh-uh, yeah, that was crazy. He was talking about, like you know, getting a lot or something, you just smack him once. You're like what he said. He was smacking a woman, yeah, get out of here, he had said it before, and then she, she asked him like does he want to? Not, you know, like take it back, kind of thing, and he's like no.

Speaker 2:

What the hell. Let me see if I can find that he said he's shocked. Shock is smacking somebody. Yeah, I don't want to search my channel, I just want to search YouTube Sean Connery and Barbara Walter you don't know for sure, I think it is.

Speaker 2:

How do I get to there? We go Sean Connery, and it's like the stupid way of spelling Sean too right. Sean Connery interview. Let's see what we got. A stupid way of spelling Sean too right. Sean Connery interview. Let's see what we got. Yeah, here it is right, here. It's the first one that shows up, first one that shows up. Let me see if I got the link page, if I can bring it up. Oh my God, that shit's crazy Window capture.

Speaker 1:

That's like Ike Turner did one like that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there, it is right there. All right, so we'll play it right now. Here we go we gotta skip. Liberty Mutual gets a free advertising from us.

Speaker 4:

These fucks and go with with men and women years ago you didn't interview, which may come back to haunt you, whatever these fucks. Yeah, yeah, I didn't love that. I haven't changed my opinion. You haven't? No, not at all. You think it's good to slap a woman.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think it's good. You don't think it's bad? I don't think it's that bad.

Speaker 4:

I think that, no, not at all you think it's good to slap a woman.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think it's good, you don't think it, it's that bad. I think that it depends entirely on the circumstances and if it merits it.

Speaker 4:

What would merit it.

Speaker 3:

Well, if you have tried everything else and women are pretty good at it they can't leave it alone. They want to have the last word. And you give them the last word. But they're not happy with the last word. They want to say it again.

Speaker 2:

So then you slap the shit out of him. I mean that's what makes sense. I've never seen that. That's hilarious. He doubled down on it. He doubled down. He was like, yeah, I mean not every time, like you know. You just that was an old school guy there. Boy, that's hilarious. Like I mean, you know, when she deserves it and it's like you gave her the last word.

Speaker 2:

But it's like why does she deserve it? Well, she just won't shut up. I mean, it's not like she's hitting you. She threw a hash tray at you, you know when she just won't stop.

Speaker 3:

You gave her the last word. She's got on your last damn nerve this one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's crazy. And he sticks in Hollywood. How's that going to be? He's dead now. I mean, how did they keep him around in Hollywood? That's what makes you want to know, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if he would have said that nowadays his career would have been over.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he doesn't look the youngest there. I mean I would think that. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, that's crazy, I don't know, I didn't know that that was out there. That's pretty funny. I mean there is a line, though. I mean these women, you know, they come in and they I'm not saying I mean women come in and they slap the shit out of you.

Speaker 2:

They freaking scratch the shit out of you, they throw shit at you, they you know what I mean. Eventually, they're going to get backhanded. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that he's wrong to say that there's a line. But when the line is, you know, I'm giving her the last word. I mean when? Is the last word not good enough?

Speaker 1:

I have to backhand her.

Speaker 2:

Ike Turner said the same shit, but his was a little crazy. That's not a little crazy.

Speaker 1:

It's not like she hit him with something or she had a knife in her hand, or but like curders he's talking about like like, if she's walking around moping and shit, like, wow, you're gonna slap her because she's she's like upset about. It's like you know they're not even arguing or nothing. Yeah, yeah, she's walking around moping. Hey, what's wrong with you? She's like nothing. And then no, for real, what's wrong with you? Nothing.

Speaker 2:

And then smack, it's like wow, when do you take the time? When does it reach it? What? When do you open hand and smack them?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I guess they say you can't dance, or something.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I guess they say you can't dance or something I don't know. You can't dance, Is that you can't?

Speaker 1:

dance. That's just open hand. Or is that closed hand? No, that's open hand.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, how far do they have to? What do they have to do to, like, make you close hand them?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, you don't know.

Speaker 2:

No, never had no one push you that far, never, no, never had no one push you that far. Never close-handed a girl ever. But you have open-handed a girl. Fuck yeah, really yeah, but you were.

Speaker 1:

If a woman hurt you first, I smack them back Really, oh yeah, don't smack me.

Speaker 2:

I walk away, I leave, I just leave. Good for you, that's what I'll do. I did it one time when I was younger. I got hit with an ashtray, though, and I felt like a piece of shit forever, like I just like, instantly was like. I felt like a piece of shit. I'm like, yeah, I'm not doing that.

Speaker 1:

I probably wouldn't now I was in my 20s got into it yeah, I was like 20.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would have been 20. Yeah, I wouldn't know, probably just. But yeah, I felt like a piece of shit, for sure 100. I felt like a piece of shit and something I never was happy about. No, never, never, never. But I mean she did more than like wouldn't shut up. You know you've given her the last word, see, and you know she just keeps going on and on.

Speaker 1:

See, that one was crazy, that was nuts, that was absolutely nuts like I said, you know nowadays, if he had said that shit even in the beginning of his career like super popular, it would have been over with done so I got a question for you.

Speaker 2:

I've been kids. Keep people keep asking me when are you gonna um return that snowblower? Give the 50 bucks back, fuck them stupid asses you want to explain it or do I gotta.

Speaker 1:

I ain't saying nothing about that stupid shit explain it, or do I gotta?

Speaker 2:

I ain't saying nothing about that stupid shit. So you buy it, you get a snowblower off my uncle, he's, he's, he gets it from a house he bought. He picked up a house and it had some stuff in it or whatever. And you get a snowblower from him. And I don't know nothing about it. I just know you said you paid him the money for the snowblower and I, I believe you did. Then I mean, I know that you've worked with him like three times since then yeah, wait, let's go back.

Speaker 1:

So we did his, we did his bar on 28th, was that?

Speaker 2:

after the snowblower before after was it okay so?

Speaker 1:

that was after the snowblower. Actually we poured his thing at the same time. It was right around that time. We did his his.

Speaker 2:

Uh, barn slab, okay so you did the barn slab.

Speaker 1:

We did plumbing at that new bar.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's three times that you've worked on stuff since then, Since then. And then all of a sudden, out of the blue, some broad calls, texts me.

Speaker 1:

She called me, Called me, called you. Someone called you at first, talking shit that I didn't pay him for the snowblower. This is what, almost three years ago, two years ago.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. It's been a couple years, I think.

Speaker 1:

That I didn't pay him for the snowblower. Do the right thing and give it back. I'm like what the hell are you talking about? Well, anyways, then she's texting me. You need to give him coffee. He's going to the kitchen to get his coffee and he's not shy, and he's not a shy person. So he's been like hey, you owe me about 50 bucks or whatever, Nothing. So apparently he's talking shit. It's got to be. You think my uncle's talking shit on?

Speaker 2:

you? Why is she trying to collect it at all? Anyway, I don't even understand why she's trying to collect it, and here's the worst part. This is the worst part, even beyond anything else she brought me into it. What the fuck do I have to do with it? I don't even have a snowblower.

Speaker 1:

What is it You're cheating?

Speaker 2:

What did I text you? No, you were on the phone with me and that's the worst part, because you know, when we talk, my wife is standing right there. I don't give a shit. I'm on speaker Right. So you repeat what she said and she calls me a two-timing.

Speaker 1:

She said I'm not talking about. Jimmy's cheating two-timing ass and I don't even know like what was she referring to.

Speaker 2:

going back to that, I don't even know who she is. I don't know this person. Yeah, I have no clue who she. I met her the other day with my wife. We went to Dale's for breakfast and she starts going you don't remember me, do you? And I'm like no, I don't remember you. And then she's like oh, I came over to your house when you were on 30th Street. I'm like I never like my dad's house and she goes. So she thought I was my dad. That's what she thought. Damn. Yeah, well, I mean, she probably hasn't seen my dad since he was my age. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

No, she can't be that old.

Speaker 2:

She's probably younger than us. I mean, my dad's only 18 years older than me, dude. Okay, but she's our age. My dad's been in West Virginia for probably 18 years, 20 years, I don't know. 18, 20 years. Yeah, she probably hasn't seen him since he was my age.

Speaker 1:

She probably hasn't Whenever she's seen him, but I'm saying she's probably 12 at the time when she's seen him.

Speaker 2:

No, she's got to be my age, right? I don't know, I would think so, yeah, and I don't even know who she is. But she says that. And I got to look at my wife's face that looks like just defeated, like she just looked. She just looked so upset I'm like I didn't fucking do nothing.

Speaker 2:

What the fuck does this have to do with me? I haven't done a damn thing. You know what I mean and she's throwing me into it. I don't have a snowblower. I wasn't involved in you and Dale's snowblower Nothing. I should have nothing to do with this conversation, and yet now my wife's looking at me kind of funny I mean she didn't say nothing, but you seem to look on her face. It's upsetting. She shouldn't have to look like that or hear stupid shit like that when nothing's going on. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

But the way it was in the text, it was like you just pulled it out of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it had nothing to do with the whole conversation. The whole conversation had nothing to do with it, whatsoever. Nothing, in fact. The snowblower and the 50 bucks has nothing to do with her. The 50 bucks and the snowblower is you and Dale Right.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know how she's even involved at all. So I'm just wondering, like I'm like she apparently didn't think I know who it was.

Speaker 2:

Well, but she came in the bar Right. So she comes in the bar, pulls a bartender to decide yeah, pulls Malibu out to the back door and says this is Guido's warning, warning me, warning that he either returns a snowblower to 50 bucks, but she didn't say what the consequence was. But that's your warning, that's my warning.

Speaker 2:

So I go on the camera to see who it is and I'm like it's that girl that didn't know who I was the other day so I showed you and you're like she used to live right down the street from me, so I text her.

Speaker 1:

I said her good night and then I put her name and then I ain't heard nothing else back.

Speaker 2:

I was like what the fuck? But you say you paid for that right, but if you didn't. He's done enough projects which he could have took it out of there. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

If somebody owed me money and they just did a bunch of projects For me, I think I'd take it off the top and be like here's what you owed. I sat right here At this bar. I was at the second chair in, he was at the third chair in. I sat right beside him and put it right there in the bar for him the day you got it. No, it was a couple weeks later. Oh, it was, yeah, but you definitely gave it to him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I promise. Like I told her. I said maybe he forgot or something, but that's between me and him. He could have brought it up to me. We'd have talked about it. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, and it's 50 bucks. This is a lot of fucking drama over 50 bucks.

Speaker 1:

That's why I was, like this girl's, so stupid. It was an old thing he pulled out of another house that he just had in his garage and I was like I'll take it and she's talking about you're taking advantage of an old man.

Speaker 2:

Get the fuck out of here. Tell me, first of all, 50 bucks ain't going to hurt Dale, I promise. I mean it's not. Nobody wants to lose money, no matter how much it is, but I mean, God damn 50 bucks, I'm like little addicts.

Speaker 1:

We just got these little addicts around. I'm trying to get the 50 bucks or the blower to sell or something. I don't know what the hell's going on.

Speaker 2:

Daryl said she's going to slap you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and.

Speaker 2:

I'll be like Sean Connery Shit. Well, according to Sean Connery, you could go ahead and slap her right now, because she hasn't stopped.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the hell is wrong with this girl.

Speaker 2:

She on drugs Well because that happened here and I thought, you know, I thought it was crazy, so I messaged you. And that was pretty late, I was worried you weren't even up, so I messaged you, call me. You know what I mean. If you were up you would call me, and you call me and I tell you what happened and you're like no, this bitch been texting me all night.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what the fuck? Yeah. So I was like, as soon as I got her, when you showed me the picture, I knew it was, so I texted her goodnight and I said her name, which I ain't gonna say it.

Speaker 2:

How many hours has she got into this now?

Speaker 1:

Oh, she's got some hours I could look. Well, I'm using my phone right now, but how many hours do you think?

Speaker 2:

just a guess Four hours, so she's already at like twelve and a quarter an hour. You know what I mean. Right For this 50 bucks 12 and a quarter an hour is all she's making so far.

Speaker 1:

She keeps going at it, she's going to lose even more. Yeah, I thought it was pretty ridiculous. I'm like this little crackhead.

Speaker 2:

I never see nothing like it. I never see. I don't know where the fuck she gets off.

Speaker 1:

He comes here Speaking for dale, like that well, this was before we added like a setup set up here. I used to go get his coffee, for remember, when he just got go get his coffee, talk to him for hours. Whatever come up here, I'm not saying dale hasn't bitched at you home.

Speaker 2:

He dale, might have said something he had to, uh, but I don't think that. I mean god damn, where does that make her to enforce her to?

Speaker 3:

come and like try and get this 50 or else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is his, this is his, this is his warning, or? Else, but here's the funny but the crazy part is she's texting you while she did that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah then, uh, once I, once I put her name out there, she was like, uh, I ain't heard a word from her since, really well, because at first you said who is, is this?

Speaker 2:

And you said you know who it is she goes.

Speaker 1:

No, she said you know me. I'm like, okay, well, who is it? But here, you know, she didn't block her number or nothing. And I'm like I went through my thing to see if I had her on there or something. And I'm like, no, I don't know you. And I kept thinking it was one of these other two girls and I was like, oh, you know, and I'm thinking in my head who it is, and I was totally wrong. So when I seen a picture like you know, there's good cameras in this bar. As soon as you pull in this parking lot, you're, you're on camera. Oh, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

And people don't get that as soon as you pull in this bar, you're on camera.

Speaker 2:

I don't care what you're doing yeah, malibu told me that and I just started laughing. That was funny. It was like it's like, it's like it's like a Seinfeld episode. It really is. It's like how everything just keeps going full circle. I was fucking dying man. I was laughing my ass off. It was pretty funny, I was just aggravated.

Speaker 1:

But it was funny because it went from aggravation to fucking comical. You know what I mean. Yeah, right right, right.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's this woman down here that goes down to the internet cafe, that comes in for the gift card. She's been freaking, harassing the shit out of me. She comes up to me because my Uncle Danny was staying at the house and because him and his girl split up or whatever. And he's been staying at the house and I'm a tough love kind of guy. I mean, that's how I am. I feel like, get your ass to act together. Especially, danny was just kind of partying a little bit Shouldn't have been and he's fricking staying at the house. I feel like he needs to not party and get his shit together and get his own place to stay and be a man. And for one, he's my uncle. I mean, it's not my kid, it's not my. You know what I mean? Parents, that's my uncle, I, that's. He should be taking care of himself.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, she, she fricking, comes up to me and catches me outside to one day and she's like, she's like telling me how he's depressed. I go, look, that's not my problem. He's supposed to be depressed. He's going through that. I'm not dealing with this. This is not. Leave me alone. Don't bother me with the, with this bullshit. It's first of all, I've got him in my house. I know what's going on with them. You know what I'm saying. He's in my house living with me. I don't need you coming and telling me some bullshit. Just stay away from me with this bullshit. So then she goes back. So she's been just nasty to me ever since, Cause I didn't jump into this drama conversation with her and then so she started.

Speaker 2:

She really got on me the other day Cause she came into she wanted to exchange some gift cards and there was no cash at like eight o'clock at night and that's I'm like, there's no promise to you that there will be any. You know what I'm saying Like. So it's just, it's just, it's just crazy. The whole thing is just a drama. So I told Danny say man, get ahold of this girl and tell her leave me alone. Man, I'm just. I said I hope he does kill himself and all this. He's like come on, dude, I mean me and Danny are like brothers. We shared a bedroom growing up. I mean, I'm not, I don't wish harm, I just think that he needs to take care of himself. So what, that's what I feel, that's how I think, and I'm not. I stand by, but I don't ever want him to kill himself or anything of that nature, but at any rate she fricking is telling him that shit. And then Danny starts fighting with her. Now, now Danny's fighting with her and she says she's going to have somebody jump me and all this other stuff. She's going to have somebody come Her, her boys are going to come kick my ass. Now she says you know, this is the bar business to deal with. It's stupid shit all the time. And they all have a crew and they all have a little cheerleading crew. Yeah, well, they all have a, they all have their boys or whatever that are going to come get you.

Speaker 2:

I mean, have you ever had a friend of yours call you up and go, hey, man, let's go kick this dude's ass? And you jumped on after 16. You have fucking weird. I'm looking at this fucking Texas. No, I mean after 16. I mean when you were a kid. Maybe that went on, not for me, but Right, I mean as an adult. No, don't call me with your bullshit. You know what I'm saying. Like, don't call me with your bullshit. Like I'm gonna get my boys. Yeah, call me up and be like hey, we're gonna go kick this dude's ass. No, I'm not.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna sit here and watch TV.

Speaker 2:

Have fun with that. You know what I'm saying, what the hell you better call Sean Connery. They all think they're the mafia, which I mean. You know? I don't know, I don't know, but I got my warning. You got your warning for running your mouth. No, the girl said oh, the girl gave you a warning. Well, she, she did it. You know, through Malibu.

Speaker 2:

She went to the right she went through the right uh, you know means, and, and, and the channels and got it to the person that they needed to get to. And now, you know, Make sure you jump in and do what you're supposed to do.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. Get right on that as soon as I get off here. I'm going right on it. I meant to call Dale. I should have called him. He said I should call him right now on air and see what he's, but he'll get mad if I do that. I ain't going to do that to him. He gets mad when I talk about him. Anyway, the one day I called him I was down there and get breakfast.

Speaker 3:

He says he goes, he goes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you want breakfast from the gay bar. I'm like well, I mean, you did hire some lesbians, dale. What do you want from me? More like addicts? Well, he tired, the gay girls that worked here is what it was. That's why I said that that's where that Hulk came from. But I mean, yeah, he was, so he was. I hurt his feelings. I think that I said that and I don't want to hurt Dale's feelings either. I'm not like. I'm not like this woman says I am. I don't want my family's feelings hurt. I don't want them to kill themselves. None of that good stuff you're driving him to kill.

Speaker 2:

You're driving him to kill himself we got to cut out because we're actually going to go back on, uh, somewhere between 10, 30 and 11, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna talk with a guy. His name is bron theron. Like spelled the ron what's he do?

Speaker 2:

he's a movie actor and he's an artist. He does a lot of graffiti stuff and gets paid for it. I want to say I've seen that he did some album covers for some hip-hop bands. He's done some movies where he did something called Rap, something I forget, and then Half half dead Fred was one which I watched, that one last night. But he's got one that just released um called pancake man and it's like this dude, that's like the opening, like the trailer for it. Let me see if I can find it real quick. The trailer for the pancake man. Yeah, it's like a. It's like a revenge killer movie type thing. You know what I mean? It's wild. I was shocked by it when I seen it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how to get back to the regular YouTube channel, but we're supposed to be on with him today. He's in Long Beach, california. The Pancake man trailer. Let me see if I can get it to come up that way. Let's see. Yeah, here, it is right here. All right, let's see. Pause that for a minute so I can get it right. Link page. Okay, here we go. Alright, we're gonna play it. Here we go. What the fuck happened here?

Speaker 4:

This crazy guy came in and he just started Stabbing people.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 4:

You, some crazy bastard killed your brother, killed Kevin Holy shit, I can't believe you shot that guy.

Speaker 3:

Want to make some money to destroy this.

Speaker 4:

They're like yeah, I don't care in there, I just shot his dick off.

Speaker 2:

I need to know where this guy is.

Speaker 4:

I need to know where he works.

Speaker 3:

I need to know where he'd hide your man here is trying to rob Kathy Mays Cafe.

Speaker 4:

I'm not telling you shit. You have frosted tips.

Speaker 3:

Did you do that to match your vagina?

Speaker 2:

As soon as we enter the door.

Speaker 4:

We should have our masks on. It's broad daylight, so we're not going to Disney. It's time, and this is about pancakes. Like the pancakes are good here but they're not that good.

Speaker 3:

Stupid man. Oh my god, the pancakes are good here, but they're not that good Stupid.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God. The pancakes are good here, but they're not that good. But yeah, we're going to. We're going to interview him today. We're going to have a mind for a little bit. We're going to do a whole nother show with him on it. I don't know, I don't think we're not going to go live with it. We're going to record it and then release it a little bit later. So all right.

Speaker 1:

So next week I'm gonna, I'm gonna this, I'm gonna go by that street, I'm gonna take some videos of it so we could have for next week, okay you just see what what I'm talking.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're coming up. You're gonna be not working, so maybe we'll start doing a few more extra episodes and some odd things, huh yeah we'll do some definitely some different stuff.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm gonna start cooking a little bit. I wanted to today. What are you going to cook?

Speaker 2:

Just some. I don't know. Amanda keeps telling me she wants pasta. Legions, bro.

Speaker 1:

Well you better go get some stuff.

Speaker 2:

She'll go get it all day long. I promise you she wouldn't even hesitate. All right, we're going to get out of here Anybody else that wants to see this interview that we do with Bron Theron Theron, this interview that we do with Brian the Ron the Ron, the Ron, the Ron the Ron, brian the Ron the Ron, come see us, peace.

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